Chapter 222 Xi Zhe No. 5

"The flood is coming soon..."

"Why didn't you issue a notice in advance?"

"Look at this posture, the flood is not small..."

"My dear, the water level has risen so fast. I have lived for more than 70 years and I have never seen anything like this."

"This flood, I'm afraid it will be bad..."

The well-informed old man had experienced large and small floods in this city, but this time, he was the first to see the unimaginable ferocity of the floods.

Finally, the floodwaters rose rapidly in a short period of time.

Before dark, the water surface was already close to the highest point of the river embankment.


When night falls, the flood control alarm in the city resounds throughout the world.

The flood peak came faster than expected!

Even though the rescue team led by Zhou Jun had already reported the warning of the flood in advance, the city is a super-large system, and it is impossible for a single person to respond quickly or turn around and flee.

A city has been rooted here since ancient times.

Generation after generation of people who thrive here are not also rooted in this riverside city?
bang bang...

In the darkness of night, there was finally a flood control embankment that could not bear the huge pressure, and a small hole was washed away by the fast flood.

The flood found its first breakthrough and began pouring into the city.

Once the gap is formed, it will become the weakest link of the entire levee. From here, huge chain gaps and damage may be formed quickly.

And thus a terrifying chain reaction occurred, and in the end, the dam collapsed and burst!

However, this is not the worst.

Because now, the real peak has not yet arrived.

But it's almost here, and when that time comes, the peak of the flood will directly surpass the highest point of the embankment.

Even if the levee does not break, the whole city will not be spared!
In the city center, a terrifying and tense atmosphere has spread.

It's too late, I'm afraid, but the city is still doing its best to move the city's residents.

But how easy is it?
The flood came too fast, too suddenly...

Countless people and relief vehicles gathered at the Civic Square in the city center.

This is the largest transfer point in the city.

However, as bad news came one after another, especially when the news came that the first gap appeared in the embankment, the public square gradually lost order.

Countless people have been shrouded in a climate of fear.

Under the exaggeration of this atmosphere, another more terrifying emotion was contagious among everyone.

That is, despair.


"Hey, who is that person?!"

"Everyone is moving, why are you going to the embankment?"

At the diversion point closest to the embankment, the exasperated evacuees saw a tall man walking in the opposite direction towards the embankment.

He was wearing a dark black raincoat that covered his whole body so that people could not see his face clearly.

However, at this moment when the whole city is gradually moving towards panic and disorder, even if they see someone walking towards the most dangerous place so abnormally, people finally have nothing to do. Although they want to call him, since he doesn't stop, they can I don't care anymore.

At this moment, not only is the flood peak passing through the border, shining ruthlessly on the city's embankments, but also, the sky is gradually starting to rain heavily, which is really a double whammy.

The city washed by floods and heavy rains is a scene of the end of the world!

An increasingly violent wind hung in the sky, pushing the wolves on the river to a higher place, looking so terrifying.

Even so, the mysterious man in the raincoat walked towards the embankment alone, towards the gap in the embankment that had been broken.

From this point of view, he is tantamount to walking towards the gate of hell!

Finally, he came beyond the embankment.

At this moment, facing the embankment of the river, his body alone seemed so small in comparison.

With his deep black raincoat, he seemed to blend into the embankment and the soil, becoming an ordinary small stone.

And the gust of wind raged even more crazily, and the torrential rain in the sky was almost blown across the sky.

Finally, the mysterious man took off the raincoat covering his head, revealing his delicate face like a sculpture.

A pair of brown eyes flashed a strange look in the dark night.

He raised his head, despite the torrential rain, his gaze was fixed on the high place, the terrifying gap in the embankment.

At this moment, the cracks around the gap are rapidly expanding and spreading, and the dam will collapse at any time!
He stared at all this steadfastly, his expression unexpectedly calm and terribly calm.

As if he couldn't see the gap and crack at all, or, or, he...

This person is No. 5.

Among the five major schools of AI-enhanced compound humans, the founder of the last school and the most mysterious school, and the only person representing No. 5, Xizhe!

Whether it was persuaded by Lao Gao, or because of some other reasons, the mysterious Xizhe actually came to the scene of the flood-ravaged city in person.

This was an agreement reached between him and Lao Gao.

In this verbal agreement, Xizhe and Lao Gao will complete their respective tasks.

For No. 5 Xizhe, his mission is to save the cities and tens of millions of people downstream of the dam.

And this city, the downstream city closest to the dam, became Xizhe's first choice.

Xi Zhe, who represents No. 5, may be one of the most mysterious factions among the five major factions.

The reason why it is only "one" is because of Lao Gao.

Lao Gao, who is ordinary to the mud and the market, is actually the No. 1 AI-enhanced compound human.

Xiao Fan didn't know why No. 1 and No. 5 were so mysterious.

They kept their identities incognito, even concealed their strength, and never showed up.

It wasn't until a crisis emerged that their identities were finally revealed.

Xiao Fan doesn't know if they can turn the situation around, but at least for now, Xiao Fan is extremely looking forward to witnessing what the mysterious No. 1 and No. 5 can do.

After all, judging from the AI-enhanced compound humans he has come into contact with, they are undoubtedly very powerful.


Xizhe under the embankment just stared at the gap of the embankment for a long time, letting the flood and rainstorm rage.

Finally, the peak of the flood peak is reached!

The water level rose sharply again by more than 1 meter, and the embankment was finally useless!

At the same time, when the flood flooded the embankment and rushed down, the dense cracks spreading around the gap finally collapsed.

The entire embankment collapsed like a collapse!


The flood seemed to pour directly from the zenith.

The small city finally came to an end.

Xi Zhe finally blinked his eyes, and muttered: "It's now..."

In a world filled with darkness, floods, and torrential rain, an undetectable spatial fluctuation pierced the world.

In an instant, centering on the initial gap in the levee, a giant barrier with a width of one kilometer and a height reaching directly into the sky was formed.

Within the barrier, everything is still!
The surging flood, which was about to engulf the entire city, was still in the barrier.

And as the upstream flood surged, they were pushed up when they touched the edge of the enchantment, and then stopped.

The flood formed a miraculous state of stacked arhats, continuously accumulating and rising, and rushed to the high clouds!

(End of this chapter)

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