The rise of the tyrant of the billion world

Chapter 69 Don't Do This!I'm not that kind of person!

Chapter 69 Don't Do This!I'm not that kind of person!
Even a level [-] powerhouse like Arlo can't do anything about them, this is a powerful existence beyond level [-] of Xinglan!
Unlike magicians, strong men like Arlo cultivate a kind of energy called fighting spirit. Fighting spirit can be cultivated and born from the body, enhancing the strength of warriors in all aspects.Those who have cultivated to the level of people like Arlo can even fly at low altitudes, but because fighting spirit is very precious, few people do this.

"Why didn't you tell me before that there are such powerful existences on the planet, and why is the level of magicians so much lower than warriors?" Xing Lan looked at Ken and asked.

"It was too late in a hurry, and you left. Our magicians are stuck at the level of the great magician because of the existence of magic power boundaries. On the planet, there seems to be a hidden rule that prevents the great magician from being promoted. As a magister, or even a stronger existence. It is said that in ancient times, those realms could be achieved." Ken explained helplessly.

"Then what's your plan now?" Xing Lan looked at the crowd and asked.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally looked at Arlo.

"In fact, we have two plans. One plan is to delay the completion of the magic spaceship Ark. At that time, we will bring 1 people to immigrate to another planet, and it will take about half a month to complete. " Arlo said.

"Only 1 people?" Xing Lan frowned slightly.

"Yes, so I conceived another plan, using the magic crystal mountain range to set up a super formation to block the monster army and build a safe line of defense, but the problem is that we can't hold back the monster army and don't have time to construct. Now The alliance needs manpower everywhere, and we can't find anyone to help us." Ken continued.

Time, still time.

Everyone discussed again, but they didn't come up with any new solutions, so they had to go back to rest and prepare for the next big battle.

"Any clues?"

Inside the camp, Xinglan, Ken, and Athene sat facing each other.

Hearing Xinglan's question, Ken shook his head and said, "No, those monsters seemed to appear out of nowhere, like the Wind Demon Eagle and Thunder Tiger suddenly turned into monsters, we didn't have time to check what happened."

"I'll hold them back, how long will it take for you to go back and set up the big formation?"

"Three days, as long as you give me three days, I can arrange it! Many things have been prepared in advance. I will go back and find people, and I can build a large formation as quickly as possible!" Ken said excitedly, if Xinglan can help Stop the monsters, and they will be saved!

The big formation was designed by Ken himself, and it was extremely complicated. No one could complete it except him. Although Ken had already found someone to make most of the formation in advance, there were still many key points that needed to be adjusted by him.

"It's not too late, you go back quickly, I'm here to guard."

"Okay! I believe in you!" Ken nodded, told Asheny again, and left the camp directly.

His trust in Xinglan is partly due to his strong strength and super talent, and partly due to prophecy. Xinglan is the one who saves the world in Ken's prophecy, so he trusts Xinglan very much.

"Xinglan, thank you so much for saving me during the day. This is a little thought from me. Please don't refuse." Arseny said with a slightly red face, and handed over a blue dragon-headed magic wand with both hands.

[Item: Longyuan, Level: Advanced Magic Staff, Attribute: Thunder Attribute, Magic Power Recovery Speed ​​is 50% faster, Magic Power Output Power is increased by 30%, Thunder Property Magic is enhanced by 50%]
This is a precious and powerful magic wand, just looking at its attributes, it is priceless.

Xing Lan took the staff and put it aside, walked towards her, and asked, "Do you have time tonight?"

Xinglan is tall and thin, with an extremely handsome face, and he has an aura of being a strong man, so he is the best candidate for a partner.When he walked towards Athene, his stern demeanor made him exude a unique charm, making women involuntarily want to be cared for by him.

"Ah? Ah! I, I, I have a fiancé..." Asheni blushed instantly, stood up quickly, and wanted to run away, but Xinglan grabbed Hao's wrist, and she said nervously, "You, don't do this !I'm not that kind of person!"

"I want you to teach me more magic." Xing Lan grabbed her directly and led her to the workbench, pointing to the pile of magic books that Ken brought over for him.

As we all know, magic books are huge, very thick, and the language is difficult to understand. It often takes a few months to read and understand those theoretical knowledge, let alone learn magic.

And Xinglan has an overclocked mind, plus he is originally very intelligent, so the speed of learning will be greatly accelerated. If Athene can explain it to him next to him, it will be even faster.

Asheny is a top student at the Royal Academy of Magic in Sealand, so she has read many magic masterpieces.

"Ah! Well, of course it's okay! What I meant just now is..." Asheny knew that she was mistaken, her face turned even redder, like a monkey's ass, and hurriedly tried to find an excuse.

"Don't say it's useless, I'm short on time, tell me, which part of the principle of the explosion characteristic of fire attribute magic is?" Xing Lan interrupted her directly, and turned on the overclocking of her mind.


more than an hour later.

In front of Xinglan, there are hundreds of great books on magic, ranging from elementary to advanced, and there is even a book on forbidden magic (all in Athene's collection). That's right, he has learned all the principles and methods of magic in it!

"Ding! You have mastered 302 magics including portals, etc.!" The system also prompted.

However, the consumption is also huge, now Xinglan only has [-] points of soul power left, and he can't even release the super-mosha weapon equipment once.

Moreover, the soul power is not enough for the consumption of thinking overclocking. He listens to Asheny's introduction, and then turns on thinking overclocking to learn the knowledge he needs, which can save soul power and time to the greatest extent.

"You are truly an unprecedented super genius! You have broken the record of the entire planet! Grandpa will be very happy when he finds out!" Athany said while looking at him in shock and joy. Such a super genius, but she friends.

"It's average." Xing Lan said indifferently.

On this planet, there are immortal monsters everywhere. He doesn't even know where to get soul power. He can get soul power if he kills people, but killing people at this time will be attacked by groups. He doesn't want to provoke Al. Luo, I don't know if I can beat that guy.

Therefore, in a short period of time, he may not have any soul power to gain.

But the good thing is that he quickly learned a lot of magic, which greatly enhanced his strength.

"Athene! It's so late, why don't you go back to the camp to sleep!"

At this time, there was a loud shout, and Edward broke into Xinglan's camp, grabbed Arseny and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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