Chapter 55
A woman with a graceful figure and her whole body covered in a psychedelic blue robe, holding a crystal staff, rose into the air, chanting the mantra: "guji! sahala!"

Immediately, a gust of wind blew in, and bolts of lightning struck down, shaking the four Gundams and restraining them in place. The electronic equipment on their bodies kept reporting errors and were completely scrapped.

"Second Sister Mo, let me help you!" The remaining one, who was small but with an excellent figure, looked very young, giggled, and suddenly appeared two short swords in her hands, and disappeared in place in an instant.

On the four Gundams, countless black lines suddenly appeared, and with the sound of clicking, their bodies were divided into countless pieces!

Then, with a loud bang, the four Gundams fell apart and turned into broken parts, piled up like a mountain.

At this time, the young girl returned to the peak tower, giggling and said: "It's really hard to beat!"

In the city, people ran away screaming and yelling for help, some stayed where they were, as if nothing had happened, and some took the opportunity to rob shops. In short, it was chaos.

Not far away, on the roof of a 500-meter-high building, Xinglan was watching with folded arms and glanced at their information.

[Name: Sword Two, Level: 56, Age: 87, Skill: ? ? ? ,...]
[Name: Magic Two, Level: 55, Age: 30, Skill:? ? ? ,...]
[Name: Knife One, Level: 60, Age: 132, Skill:? ? ? ,...]
[Name: Shadow Two, Level: 54, Age: 28, Skill:? ? ? ,...]
This group of people are all around level [-] or [-], using the power of the magic side and the cultivation side, and seem to despise the technology side very much.

"Ding! Release the mission: eliminate the power of the king of heaven, or drive them out of the earth, or kill them, or subdue them. Reward: 100 million soul power!"

"The ability is not bad. These force values ​​are all over eighty, and the quality is quite high." Xing Lan nodded slightly and looked up at the Leviathan Administration Palace not far away, thoughtfully.

Now, it's time for Leviathan to use his real strength, right?If this is not the case.

But I heard a huge broadcast sound appearing in the city:
"At 2120:2 am on February 18, 9, Leviathan announced that Los Angeles had fallen and was occupied by the enemy. The president and other important people had all evacuated."

Did this give up?
Xinglan was stunned. He was a little suspicious. After all, the Starfire Empire had hidden so many secrets. Leviathan, one of the four superpowers, couldn't possibly use the Giant Gundam as a means, right?
Unexpectedly, Leviathan seemed to have really given up on Los Angeles. There was no attack, and even the army and police began to withdraw from Los Angeles, and the whole Los Angeles fell into chaos.

Xinglan is a bit unbelieving, and watched the situation of other forces in the live broadcast. Beisha Kingdom and Western Union are actively resisting the invasion of other heavenly kings, but Beisha Kingdom and Western Union are retreating steadily, and cities have declared their fall. .

Looking at Luocheng again, among the four heavenly kings, three left to occupy other cities, leaving only one heavenly king staying on the peak tower to guard Luocheng.

It's Daoyi, the man holding the black magic knife.

He stood quietly on the peak tower, looked at the chaotic Los Angeles, and whispered softly: "To restore order, you must first let it be chaotic, chaotic, chaotic, it is best to destroy all the equipment on the technology side. It will guide you into the era of cultivation, although this world is very weak and there is very little aura, but at least..."

Saying that, Daoyi shook his head lightly and sighed.

But at this moment, he turned around abruptly, stared at the tall, thin and handsome boy, frowned and said, "Who are you? When did you come?"

"I learned Leviathan well. Which world are you from?" Xing Lan also replied in Leviathan. As a new human being and a super genius, he can speak the languages ​​of all countries and races on Earth.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Dao Yi said lightly, but his figure suddenly disappeared, and he came to Xing Lan's back in an instant, his eyes flashed fiercely, the black energy on the magic knife radiated, and he directly wiped Xing Lan's neck!
Whoever you are, die!

Dao Yi thought in this way, the knife slashed, but there was no scene of the head falling as expected.

"Shield? No wonder there is confidence." Dao Yi narrowed his pupils, keenly seeing a thin layer of transparent material on Xing Lan's body, protecting him like a shield, and shining slightly.

Xing Lan snorted coldly, and an ordinary long sword appeared behind Dao Yi, stabbing directly at the back of the heart.

Dao Yi's sense of danger is very strong, he blocked the long sword with his backhand, his brows were even more wrinkled, he didn't realize when Xing Lan took out the sword.

However, it doesn't matter, being approached by a knife repairer, no matter how strong the defense is, there is only one word for the end, death.

"Demon weapon!"

With a cold snort, Dao exuded a terrifying devilish aura, which turned into a pitch-black armor covering him, and his aura suddenly soared!
"Cut someone eighteen times!"

Simple and rude name, eighteen knives were slashed out in an instant, from head to toe, from attack to defense, from the direction of attack to the escape route, each knife slashed towards Xinglan, sealing his whole body!
Ding Ding Ding Ding!
There was a dense sound, and a pale white mental power shield emerged from Xinglan's body, referred to as the white shield. This is another usage of [Disfigurement], which has extremely strong defensive power and can corrode the opponent's weapons.

On the magic knife, the black energy has been reduced by half, and the magic knife has dimmed, and it seems that it has suffered a lot of damage.

Daoyi's expression changed, and he hastily released more magic energy to warm up the magic knife, which restored the magic knife's luster.

"How dare you hurt my knife, you really angered me." Daoyi's eyes glowed with blood, and the devilish energy gushed out of his body, and the magic knife was even more terrifying.


With a loud shout and a slash, it was so fast that no one could react, except Xinglan.

Xinglan also shrank his pupils, and quickly arranged a thick white shield with his mental strength.

But seeing the magic knife slashing heavily on the white shield, a strange breath of death and extinction leaked out, and it was in a stalemate with Baidun's [disfigurement] for a moment, and then, a white light flashed!
The magic knife was blown away with a buzzing sound!

Dao Yi looked at Xing Lan in disbelief, suddenly remembered something, and said in surprise: "Spiritual power has manifested!?" Judging from his tone, he was even more surprised than Jian Yi back then.

Xing Lan was a little surprised, the power of the knife just now was extremely terrifying, it could even kill generals in an instant, if he didn't have the white shield and the heart of the planet, it would be hard to say that he would have survived.

"Are you guys with Jian Yi?" Xing Lan asked directly without saying a word.

"Have you seen him? Sure enough..." Dao's eyes flashed coldly, and then he said, "Yes, he is one of us."

"However, you seem to be at odds."

"Yes, we have different ideas. We want to rule the world, but he doesn't allow it and refuses to tell us where the passage is." Daoyi said, showing a ferocious smile, "So, I used the magic knife to cut off his arm. , and threatened him with his daughter’s life before he would say anything.”

"You want to test me." Xing Lan said calmly, without changing his expression, "Someone is using a special method to see the situation here through your eyes and ears."

(End of this chapter)

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