The rise of the tyrant of the billion world

Chapter 9 Confronting the Lava Giant

Chapter 9 Confronting the Lava Giant
It was a huge humanoid rock monster, just like what he had seen in the news before, the lava giant was covered in a river of magma flowing like blood, exuding astonishingly high temperatures, and its appearance was ferocious and frightening.

In the sky, the lava giant was flying towards it. Countless flames spewed out from the monster's body, allowing itself to move forward like a huge meteor, even reaching twenty times the speed of sound!
This is not a monster, this is clearly an asteroid!An asteroid that is going to hit the earth and destroy everything!
One after another, fighter jets flew from afar, and kept tilting missiles at the monster. After firing a round, they turned around and left, went back to reload their ammunition, and then attacked again. In the sky, intercontinental missiles the size of rockets also shot. , Terrifying hydrogen bombs exploded on the monster one after another. A mushroom cloud thousands of meters high had just risen, and was squeezed out by another mushroom cloud...

The deafening sound echoed continuously, and the shock wave swept across the land within dozens of kilometers. This is a forest outside the city, and there are no people. However, under such an attack, countless trees turned into charcoal, creatures disappeared, and the environment was severely damaged. , the empire doesn't care about the environment anymore. If there is no delay, the fifth province will follow in the footsteps and become a wasteland!

However, such an attack did not affect it in the slightest, and the monster did not even slow down at all.

Xinglan stared blankly at the huge monster with a look of shock. Although he knew that the monster was close to 7000 meters high, the cold number was far inferior to the horror and powerlessness he felt when he actually faced it!
Xinglan was quickly shrouded in the shadow of the lava giant, and he only felt that the monster was overwhelming, like a magma continent!Together with him, there are dozens of the most advanced fighter jets in the empire—Spark 49!

The figure of the lava giant continues to expand, and it is falling to the ground!It's coming down in this direction!The bright red fire exuded such intense heat that even Xinglan felt the burning sensation!
"Fast back! Accelerate with all your strength!" The pilots of Xinghuo 49 yelled frantically, and the fighter planes dispersed and fled outwards, but their speed was still slower than that of the lava giant.

The lava giant fell like a meteorite and exploded with a bang, setting off layers of mud waves on the earth, sweeping the world!The terrifying shock wave scattered in all directions, and the forest and the earth opened spider web-like cracks, extending tens of kilometers outward.The animals howled, and were directly scattered by the shock wave, turning into mud and red blood on the ground.Occasionally, some huts in the mountains were also blasted and collapsed instantly.

Silt and sand filled the sky, dark clouds were thick, and it was a doomsday scene. In the vast expanse, only the looming huge monster was left.


In the war zone, in the combat research room.

"Why, how did this happen..." Tao Qiongyao lost her mind, watching the images of Xinglan and Fighter disappear on the holographic map, she felt as if she had been hit hard, her brain was dizzy, she took two steps back weakly, and almost fell to the ground, He was supported by Dr. Dugu in time.

However, Dr. Dugu's face was also pale, and his eyes were fixed on the holographic map. The image of the huge lava giant occupied a large area of ​​space, and he looked ferocious like a demon god.

Lin Bao didn't know when he stood up, looking at the image of the lava giant, his face was a little bad, but when he thought of the complete failure of the zero plan, he felt relieved again, he laughed and said: "General Tao, don't tell me, except Apart from number zero, you have no other backup?"

Tao Qiongyao didn't answer, she was still staring at the holographic map, biting her lip, with a look of unwillingness and sadness that she didn't even notice.

"Don't worry, even if your plan fails, General Zilong has already prepared another plan to preserve the empire. You know, General Zilong cares about you very much!" Lin Bao leaned forward and whispered, He glanced at Tao Qiongyao with a little regret, and then looked greedily at Dr. Dugu, making the latter feel chills all over.

"Wait! What's that!" Dr. Dugu noticed dozens of green dots suddenly appearing on the edge of the map, and said pleasantly, "He may not be dead yet!"

"How is it possible?" Lin Bao frowned.

"How is it possible!" Tao Qiongyao exclaimed and rushed forward, tapped the green dot lightly, and said anxiously: "Is it number zero? Please answer if you hear it! Please answer if you hear it!"


Back in time to the moment when the lava giant was about to fall.

"Warning! Warning! The host's life is seriously threatened! Please evacuate immediately!" The system popped up a reminder, and the bright red characters were extremely eye-catching.

Xing Lan glanced at the dozens of Xinghuo 49s in the nearby airspace, and after thinking about saving them, he split into dozens of mental tentacles, caught up with all the fighters in an instant, blasted open the cockpit precisely, and pulled the pilot away. come out.

The speed of thinking is the speed of mental power. Under Xinglan's full blast, every moment, the tentacles of mental power will flash a distance of hundreds of meters. In just half a second, they came to tens of kilometers away from the lava giant. Beyond, on a hill.

The dozens of drivers were still sitting in their seats with terrified faces. After teleporting to this side, they suddenly fell down and sat directly on the hard rock. Everyone was in pain, and they jumped up holding their buttocks. But he looked around in surprise and shouted:

"I survived! Great! Great!"

"Mother bless me! A miracle happened!"


Xinglan ignored these guys who survived the catastrophe, but looked thoughtfully at the lava giant in the distance—from here, the full picture of the monster was revealed in front of him, which was even more shocking:

The thick body is like a volcano, and the limbs are thick like pillars. The whole body is flowing with orange-red hot magma, and the whole body is emitting white steam.

Thin clouds float around its legs - it is cumulus cumulus, which usually occurs at an altitude of 3000 meters.Even the clouds only reached its legs, not to mention that the guy stood up and stood upright, just like the legendary Pangu who created the world, which was beyond shocking.

There are tens of thousands of densely packed missiles, flying from the surrounding sky, all of them bombarded the lava giant, but it couldn't cause any damage to it, and it directly ignored those missiles.

"What were you thinking just now?" The cold female voice suddenly asked, she knew that Xinglan was very cautious and shouldn't wait until the last second to evacuate.

Xinglan said lightly: "Don't you think that lava giant is too powerful? It is obviously a living thing, but it can ignore the attacks of missiles and hydrogen bombs. Even if the sun is hit by such an attack, it will have some reaction, right?"

"There are countless kinds of creatures in this universe, and naturally they have countless strange characteristics." The cold little assistant replied, the seemingly endless words made Xinglan's pupils shrink.

(End of this chapter)

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