Chapter 217
Xiao Fan anxiously ran aimlessly on the playground, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Now even if they rush back, the dam probably won't be able to hold it anymore.

The dam has reached a critical juncture.

And he was teleported back to Shuzhou University.

Xiao Fan remembered that she had said that Zhong Ling's will was too strong, otherwise she would not have saved him at all.

How to do how to do? !

Xiao Fan yelled anxiously, how he wished he could teleport back now.

People from the rescue team, tens of millions of people downstream of the dam, and Zhong Ling, all these people, Xiao Fan wanted to save.

But he was already far away from the center of the conflict, and he was really beyond his reach.

There are also AI-enhanced compound humans of the so-called No. 2 genre.

Xiao Fan frowned, unable to understand for a moment.

No. 2, which AI-enhanced compound humans does it represent?
Why number 2?
What's so special about number 2?
Who should I go to to get the answer?

At this time, a person popped out of Xiao Fan's mind.

Old Gao!


Xiao Fan suddenly realized.

You can find Lao Gao!
Not long ago, Lao Gao personally told me that he was also an AI-enhanced compound human.

So, he should know what the so-called No. 2 is.

If nothing else happened, Lao Gao should still be on the Côte d'Azur.

It's a quick ride from school.

Thinking of this, Xiao Fan didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately ran to the school gate.

When we got to the door, we stopped a taxi and went straight to the Côte d'Azur.

The business in the Cote d'Azur during the day is also good, especially the coffee shop on the first floor is full.

People who work and go to school nearby like to come here for coffee.

Xiao Fan felt a little heartache when he saw the smiling faces on people's faces, or the way the students were concentrating on solving the problems.

If it is true as Silver-Eyed Zhong Ling said, that advanced civilization 200 light-years away is about to take over the earth.

What about so many people on the earth, their lives, jobs, families, their dreams, the people they like, all of these, will they be meaningless?
Looking at the people in the coffee shop, Xiao Fan suddenly felt a strong sense of mission, even if it cost everything, he should try his best to protect the earth and the future of mankind.

Lao Gao is still the same, helping to do some cleaning work at the bar.

Thinking of seeing Lao Gao in Moyun Snow Mountain not long ago, the Lao Gao at that time was very different from now.

However, the current Lao Gao is his real appearance, an ordinary bartender who is reserved and professional.

Or, does it mean that even Lao Gao himself prefers his status as a bartender?
As for the identity of an AI-enhanced composite human, why doesn't Lao Gao reveal it in normal time?
Is it because it is unnecessary, or is it unspeakable?

However, Xiao Fan no longer cares about so much.

Immediately rushed to the front of Lao Gao.

"Old Gao, Lao Gao!" Xiao Fan asked him anxiously, "The AI-enhanced compound humans of the No. 2 genre, do you know who they are? The whole earth is very dangerous now! There is an alien who is 1 years ahead of the earth's civilization. Civilization has come to the earth. The most important thing is that they seem to be the AI-enhanced compound humans who have controlled the No. 2 genre. So many accidents and disasters happened on the earth this week, it is possible that these controlled No. 2 genres are responsible. of."

Lao Gao wiped the table with his head down, and when he heard Xiao Fan's last sentence, he just paused for a moment, and then continued to wipe his own table without saying anything.

Seeing Lao Gao like this, Xiao Fan became even more anxious, grabbed his rag, and said, "Old Gao, did you hear what I said? No. 2, No. 2, it seems that many AI-enhanced compound humans have been killed. Controlled and utilized. Aren’t you also an AI-enhanced composite human? Think of a way!”

Being robbed of the rag, Lao Gao finally stopped working and looked up at Xiao Fan.

He sighed and said: "That alien civilization is indeed very powerful, and ordinary AI-enhanced compound humans have no way to compete with him."

Xiao Fan was startled, and asked happily: "So, you've seen that alien civilization too. This is what I'm worried about, they... they seem to have kidnapped Zhong Ling and even possessed her! Old Gao, you Quickly think of a way to save Zhong Ling!"

Lao Gao shook his head, "Zhong Ling, you don't have to worry about her. She was chosen by an alien civilization, and she will be safe and sound."

"But..." Xiao Fan was still very anxious, "But what about the dam, do you know that Zhou Jun's rescue team has arrived, but the dam is about to fail."

Lao Gao sat down, he didn't seem too anxious, and took a sip of water from his water glass, and then said slowly: "He has already gone..."

"He?" Xiao Fan was a little confused, "Which him? Old Gao, please explain clearly!"

"Number 2, it is true that almost all of Number 2 have been controlled." Lao Gao glanced at Xiao Fan, "I may not have told you too many genres of AI-enhanced compound humans before. In fact, the AI-enhanced There are 5 factions in total for compound humans. The No. 2 faction is the most powerful faction. I guess, this may also be the reason why the alien civilization chose the No. 2 faction. However, the alien civilization did not control all No. 2. In fact, there is one person who has not been controlled."

Xiao Fan suddenly understood, "So, this is the person who has rushed to the dam? Who is he? Why isn't he under control?"

"Moss! The leader of the AI-enhanced compound man of the No. 2 faction." The old Gao said firmly: "One of the AI-enhanced compound men created directly by No. 0 has already gone. He said he wanted to save all No. 2, and I Didn't stop him. This is something he has to do."

"Moss? The leader of No. 2..." Xiao Fan was very surprised. He didn't expect that the leader of No. 2 had already been dispatched to confront the alien civilization head-on.

"Can he succeed?" Xiao Fan asked Lao Gao worriedly, a little uncertain.

Lao Gao shook his head, "I don't know...I don't know much about Moss. I can only hope that he can succeed."

"What if it doesn't work? The price is very high. The dam here is related to the lives of tens of millions of people downstream, and the entire earth is related to the future of the entire human being."

"I know," Lao Gao nodded, "but Moss insisted on doing this by himself, and I respect his choice. He said that if there is no way to defeat the alien civilization, he can at least guarantee that the No. 2 faction The AI-enhanced compound man should not become a tool for aliens to take over the earth."

"Can he contact the alien civilization's control of No. 2 AI-enhanced compound?"

"I guess, it should be..." Lao Gao murmured, "Let's wait and see, maybe a miracle will happen..."


(End of this chapter)

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