The rise of the tyrant of the billion world

Chapter 153 Rush to the era of the heavens and worlds

Chapter 153 Rush to the era of the heavens and worlds

"You are crazy! A collision of such a large number of particles will melt the whole [Tiandi-[-]]!" Dr. Niu looked at Yang Chaoyang in horror, as if looking at a lunatic.

The researchers around were all panicked, saying:

"If things go on like this, [Tiandi No. [-]] won't blow up, will it?"

"It's the next thing to blow up. The multiple strong radiation released will instantly destroy our DNA, and even hit the city, causing everyone to be dissolved by the radiation!"

"Stop him! Otherwise we're all going to die!"

Everyone was about to move, as if they were about to rush forward and stop Yang Chaoyang.

Lin Zilong waved his hand lightly, and said to Xinglan: "You heard it too, what are your subordinates doing, you have no sense at all?"

"I expected this, so don't worry." Xing Lan said coldly, snapping his fingers lightly.

Endless spiritual power surged out, turning into a huge film, wrapping the entire [Tiandi No. [-]] machine.

Visible to the naked eye, the giant collision pipes more than three meters high are covered with a layer of white opaque shields, completely blocking the possibility of radiation leakage.

"Can this resist the gamma-ray burst radiated during the impact explosion? You know, that kind of energy can instantly destroy 99% of the electronic equipment on the earth!" Dr. Niu questioned.

"Don't worry, if something happens, he will naturally take care of it." Lin Zilong sneered, but said in his heart, "This guy's strength is much stronger than last time, and it makes me feel even more terrifying, but, If you want to kill him, it's still possible, you have to find a chance..."

Indeed, a gamma-ray burst is a very terrifying disaster. When it erupts, it can even set back the technological development of people on earth for hundreds of years.

However, Xinglan's mental power has the attribute of [shattering appearance], and all substantive things will be ablated by it, including various energy rays.

Coupled with the special nature of divine power, it is easy to resist the extra ray burst brought by the impact.

At this moment, Yang Chaoyang waved his hand and said excitedly, "Crash, start!"

At this time, inside the collider, the energy accumulated by each particle beam has reached a terrifying 100 million TW, which is equivalent to the electricity consumption of people all over the world for a hundred years!
It was too late, it was so fast, before everyone had time to react, they saw endless dazzling lights flashing on the holographic screen, and a high-frequency sound of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of Hz passed through, bringing everyone a sense of excitement. Feeling dizzy.

At the same time, a strange, low-pitched buzz rushed past everyone's ears, and everyone felt their brains were distorted, and then returned to normal.

"What passed?" Lin Danqing asked in surprise, with a surprised expression.

"It's this, the unique sound when the [World Passage] is opened." Xinglan's eyes flashed and he said solemnly.

Having traveled through many worlds, he is naturally very familiar with this voice, which means that Yang Chaoyang is likely to succeed.

"That's a huge gravitational wave formed by a powerful space-time disturbance!" Dr. Niu looked at Yang Chaoyang in disbelief with horror on his face. Could it be that [World Passage] is really going to be conquered by him?

Everyone stared intently at the holographic display, and after the light disappeared, there was nothing left.

"Hahaha! I thought it was too much! Didn't it fail in the end?" Lin Bao laughed, his face full of sarcasm.

"Tsk, tsk, someone has used up the hundreds of years of electricity stored in our empire all at once. After that, there won't be any extra electricity for you to test." Quickly said sarcastically.

However, Dr. Niu's expression was extremely shocked, and he said in his heart: "Even if he did not succeed, he has made a big step forward, which is enough to be recorded in the history of human science and technology!"

Lin Zilong glanced at Dr. Niu's expression and said calmly to Xinglan: "Okay, the test failed. I want to wait for the next test, five years later."

Although the Starfire Empire has mastered the cross-age technology of nuclear fusion power generation and doesn't care about energy anymore, it still takes a little time to accumulate the world's century-old electricity.

"No!" Yang Chaoyang yelled, "I must conduct another experiment immediately, this time it will be successful!"

Yang Zhaoyang blushed with excitement, pointed at the data on the screen, and said, "It's only a little bit, just a little bit, my theoretical calculations are fine, but there are still some errors in the equipment parameters, as long as the adjustments are made, it will definitely succeed! "

"Even if you really opened the [world channel], how can you be sure that you are directed to that plane?" Dr. Niu shook his head and said, it is really difficult to achieve this.

"You don't care what I do." Yang Chaoyang said disdainfully, turned to look at Xinglan, and begged: "Just once! Xingwang, I beg you! If it succeeds, the human race on earth will enter a new era, with the opportunity to have a new era. The power of the heavens and the world!"

Rush to the heavens and worlds! ?
Everyone was shocked.

It turns out that technology has developed to this point?

The footprints of human beings have not even spread all over the solar system. At present, there are only small-scale colonies on Mars and the moon.

This era should have been the era of looking at the stars.

However, Yang Chaoyang said that as long as it succeeds, humans can rush to the heavens and the world!

What a feat!
Everyone can already imagine that after the success of this technology, they will be able to encounter all kinds of rich worlds, encounter creatures of various civilization systems, and at the same time encounter more terrifying and powerful doomsday...

It is an opportunity and a challenge.

However, once successful, mankind will usher in a new era!

In the face of this great event, even Dr. Niu, Lin Zilong and others temporarily let go of their hostility towards Xinglan and others.

"Dr. Niu, how much power is our strategic reserve?" Lin Zilong asked in a low voice.

"It's only 50 years, it's not enough. However, if those experimental super-large nuclear fusion reactors are used to store electrical energy, the next test can be carried out within half a year without fear of the device melting." Dr. Niu thought for a while road.

"No! Half a year is too long! It must be now!" Yang Chaoyang shouted.

"How can there be so much electricity in a while?" Lin Zilong glared at him, not wanting Yang Chaoyang to stare back.

"What can I do, isn't that [Fusion] still locked in the abyss? Take it out!" Yang Chaoyang shouted to Dr. Niu.

Dr. Niu was taken aback when he heard the words: "You mean..."

"What is [Fusion]?" Lin Danqing asked curiously.

"It was an extremely terrifying device. It was invented by Dugu Yang, a great scientist at the time, 18 years ago. It can convert and output any form of matter and energy into another form of energy, and its efficiency has reached a terrifying level. 82%, using countless kinds of technology, and we still don’t understand how it is done.”

Dr. Niu introduced, and then looked at Lin Zilong, "It is feasible to use that device. With so many new humans present, it may be possible to generate a hundred years of electricity, but I am afraid that it will cause some bad consequences."

(End of this chapter)

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