Chapter 71 Night Attack
The magician group is located in the very center of the barracks. There are more than 3000 people in total, all of whom are intermediate and advanced magicians. If Xinglan is not counted, there are only six great magicians, and Albert is the strongest among them. of.

Albert formed a team and assigned tasks for all the magicians, but Xinglan did not, as if he was intentionally left out.

Xing Lan didn't care, she just floated in mid-air and watched the scene with her hands folded.

"Xinglan, you pay attention to safety, I'm going." Below, Asheni reminded him, then turned and followed the large army.

The monsters have never stopped attacking. They have been attacking the stronghold from day to night. It's just that after the Feng Magic Eagle and Lei Wenhu left yesterday, the intensity of the attack was much weaker.

The human army did not counterattack, but just defended blindly.

As for the monsters, they have been maintaining a certain intensity of attack. In terms of top combat power, the Thunder Striped Tiger and another level [-] monster are guarding in the distance without any consequences.

The scene formed such a strange stalemate.

The number of human troops is constantly decreasing, and tens of thousands of people die every day. On the other hand, the number of monsters is still endless.If this continues, the only way for human beings to perish.

The change happened at night after two days.

Late at night, the bright moon is setting in the west.

In the thick black clouds, hundreds of huge figures floated.

"Everyone's here?"

"A dozen or so didn't show up, but that's enough."

"Very good, raid!"

In an instant, hundreds of giant monsters crashed down like meteorites from the sky, smashing the magic defense shield into big holes, and colorful magic energy soared into the sky!

"The monster is coming!!!"

"All emergency defense!"

In an instant, the barracks was full of noise, accompanied by sharp stabbing sounds, and hundreds of terrifying monsters started to kill as if they had entered the land of no one!
Just then, two 3000-meter-tall giant turtle monsters opened their mouths and spat out, and the cold air froze thousands of soldiers to death on the spot.On the other side, a huge firebird swooped over, with two long rivers of flame hanging from its wings. It fell from the sky and burned tens of thousands of soldiers to death.Such a terrifying scene is just the beginning!
"Burning the sky!"

A roar exploded, and Arlo was seen wearing a golden helmet, hanging in mid-air, raising his hand and slashing out with a sword. The crimson flaming long sword pierced the sky, smashing three giant monsters on the same line. Pierce simultaneously.

Hundreds of generals reacted quickly and stepped forward to stop the monsters. The sky and the ground were colorful, and various combat skills and magic were released.

However, there are too many monsters, and there are monster tides in all directions. The giant monsters don't care about those generals, they just slaughter blindly. They only need to kill, kill all the soldiers, and human beings will naturally be defeated and cannot be stopped.

"Albert!" Arlo roared angrily.

"Heavenly Fire Formation, rise!"

An old roar suddenly sounded, and Albert was seen suspended in mid-air, his robes rustling in the strong wind. On the ground, countless formations lit up, and strong fire-attribute magic power condensed in the mid-air. Huge meteorites were formed!
"Forbidden technique, skyfire meteor!"

Albert took out a crimson staff, waved the staff, and the invisible spiritual power guided the meteorite to fall, hitting the powerful monsters precisely!
For a moment, the earth turned into a sea of ​​flames, countless monsters were hit by the meteorite, and they were blown apart!Only certain monsters with strong defenses can avoid being destroyed.

"Kill that human being!" A giant bear monster roared, and its figure swelled to a height of tens of thousands of meters. It slapped it down with a slap, as if it was about to shatter the earth, and the huge bear's paw covered the sky and covered the ground!
"Arlo protect me!" Albert yelled, he was presiding over the formation and couldn't move!
"Protect Albert!" Arlo said, turning into a ray of golden light and hitting the huge palm of the giant bear monster, and directly exploded the giant palm!

Hundreds of powerful monsters gave up chasing and killing the soldiers, and attacked Albert at the same time.The faces of the generals changed drastically, and they hurried forward to stop them, but there were too many monsters, even if some of them were stopped, more than 100 of them were just empty-handed.

These are more than 100 giant monsters, each of which is extremely powerful!They rushed towards Albert with ferocious faces, and the powerful aura alone had scared off countless soldiers.

"No, I have to withdraw first!" Albert was so scared that his scalp was numb, he yelled, and quickly stretched out his hand, condensing a fiery red portal, and with another mental move, he raised Edward from the crowd, and the two Get into the portal and escape!
It was impossible not to run. He was besieged by more than 100 monsters at levels seven, eight, and ninety at the same time. Even Arlo did not dare to say that he could survive such a terrifying attack.

"No! Albert ran away!"

"Is there any great magician? Go up there! The formation is about to break!"

"No, the other great magicians have just been killed, we are finished!"

All the soldiers were desperate and lost the defense of the formation. Maybe the generals were strong enough to escape, but they definitely could not escape death. Their fate would be to turn into monsters and join the monster army, and they would have to deal with the past. Friends and relatives are fighting each other with swords.

Thinking of such a scene, the soldiers became more depressed, their morale was low, and their resistance was weak. Thousands of people died every second.

And the dead soldiers, a few minutes later, would stand up staggeringly and attack their former comrades-in-arms.

Such a scene is really depressing.

Below, Xinglan folded his hands, surrounded by white swords defending him and Asheny, he didn't do it directly, but secretly arranged the Heavenly Demon Soul Devouring Formation to maximize the range, so it would take some time.

"Arlo, let's run?" Several generals followed Arlo and shouted quickly.At this point, defeat is inevitable.

"Are you kidding me!" Arlo said angrily. If he just ran away in embarrassment like this, would he still have any shame?What would those in the temple think of him?
"Kill the guy in the golden helmet, he seems to have a special identity!" At this time, the more than 100 giant monsters just now shifted their targets and spotted Arlo.

As the saying goes, capture the thief first and capture the king. In the past, there was a balance of power in the battlefield, and there were too few giant monsters, so it was difficult to go directly to Arlo. The situation is different now.

More than 100 giant monsters, whoever catches them will die!

All of a sudden, more than 100 powerful attacks, such as giant tiger palms, lightning javelins, tornadoes, and ice storms, all attacked Arlo!
"Run!" Arlo's face changed drastically, and he yelled hastily. His figure turned into a streamer, and he fled away. Those attacks couldn't catch up with him.

"General Arlo! Don't leave us behind!"

"It's over! Even the God of War has abandoned us!"

"No!!! I don't want to die!!! I don't want to become a monster!!!"

Countless soldiers wailed, roared, and roared, but this was in vain. No matter how angry and sad they were, they could not change the facts.

They were abandoned, all the high-ranking generals fled, and the fate of ordinary soldiers was to die.

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(End of this chapter)

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