Chapter 177


Shi Meihua and Di Li hid in the shadow of the armory, waiting for a group of patrolling soldiers to pass by.

"Start from here, you go east and I go west, arrange formations separately, be sure to pay attention to conceal your body, it is easy to be found in crowded places, you have to paste this invisible talisman..." Shi Meihua explained, Give Di Li a stack of emergency talismans.

"Don't worry, I also have a phantom scroll in terms of magic. As long as the opponent is not too strong, he can hide it." Di Li chuckled lightly, but still took the invisible talisman.

Invisible talismans, this thing is very precious, not only the materials are rare, but also the production method is very complicated.The most important thing is that the effect is amazing, it can make people truly invisible, and even the aura and aura can be temporarily disappeared, it is an essential weapon for stealth.

Dilly still knew these things.

Both women are masters in formations, although one is on the cultivation side and the other is on the magic side, the power of cultivation is different.However, after working for a long time, the two women have already become very familiar with magic and formations on the cultivation side.

Even the two women joined forces to jointly arrange a fusion formation that takes into account both the cultivation side and the magic side, which is extremely powerful.


On the other side, in the barracks.

"Report to the general, we have finished our patrol."

"Well, go back and rest." The tall man nodded and let them leave.

This man was wearing a heavy armor. He was tall, handsome, heroic, and powerful. He was exactly the armor type among the two generals.

Jia Shi is very prestigious in the underworld. He is another uncompromising figure besides the King of Hades, commanding an army of tens of thousands.

"I'd better go out and take a look. Since those guys came, there have been a lot of things..." Jia Shi meditated for a while, still feeling uneasy in his heart, so he walked out with strides.

Suddenly, he noticed a graceful figure flashing past the corner, and it disappeared in a flash.

"Huh? Is there a ghost invasion? Or something else, it's so late..." Jia Shi thought for a while, then used stealth footwork, and followed secretly.

He came not far behind the woman, and saw the man squatting on the ground, arranging formations, and the traces stretched all the way to the depths of the underworld.

The formation was very secretive. If Jia Shi hadn't seen her setting up the formation with her own eyes, she wouldn't have noticed the lines on the ground at first glance.

"It's Xinglan's person. It's so late. What is she doing here to set up a formation? Do you want to catch her and interrogate her?" Jia Shi slowly pulled out the long sword at his waist, and suddenly paused, "Let me see it first. What the hell does she want to do?"

"I always feel something is wrong..." Di Li glanced back, the moonlight was shining in the underworld, and there was no one but her.

But Dili had a dangerous intuition in her heart, as if there was some beast staring at her from behind, and this hairy feeling lingered.

"It just so happens that the formation here is also finished. I'll use an invisible talisman and move it to another place." Di Li thought for a while, then pasted an invisible talisman, and immediately disappeared into the air, and then walked quickly leave.

A few hours later, it was almost dawn, and the two women met at the place where they started, checked the formation, and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that no one else had discovered it.

When the formation is not activated, it is generally difficult to see it, and Di Li and Shi Meihua are delicate people, and they often disguise the formation according to the environment when arranging it, which makes it even more difficult Found.

Even in the daytime, if no one is squatting on the floor and staring at it with wide eyes, basically there will be no traces of formations.

"Okay, let's go back first and continue in the evening." Shi Meihua said, gently wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her white hand, looking a little tired.

"Have you been discovered?" Di Li asked, frowning slightly, the feeling of danger in her heart has not dissipated.

"no, what happened?"

"It's nothing, we need to be more careful." Di Li shook her head and said nothing.

Maybe it was my own illusion. They chose to set up the formation in the middle of the night, so the probability of being discovered was low, and they used invisible talisman seals to press such high-level items, basically no one would be able to find them.

After checking again, the two women quickly left.

"There is more than one person. Xinglan sent two people to arrange the formation. It seems that he must have a plan!" Jia Shi looked at the formation on the ground, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


Hades Palace.

"...After I saw them leave, I rushed back to report to you." Shi Jia knelt on one knee and told what happened earlier.

The false King of Hades touched his chin, a trace of treachery flashed in his eyes, and said with a sneer, "Very well, you can do this like this..."

The two conspired, and Jia Shi left quickly.

"Hmph, Xinglan, no matter what you want to do, I won't let you ruin my plan. It's only one step away from success." The fake Hades smiled easily.


A few days later, it was noon.

"Report to Xingwang, our formation has been completed, and we went to check it just now, and nothing happened." Shi Meihua reported with a calm expression.

"Report Xingwang, in the past few days, we have hunted a total of 735 ghosts, gained 146 billion soul power, and each person has increased by 40 levels on average!" Spring Festival reported, his face was full of excitement.

Now, all the girls are around level 140, and their strength has improved a lot compared to before, which is already their limit.

Raising strength to level 40 in a few days, this speed is simply outrageous!Among the heavens and worlds, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find the second one!
"Report master, Tu Rou'er has been promoted to level 5 under my guidance, and has learned a set of basic sword skills!" Lin Danqing said with a giggle, very happy.

"I've seen Master." On the side, Tu Rou'er lowered her head shyly and said, her pretty white face was dotted with two red clouds, and the two rabbit ears on her head trembled a bit, which was quite cute.

Yan Wang secretly clicked his tongue while watching: "Their strength has improved so fast, and their talents are so high that they are beyond imagination. They don't look like people from Yangjian at all..."

Even in the underworld where the aura is rich, the cultivation speed of the native Yin soldiers is far inferior to that of their master Mei Hua.

It should be said that Shi Meihua and the others were already extremely talented. After coming to the underworld, because of the rich aura, their cultivation speed became faster, or is there some other reason?

Hades just guessed, and didn't have too much doubt, after all, the two sides are on the same front.

 Starting from this month, try to change three times a day, unless there are special circumstances

(End of this chapter)

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