Chapter 42 Rage

"Has the Emperor not come back yet?"

The prime minister knelt on the ground and asked anxiously.

On the phoenix chair, the queen crossed her legs gracefully, held the cat in her arms and stroked it gently, and said calmly: "What? Do you think I can't solve those bugs?"

"I don't dare!" The Prime Minister's face tightened, he quickly kowtowed, and said, "Queen, what should we do now?"

"Let them fight. It's best to wipe out all the countries on the surface, so that they can pretend that no one is there, and avoid some guys and save some trouble." The queen said with an unchanged expression.

"Yes, but there are nearly [-] million people in the empire on the surface, are they all going to give up?" the Prime Minister asked unwillingly.

"Aren't there still a billion people underground? Isn't that enough?" the Queen asked back.


country of stars.

Tianjun is directing the army of the Heavenly Witch to defend.

Three hundred nautical miles to the north of Liuli Island, a lava giant just appeared. There are several island countries around it, which were already occupied by doomsday monsters. After the lava giant appeared, the doomsday monsters there fled in large numbers, and many of them broke into Liuli the extent of the island.

At this time, the doomsday monsters had gradually decreased, and Tianjun heaved a sigh of relief.

"Report, we observed that the lava giants in the north are rapidly approaching our star kingdom!" A sky witch soldier descended from the sky and hurriedly reported.

"What! Let everyone hide in the underground fortifications!" Tianjun hurriedly said, and then said in his heart, "Please contact the Star King! The Kingdom of Stars has been attacked by a lava giant!"

Just after she finished speaking, the ground suddenly trembled, dark clouds covered the sky, and the glowing red light of the Extinguishing Fire illuminated the entire Liuli Island.

Everyone looked up in horror, and saw a [-]-meter-tall lava giant standing in the center of Liuli Island, with no roof but two legs.Just like the giant pillar of Optimus, everyone can see it anywhere in Liuli Island.

The surrounding demon female soldiers were all fighting in two directions, and they were so frightened that they went limp. In the face of such a terrifying creature, even the demon female clan would be afraid.

[Star King is coming, immediately command the soldiers to hide! ]
Tianjun glanced at the prompts from the internal affairs officer system, took a deep breath, and calmly said: "Everyone, hide underground!"

In the distance, a terrifying shock wave swept in, the earth shook, the sky roared, and countless buildings collapsed.

"Not good! That mother and daughter!" Tianjun suddenly remembered something, his expression changed, and he hurriedly controlled the flying carpet and flew towards the city.

Most of the people had already hid in the underground bunkers, and a small number of people were crushed to death by the collapsed buildings before they had time.

Aunt Chen's breakfast shop, this is the shop that Xinglan specially ordered Tianjun to prepare for Aunt Chen. It is much better than the original location. Aunt Chen and Chen Xiaoli lived here after they came to the Kingdom of Stars.

At this time, Aunt Chen and Chen Xiaoli were hiding in the corner of the wall, but they didn't know that a large piece of building debris was falling from above their heads. Once it hit, the two women would be smashed to pieces!
When Tianjun rushed here, seeing this scene, his eyes shrank.

Too bad, that mother and daughter are people whom Star King cares about very much!If they die...

Tianjun was so frightened that his heart was trembling, he didn't dare to imagine the terrible consequences, but she was a little far away, so she couldn't help at all!
"Don't move!" But at this moment, there was a coquettish shout from the side, and I saw a strong female soldier of the sky, rushing in from the street, one in each hand, carrying the two women, this process only It took two seconds!
"Follow me!" Tianjun was overjoyed, and hurriedly picked them up and flew towards the underground bunker.


A large area of ​​buildings collapsed, burying the entrance to the underground bunker!
Although the building wasn't that big, it would take at least ten minutes to clean it up.


In the sky, two blazing red death lights swept down obliquely. They were the flame death lights of the lava giant, with a temperature of tens of millions of degrees and accompanied by a strong explosion!
Continuous explosions sounded, and the two rays of light swept towards Tianjun and others. Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed.

"Put up the defense! Block the attack!" Tianjun's face was pale, but he shouted angrily. Together with the female soldier, they set up a protective shield of mental power, but they knew in their hearts that this would definitely not be able to stop the terrifying lava giant. .

Aunt Chen and Chen Xiaoli hugged each other in fear, trembling all over, as if seeing death.

But at this moment, a cold snort suddenly resounded: "How dare you run to my territory to act wildly!?"

Angry, cruel, tyrannical!
The girls raised their heads, and saw Xinglan standing against the wind, standing above their heads, and with a wave of their hand, a huge shield with a diameter of [-] meters suddenly appeared, it was very thin, and it was even transparent, but it easily blocked the road. Tens of thousands of high-temperature flames die!
"Master Xingwang!" Tianjun exclaimed happily.

"Xinglan!" Aunt Chen and Chen Xiaoli screamed in surprise.

At this moment, Xinglan was a god in their eyes!Omnipotent God!


Xinglan pointed coldly, as if saying something, the [-]-meter-long giant sword fell from the sky and pierced straight into the skull of the lava giant. Hot magma splashed out from that big head, like a volcanic eruption!
The giant sword slashed straight down, cutting the [-]-meter-high lava giant in two. The lava giant was still laughing wildly, his eyes full of disbelief, and he fell to his knees amidst the rumbling noise. On the ground, countless magma flowed out from the sword gap in the center of its body like blood, flooding the ground.

All the girls watched this scene in astonishment, trembling with excitement!

"Such a big lava giant was killed instantly?!" Chen Xiaoli exclaimed, looking up at Xinglan's figure, she felt that he was so handsome and handsome, as if he was a god descending from the earth.

"Congratulations to Lord Xingwang for killing the monster!" Tianjun knelt down in excitement and fear.

The excitement was because she survived, and the fear was because she found that she no longer understood the strength of this star king.

"Immediately start to restore the construction of the Star Kingdom. I will deploy a giant demonic soul devouring formation on the island to protect this place at any time without worrying about safety." Xing Lan glanced at the girls and saw that they had not suffered any serious injuries. Cold Road.

"Yes! Star King! I'll do it right away!" Tianjun's face tightened, and he said quickly, leading the girls to fly away.

On the flying carpet, Chen Xiaoli whispered cautiously: "Mom, do you feel that he seems to be in a bad mood today?"

"You are not allowed to talk about others behind their backs." Aunt Chen glared at her daughter, seeing Chen Xiaoli pouted in dissatisfaction, she thought for a while and said, "But this child is indeed a little different today."

"Yes, I felt a very terrifying killing intent from Star King." Tianjun suddenly said, recalling that feeling, he suddenly showed a look of horror and trembled all over.

The female soldier on the side also nodded with lingering fear in agreement.

They are stronger, so they have a deeper understanding of killing intent, and clearly feel that Xinglan is like a raging lion, eager to vent his violent killing intent!
What was it that angered him?
(End of this chapter)

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