The rise of the tyrant of the billion world

Chapter 48 You are such a devil!

Chapter 48 You are such a devil!

Ghost Test: The enemy is unable to judge the movement of the army where this counselor is located, and the probability of not being discovered increases by 10 (when the commander value increases, this bonus will increase)
Magic calculation: The position, city or army where the strategist is located has a 20% chance of discovering the enemy's stratagem (this bonus will increase when the stratagem value increases)
Unplanned: The position or city where the strategist is located increases by 10 the probability of not being affected by the enemy's strategy (this bonus will increase when the government affairs value increases)
"Miraculous calculation." Xing Lan said directly.

[Dugu Danya has obtained the divine calculation feature]
Tao Qiongyao quickly explained the system to Dugu Danya.

"There are too many unknown things in this world." Dugu Danya sighed.

"Yes, this universe is too big, far beyond human cognition." Xinglan agreed.

Xing Lan told her about Dugu Yang's affairs. In fact, he didn't know much about himself, but as one of the people who often came into contact with Dugu Yang during that time, Xing Lan knew far more information than Dugu Danya knew. material.

"I see, thank you, no, thank you Xingwang." Dugu Danya took a deep breath and said.

"Tomorrow, I will arrange for a few female soldiers of the Heavenly Witch to come and protect you, Qiong Yao, you deal with this matter, and then I will take you away." Xing Lan made a plan.

"it is good."


In the war zone, the abyss.

Lin Zilong walked into the room with leisurely steps and a confident smile on his face.

"General Zilong! You are here!" A middle-aged man in a white coat hurriedly greeted him, and other researchers also called "Hello, General Zilong" and the like.

"Where's Lin Bao?" Lin Zilong nodded slightly and asked.

"Please go here. After our genetic modification, Lin Bao is already the fourth generation of new human beings! Combining the two states of machinery and life, this is a brand new life form!" The middle-aged man said, with a smile on his face. The fanatical expression led Lin Zilong to a huge glass jar.

This glass jar is full of light red liquid, and you can see mist-like nanomachines dissociated in it. Lin Bao soaked in it, closed his eyes, as if he was sleeping, and directly sucked the liquid into it without wearing a breathing mask. into the body.

"Lin Bao, wake up! General Zilong is here to see you!" The middle-aged man shouted into the glass jar.

"Zilong..." Lin Bao opened his mouth to speak, but bubbles came out one after another.

The liquid disappeared, the glass jar was opened, and Lin Bao came out. At this time, he was more than 20 centimeters taller than before, about two meters tall, and his body was stronger. Just looking at his appearance, he seemed to be no different from ordinary people.

"How do you feel?" Lin Zilong smiled.

"It couldn't be better!" Lin Bao squeezed his fists, jumped again, grabbed a test bench weighing tons next to him, and tore it up with both hands!
"Damn it! That's equipment worth 2000 million star coins!" The middle-aged man couldn't help but curse.

However, Lin Bao smiled strangely, put his hands together, and put the test bed together again. It seemed that some mysterious force worked to restore the broken surface of the test bed!

"Old man, isn't your test bench here? Hahaha!" Lin Bao laughed and put down the test bench. When the middle-aged man saw it, he stepped forward suspiciously and took a brief look. He didn't see any cracks, so he was relieved .

"Yes, it seems that you have obtained the super power to manipulate metal." Lin Zilong smiled.

"Yes, it's a pity that strictly speaking, my body can only be regarded as half a new human being, otherwise, I will obtain even more powerful superpowers." Lin Bao clenched his fists, said with some regret, and then revealed With a smirk, "Where is that guy number zero? I'm going to tear him apart!"

"Don't worry, the time is not yet ripe, you can learn more about super powers." Lin Zilong said, leading Lin Bao out of the room.

"General Zilong, go slowly!" The middle-aged man sent Lin Zilong away with a flattering smile, turned around to check carefully, and cursed, "Grass! Lin Bao! The test bench has only been restored on the outside, and the small electronic equipment inside is still broken. ! You pay me for the test bench!"

"Zilong, go to have fun tonight?"

On the way, Lin Bao chuckled, showing a smile that any man could understand.

"No, there are a lot of things happening in the underground city recently, I have to go back and deal with them." Lin Zilong shook his head.

"Hey, you are really busy. You are in charge of the operation of ten underground cities. Why don't you share some of it with your subordinates?"

"I can't trust those people, and you're lazy, so I can only come by myself. Don't talk, let's go first." Lin Zilong shook his head and chuckled, got on the luxury suspension car, and left.

Lin Bao looked at Lin Zilong's back and smiled.

More than ten minutes later, Lin Bao came to the wealthy area in the city center, where there are all villas, each worth hundreds of millions of stars.

Lin Bao stopped in front of one of the villas, changed into a handsome white suit, and held a red rose in his mouth.

The door was opened by an extremely beautiful young woman, wearing a blue cheongsam, outlining her charming figure.

"Why are you? Where's Zilong?" The woman showed dissatisfaction.

"Why, sister-in-law, I can't do it?" Lin Bao smiled, handed her the rose, walked in, and picked it up when she closed the door.

"You're crazy!" the woman exclaimed, and was immediately carried into the room.

In the sky, Xinglan took advantage of the night to stand on a street lamp, the starry sky watch on his wrist silently recorded the picture, and smiled strangely.


The next day, early in the morning.

Zhang Shishi drove Lin Bao away, then put on light makeup, put on a delicate and casual floral dress, took the keys of the sports car, and was about to go out for breakfast when suddenly the doorbell rang again.

"That dead ghost won't miss anything, right?" Zhang Shishi spat, his face flushed slightly, and he opened the door, only to see a strange man wearing a mask standing in front of the door.

"Who are you?" Zhang Shishi rolled his eyes and asked. People nowadays are really strange, wearing masks in broad daylight.

"Miss Zhang, I have a deal, maybe you will be interested." The man said coldly, turned on the device in his hand, and an unsightly holographic video appeared in the air.

Zhang Shishi's expression changed, and he pulled him into the room.

"Who are you? Do you know what will happen if you take a sneak shot of me?" Zhang Shishi sat on the sofa in surprise, with his arms folded, staring at him coldly.

"I think Lin Zilong will know." The man sneered.

Zhang Shishi's face changed, this person came prepared, and this is troublesome.

"What kind of deal do you want to talk about?" Zhang Shishi took a deep breath and asked through gritted teeth.

"It's very simple. Lin Zilong will come to you every few days to eat at your place. You only need to put a drop of this in the meal." The man took out a black bottle.

"Poison? You want to kill me?!" Zhang Shishi's face was pale, and he was trembling with fright!This man is crazy!He actually wanted her to cooperate in the assassination of Lin Zilong? !She dare not do that!

"It's not poison, but it will make Lin Zilong's body function decline rapidly. Don't worry, no one can find out this kind of thing. It will lose its effect within 3 minutes after seeing the light. Anyone will only think it is a bottle of water. .” The man said lightly.

"Why should I promise you?"

"You have no choice."

"You're a devil!"

 Please bookmark, please recommend, these two days I will spend time to revise the previous article


(End of this chapter)

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