I am in a world where time stands still

Chapter 10 Unlocking New Items

Chapter 10 Unlocking New Items

When Xiao Fan's consciousness gradually blurred and he was about to pass out.

He vaguely heard the system prompts.

【Ding!Complete system tasks. 】

[Reward: 9 system points...]

Fortunately, the mission is finally completed...

Xiao Fan felt relieved, feeling that the burden that was on his shoulders before was finally lifted off.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with it.

Li Ruoying should be fine.

However, I myself...maybe something big...

Just when he thought of this, Xiao Fan felt the heartbreaking pain all over his body.

it hurts!

my feet...

my arm...

The body seemed to be torn apart, Xiao Fan finally passed out from the pain.


When Xiao Fan and Li Ruoying were sent back to Shuzhou Provincial People's Hospital, Yang Chengyi, who was working enthusiastically in the emergency department, was greatly surprised.

"What! What!!"

As Yang Chengyi walked to the ward, he listened to nurse Xiaohua telling him about the conditions of the newly injured patients.

When he heard that Xiao Fan was seriously injured, Yang Chengyi stopped in shock, stared at Xiao Hua, and asked "viciously".

"No, Xiaohua, please make it clear! The 'Xiao Fan' you just mentioned is the 'Xiao Fan' I just sent to the hospital not long ago?!"

"You mean, he was just released from the hospital an hour ago and then he was sent back?!"

Xiaohua also had an expression of disbelief, waving her hands and jumping her feet, her voice rising an octave.

"Oh, that's right, it's that Xiao Fan! Doctor Yang, he's been sent back again! There's also that Li Ruoying, but she's fine, but Xiao Fan is seriously injured!"

"Seriously? Are you sure? They even survived the plane crash, but now they are seriously injured?"

Yang Chengyi's face was full of disbelief, with his hands on his hips, he just didn't move.

"What kind of accident would it have been to hurt him? Would it have been hit by a missile or a rocket falling from the sky?"

"Oh, Doctor Yang, don't be joking, it's important to save people!"

Xiaohua didn't expect to be able to explain clearly. She grabbed Yang Chengyi's sleeves and pulled her away hard.

"Hurry up, the injuries are really serious! It's said to be a serious traffic accident, two cars collided!"

"Eh... no, Xiao Hua..."

Yang Chengyi still didn't believe it, but Xiaohua was a master among nurses. She was not afraid of Dr. Yang, so she couldn't help but pull Yang Chengyi over.

"Doctor Yang, you will know when you see it with your own eyes, hurry up!"


Pushing open the door of the emergency ward, Yang Chengyi saw that a large area of ​​the bloody emergency bed had been stained red.

The resident doctors under him have already begun simple preliminary wound treatment, and other nurses nearby are nervously helping deliver medicine, hand over tools, and install instruments.

"Doctor Yang, save him quickly!"

Li Ruoying, who was sitting on the other side of the ward, was sitting on a chair on the other side of the ward, with two small scratches on her arm.

Seeing Yang Chengyi coming, he ran over immediately.

All the doctors and nurses rushed forward for the time being, focusing on treating Xiao Fan, so no one came to bandage Li Ruoying with medicine for the time being.

Fortunately, Li Ruoying still had only scratches on her body.

It's about the same as when it was delivered in a plane crash last time...

"Don't worry, we'll handle it right away!"

Yang Chengyi nodded and rushed to Xiao Fan's side.

The resident doctor immediately stepped aside and reported the latest examination results to Yang Chengyi.

Yang Chengyi's brows gradually tightened.

Sure enough, there were three major fractures on Xiao Fan's body - left calf, right forearm, all were broken, and one rib was also broken.

What's more terrible is that this broken rib was inserted into the chest cavity dangerously, and it almost pierced through the right lung!

At this time, although Xiao Fan had fallen into a coma, he continued to cough up blood from his mouth as a conditioned reflex.

The situation is indeed serious.

Xiao Fan's injuries to other internal organs and tissues also urgently need emergency diagnosis and treatment!
Yang Chengyi realized that the situation this time was not trivial, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead. He was nervously directing the doctors and nurses to treat Xiao Fan with all their strength.

This time it's no joke!
This is really seriously injured!

Yang Chengyi did not dare to neglect, nor did he dare to be serious about the reason for Xiao Fan's sudden injury at this critical moment.

Of course, the doubts in his heart are getting bigger and bigger, and they will never dissipate.

The last time he was safe and sound, and this time he was seriously injured!

But now, Dr. Yang Chengyi's nature and energy to save lives and heal the wounded rushed forward, and he just tried his best to devote himself to the intense rescue.

Li Ruoying couldn't help much and couldn't even see Xiao Fan who was surrounded by doctors and nurses.

She could only stand aside worriedly, silently paying attention to the rescue of Xiao Fan.

Li Ruoying watched, and soon tears came down.

She knew very well that if Xiao Fan hadn't miraculously appeared between her and the truck that hit her, blocking most of the damage to her, it was very likely that she would be the one lying on the hospital bed now.

She wished she was also a doctor and could rush forward to help save Xiao Fan.

She didn't know what fate caused this classmate, whom she had never known before, to step forward again and again to save her life!
Listening to Yang Chengyi's loud command of rescue treatment, Li Ruoying finally panicked.

She couldn't calm down until the nurse took her out of the emergency room and started to treat her wounds.

Everything happened so fast, she didn't know what to do, she could only cry silently, looking at the ever-on light on the door of the emergency room.



Xiao Fan was a little confused.

He heard some fuzzy voices that seemed to surround his ears.

The voice sounded like the church he had been to once before, the singing of the choir there, and the sounds of all kinds of traffic at the intersection of the morning rush hour in Rongcheng.

The sound was suddenly louder and quieter, distant and closer.

And his consciousness also fluctuated up and down, wandering in a world he couldn't describe.

It's just that his eyes still can't be opened.

And he also vaguely felt that he was existing or flying in an indescribable way.

Finally, a ray of white dawn broke through the darkness, shining into his world with a flash.

Along with this bright white light, a voice floated from the sky from far to near.

【Ding!A marginal perturbation in the host's individual attributes has been detected. 】

[The marginal disturbance of the "body" attribute value breaks through the threshold!Automatically turn on the subconscious deep communication mode. 】

Xiao Fan was startled, and suddenly, the familiar electronic sound of the system became clear in his mind.

And he seems to have turned into a radio wave of consciousness, existing in an "abstract" form.

At this time, he couldn't feel his body, and of course he couldn't feel pain.

He does not get information input from a series of external perceptions such as vision, hearing, and touch.

Only, he can communicate with the system normally.

"I am..."

Xiao Fan wanted to use this to ask the system some questions about what happened to him.

And, your own injuries?

Seems serious?
He still clearly remembered the pain he felt before losing consciousness.

That feeling is not pleasant...

However, before Xiao Fan started to ask questions, he was directly interrupted by the system.

【Ding!A new item is unlocked in the system store: one of the five-color potions—the blue potion. 】

Xiao Fan curiously opened the system panel.

The first thing you see is your own system properties.

Including "body" and "spirit" in "individual attributes", and "wealth" and "fame" in "achievement attributes".

The "body" attribute in it immediately caught Xiao Fan's attention.

Although like other attributes, the values ​​of each attribute have not changed.

However, 28, which represents the "body" attribute value, is continuously flashing.

In addition, the color of the "28" has also changed from the original white to red.

It was as if the system was sending out some kind of warning and Xiao Fan needed to pay attention.

Is this... is it related to my car accident?
Xiao Fan guessed that since he was injured in a car accident, it is easy to logically assume that his physical attributes may be affected.

For example, because the injury is serious, the physical attribute value is correspondingly reduced?

However, his body attribute value at this moment did not decrease because of the injury, but changed color and began to flicker.

What does this show?

Xiao Fan couldn't figure it out for a while, and the system didn't give him a detailed explanation.

Xiao Fan entered the interface of the system store again.

Sure enough, two windows in the product column of the system were already lit up.

In addition to the "time still" lv2 that I saw before, at this time, in the lower column, the first window is also lit up.

Displayed in the window is a picture of a blue potion bottle.

"Blue Potion..."

This is exactly the same as the name of the item.

Xiao Fan immediately clicked on the item to check.

[Blue potion (one of the five-color potions):
Function: Increases basic body repair speed by 100 times.

Effective time: 3 hours.

Purchase price: 10 system points.

Precautions: During use, hyperactivity of body parts may occur randomly. 】


Xiao Fan carefully read the item description and tasted it carefully.

I have to say it, I don’t know it!
The repair speed is increased by 100 times, what a cowhide!
And what about that, hyperfunction?

Also random...

What the hell is this?

After reading it for a long time, I still had a little understanding.

But...10 system points?
Xiao Fan carefully considered the current situation.

Including the 9 system points just obtained, there are now 10 system points in total.

There are two items in the system store: "Time Still" lv2, and the blue potion.

The price is also the same, both are 10 system points.


Which should I buy?

Xiao Fan hesitated a little.

For "Time Standstill" lv2, this is his original intention.

The task released by the system before was difficult for Xiao Fan.

But he still tried his best to do it. To a certain extent, it was because he wanted to unlock "Time Standstill" lv2!

Moreover, if, as before, there was only this one thing to buy, he could simply buy it.

But now, the situation has changed, and the system store has also unlocked new items.

Xiao Fan suddenly felt, is this intentional by the system?
So, this new item should be just right for him to use now?
(End of this chapter)

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