Chapter 28 Super Academy
Bei Youran was a little embarrassed. She coughed and turned her face. Instead of pretending to be pitiful, she said seriously: "As a senior military officer of the empire, it is reasonable to have some special weapons and equipment for self-defense."

Her mood and context changed so quickly that Xing Lan was stunned for a moment before realizing that this woman was definitely not a simple imperial officer.

"I don't care what your identity is. Anyway, don't mess with Lin Bao, don't get close to Tao Qiongyao, and don't try to do anything." Xinglan said lightly, using his mental power, all the weapons and equipment in the air turned into a ball. It was crushed into a small ball the size of a fist, and then he threw it on the table with a bang.

"Where do I want to provoke this kind of person? He was the one who wanted to trouble me, and I was forced to fight back. The needle was quenched with anesthesia. I planned to anesthetize him and then leave." Bei Youran rolled her eyes and raised her long hair. Legs, took out a lady's cigarette from the bag, lit it gracefully and smoked it, and a fresh fragrance filled the air.

"Really?" Xinglan looked at her suspiciously, he couldn't directly see what was on the short needle, but it didn't matter, he thought for a while and asked, "Then what are you?" Identity, why are you lurking in the core command post?"

"Little brother, why are there so many problems? Elder sister has something else to do. Let's go first, let's talk another day." Bei Youran chuckled, sprayed sweet smoke on his face, got up with the bag and pushed Opening the door and leaving seemed a little hasty.

Xing Lan was still hesitating whether to control this woman together or not, but mind control has a lot of restrictions and is not stable, so after thinking about it, let it go.

Now he has left a mental spike in Lin Bao's mind, and he can know everything he has done through Lin Bao's eyes and ears. The thorns don't go away, but the functionality doesn't work.

The reason why he was able to find Lin Bao was also because he had left a bit of mental power in Lin Bao's mind during the day, and he could use this to sense Lin Bao's position.

In short, tonight's harvest was not bad. I not only controlled Lin Bao, but also discovered Bei Youran, a strange woman.Except that he was in a bad mood because of Lin Bao's threat, but he also took revenge for this trivial matter, and the price was that Lin Bao had to be hospitalized for a period of time.

"I don't know if that woman will find out that I've left." Xing Lan suddenly thought of Tao Qiongyao, shook her head, got up and left.

Ten minutes later, Xinglan returned to the guest room of the villa through the window, and scanned the room mentally, but there was no change, so she swept towards Tao Qiongyao's room... Wait, it seems a bit awkward to do this, in case this If women have any special habit of sleeping, wouldn't it be a crime for him to read it?

Xing Lan listened outside the door with all his energy, and there was the sound of Tao Qiongyao's long breathing inside, probably falling asleep, so he didn't care about it, lay on the bed and rested, there were still many things to do tomorrow.


Early in the morning, Tao Qiongyao got up and made breakfast—asked Lao Bai to make it.

"I'll take you to the Super Academy to attend the entrance ceremony later, and I'll cut the ribbon by the way." Tao Qiongyao said to Xinglan while drinking porridge, seeing that Xinglan opened her mouth to say something, she quickly said, "No Refuse, no excuses are allowed, you must go with me!"

Xing Lan opened his mouth and found that he had nothing to say, so he resentfully stuffed a deep-fried dough stick into his mouth to hide his embarrassment.

Although he was very reluctant to go to Naluoshizi's Super Academy, but he subconsciously listened to Tao Qiongyao's words, as if a baby was born knowing how to breathe, it was so natural.

After Xinglan finished her meal, she got into Tao Qiongyao's car, and then she came to her senses, why did she listen to her?
Could it be that he was bewitched by beauty?It shouldn't be!Xing Lan carefully looked at Tao Qiongyao's side face, this woman was serious about driving the suspension car, she was beautiful and full of pride.

Beauty is absolutely beautiful. Among the many women Xinglan has seen, Tao Qiongyao's beauty is considered top-notch, but he has never been good at women, and he has great ambitions in his heart. How could he do what he doesn't want to do because of a woman? What about things?
In terms of money, the suspension car is generally worth more than 100 million star coins, and this suspension car is an expensive type similar to a supercar. It was not equipped by the military, but she bought it with her own money. An empire lieutenant general The annual salary is hundreds of times that of ordinary people.

So, are you greedy for money?

Just kidding, Xinglan has been living for free for 15 years, and has never spent money on a single day. What is money?
But this time, Xing Lan couldn't figure out the reason, why he subconsciously listened to her before, he scratched his head, a little annoyed, anyway, he also got into the car, and went to see some super power academy first, before running away.

He already had an idea in his mind and was eager to implement it.


15 minutes later, the underground city, the city center, an academy floating above the floating city.

Hundreds of soldiers, wearing khaki military uniforms, lined up neatly and solemnly in the ancient-style college playground.

In front of the playground, in the center of the college, is a 50-meter-high, [-]-story wooden and stone attic, on which hangs a gold-lacquered mahogany plaque with four big characters "Super Energy Academy", flamboyant and phoenix dancing.

A bald man in a military uniform stood on the attic, looking majestically at the super teenagers below.

The group of teenagers consisted of men and women, some boys wore crooked Taoist robes and held a mahogany sword, some girls wore camisoles and hot pants, had gaudy colorful patterns tattooed on their hands and legs, and chewed alcohol candy. , blushing, whistling towards Xinglan next to him in a blustery manner, and some teenagers had a cold face, with a big sword on their backs, wearing black tight combat uniforms, with their hands in their arms, looking murderous.

What kind of super teenagers are these fuckers!There is no normal person!

Xinglan was standing in the crowd with a dull look on his face. He wanted to run away, but Tao Qiongyao stood beside him with a smile, held his arms in her arms, and held him tightly. If he pulled away, it would be too much. It didn't look like him, and he had no choice but to stand there blankly.

The most speechless thing is the drone hovering in the sky, facing directly below. It is a device specially used to broadcast live to the whole country. Yes, I have never seen it. public!
Xing Lan was already speechless, staring blankly at the air in a daze.

On the attic, the man in military uniform coughed lightly, and transmitted the sound through the wireless microphone to the entire academy and uploaded it to the Internet, only to hear his deep voice say: "Today is the opening day of our Starfire Empire Academy of Superpowers, Gathered here... Wait, why is this manuscript so long? Forget it, let's start school!"

He yelled, but before the people below could react, the man continued: "I, the second commander of the imperial guards of the Starfire Empire, the rank of Lieutenant General, is called Dong Jun. I like to be straightforward. You have also seen it. I practice ancient martial arts, and the group of brats below, although you have superpowers that ordinary people can't imagine, you are far from enough to see in front of me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little Taoist priest in the twisted Taoist robe suddenly shook his hand and flicked the Taomu sword outward. There was a loud bang, and a thunder suddenly fell, exploding a radius of three meters where the Taomu sword pointed. , a pit five or six meters deep.

(End of this chapter)

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