Chapter 75
"No, a strong person tried it a long time ago. The distance between the galaxies is too far. With our current strength and technology, even if we consume the resources of the entire magic star, we cannot reach another galaxy, and there may be a gap between the galaxies. There are other dangers, and our current research is still blank."

"The goal of the Ark Project is another planet in this galaxy, named Water God. According to observations, 81% of the area of ​​Water God is ocean. The possibility of powerful monsters or even another civilization cannot be ruled out." Ken said seriously.

"So you actually don't know whether you can survive going to Water God Star, right?" Xing Lan asked lightly.

Ken nodded helplessly. The Ark Project is a very risky project, and it consumes a lot of resources and manpower. He is afraid that it will come to nothing in the end.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, the situation of the magic star is very serious. Sooner or later, those monsters will become stronger, so powerful that neither the Knights Templar nor the Crystal Tower can resist, and then the magic star civilization will be completely destroyed.In contrast, the risks of the Ark project are really not worth mentioning.

Everyone was arguing fiercely, their faces were red and their ears were red, and they couldn't open their hands. No one was convinced by the other's point of view.

"Quiet." At this moment, sitting in the first seat, the female knight king covered with silver-white armor spoke out, her tone was very light, but everyone stopped at the same time.

This one is Eunice, the head of the Knights Templar, the head of the Knight King, extremely powerful and overwhelming.

She was wearing full body armor, covering even her face.

Everyone looked at Eunice in unison, waiting for the next sentence.

"A show of hands to vote, a show of hands in favor of the implementation of the Ark plan." Eunice said lightly.

In an instant, at the round table, most people including Arlo and Esmond raised their hands, only a few people such as Eunice and Ken opposed it.

"The Ark plan is approved, and we will continue to implement it. Next, we will move on to the next topic: how to take the next step of the defense plan." Eunice seemed to have expected it, and went straight to the next item.

This time, not many people spoke.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

Everyone knows that if you stay on the magic star, you can only die. Those monsters cannot be killed, and they are still getting stronger. Sooner or later, all human beings will be turned into monsters.What's next?To be honest, no one has figured out what to do to truly defeat the monsters, so what's the next step?
This is an incredibly difficult and complex issue, so no one wants to speak out.

Ken suddenly said: "I suggest that we form a small team to go deep into the territory of the monster to find out the origin of the monster."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was so scared that they almost jumped up:
"Are you crazy! Looking for death? Then don't pull me!" Albert shouted immediately next to him.

"That won't work. The strong ones among the monsters all stay in their respective territories. They are not comparable to the giant monsters like the Wind Magic Eagle." Arlo also shook his head.

"This plan is too risky, and I don't agree."

Most people disagree.

Xing Lan sat there with her hands folded the whole time, without saying a word.

From the discussion of these people, he saw two words - panic.

Yes, panic.They use superficial anger, struggle for power, and eagerness to cover up their inner fear of monsters.

In fact, the Ark Project best reflects their panic—they are eager to escape and stay away from the monsters, because they know that they cannot defeat the monsters, and the only end of staying on the magic star is death.

None of them wanted to die.

So they are afraid.

However, this group of people is already the highest level of the Magic Star Alliance, representing the peak of the magic star's combat power. Even they are panicking. What will happen to the people at the bottom?
Xing Lan recalled the excited scene of hundreds of thousands of troops when they repelled the monsters, and sighed.How excited they are is how much they fear monsters.

"Monster, what's going on with such a weird thing?" Xing Lan sighed.

"Monsters involve a more advanced form of power, which cannot be solved by you at present." Tiantian said coldly.

Xing Lan's thoughts moved when he heard the words, as if he had grasped something, but he seemed to have grasped nothing, unfortunately, Tian Tian refused to say any more.

Everyone discussed for a long time, but they couldn't come up with any effective solution, but the meeting lasted for three days, so everyone rested here in the central city at night.


In a luxury hotel.

"It's really difficult. No one wants to take risks, but if you don't take risks, how can you find a solution?" Ken stroked his long white beard and sighed.

Although he is only 73 years old, he already looks haggard like a 100-year-old man, worrying about various things all day long, and consuming a lot of energy.

"Grandpa, don't worry too much. Now that we have temporarily defended against the monsters, we have a lot of time to think about it slowly!" Athene said behind Ken, rubbing his shoulders for him.

Ken glanced at Xinglan and gave a wry smile. Asheny was still too naive, thinking things too simply, and didn't understand how dangerous the current situation was.

"I'll help you solve the monster issue." Xing Lan said calmly, giving Ken a reassurance.

"That's great! With you here, I feel much more at ease!" Ken said happily, he didn't believe in the others, but Xinglan was the person who could save the world in the astrology prophecy, and Ken especially trusted him.

After sending Ken and Athene away, Xinglan found a few letters by his door, picked them up at random and read them:
"You devil! Get out of our world..."

"Hey, you brought those monsters from your own world, right? Why are you so disgusting? Quick..."

"You kind of trash should be hanged on the death rack and tortured with ten kinds of torture at the same time..."

Every letter is full of foul language and abuse, it is simply unsightly, and they are all scolding him.

Xing Lan's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he threw the letter into the stove and burned it.

Only important guests of the Magic Star Alliance can enter this hotel, so it is not ordinary people outside who can put the letter in his mouth, it must be someone with ulterior motives.

What is the purpose?Hit him?Or did you deliberately anger him and make him do something angry?

Xing Lan doesn't know the other party's thoughts yet.But he understands that just by his existence, he has already posed a huge threat to the local people, threats in various senses, so he already has many enemies secretly, but he doesn't know who they are.

Arlo?After he escaped, he turned the tide of the battle by himself and made a big splash. Correspondingly, Arlo would be despised by everyone, and he might become jealous because of this.

Albert?Edward was his pupil, quite possibly.

Or other people, at the meeting today, many people looked at themselves with strange eyes.

Thinking of this, Xing Lan suddenly laughed: "I'm still worried that I can't find a place to get my soul power. It seems that someone wants to give me some."

His smile is very cold.

(End of this chapter)

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