The rise of the tyrant of the billion world

Chapter 147 What This Little Girl Said Was Scary

Chapter 147 What this little girl said is scary
The place they were on was a stone platform, and the ground was a mottled white stone surface. This kind of stone Xinglan had never seen before, but it gave him a heavy feeling.

"It has nothing to do with you." "Xing Lan" replied indifferently, and lowered his head to glance at his long sword. It was ordinary in shape, but it contained a fierce killing intent.

This sword, and that rotten sword, gave him a very similar feeling, and it should be made of the same metal.

"Really?" Two black balls suddenly burst out from the girl's hands, exuding a terrifying and inexplicable aura, and hit "Xinglan".

Originally, the scene ended here, but this time, Xinglan saw more.

"Xing Lan" swung his sword lightly, and with a simple slash of the long sword, it pierced the two black balls. The energy of the balls burst out, and he easily dispelled the sharp move.

"Hmph!" The girl snorted coldly, she knew that he was the one who was superior and she had already lost.

The screen ends here.

"¥#@%" Xinglan repeated the language in the picture, but found that it was not any known language at all.

Strangely enough, he not only understood, but was proficient at it, which would make no sense under normal circumstances.

"Besides, his swordsmanship is unimaginable..." Xing Lan murmured, recalling the last sword, a little amazed.

That sword was purely swinging the sword without releasing any energy. The sword happened to cut at the weak point of the joint between the two black energy balls, but it did not cut directly. The force was controlled to an extremely delicate level, which achieved that effect .

To send out such a sword requires unimaginable swordsmanship and unparalleled vision. Even with Xinglan's current [Human Sword Unity] realm, it is completely incomprehensible how that person did it.

"If he is really my previous life, then..."


A few days later, in the luxurious hall.

Xinglan sat high on the throne, looking down at the crowd.

Lin Danqing and the other girls stood on both sides, looking curiously at the guy in the middle.

Yang Chaoyang is still Mediterranean, with flip flops, a vest and a white coat. The only difference is that he has deep dark circles, but his eyes are red, and he is extremely energetic.

Holding a helmet-like technological creation in both hands, he said excitedly: "Finally, after many years, I have created this magical device again. I call it [Invisible Light Converted to Visible Light Universal Electromagnetic Wave Receptor]!"

"Invisible light warauw..." Lin Danqing tried to repeat, his tongue was almost tied.

"It is [the universal electromagnetic wave sensor that converts invisible light into visible light], which uses 57 kinds of cutting-edge technologies, and can automatically find strange life in the space, which is very powerful!" Yang Zhaoyang introduced excitedly.

"Master, master! I want to try it on!" Lin Danqing immediately raised his little hand and said.

Xing Lan nodded slightly, and Lin Danqing stepped forward, and with the help of Yang Chaoyang, put on the helmet-like device.

Lin Danqing looked around curiously, while Yang Chaoyang introduced: "In fact, beyond the visible light of the naked eye, there are lives in the range of invisible light. This kind of life cannot be seen with our human eyes, but they are real. exist, and the device I made will automatically adjust the receptors to search for invisible light life in any wavelength band."

"It was also because of this device that I saw [ghosts] 20 years ago!"

The girls nodded in confusion.

"How is it? Have you seen the [ghost]?" Dugu Danya hurriedly asked, that cold pretty face looked even more beautiful in the holographic communication.

"Hmm..." Lin Danqing looked left and right, and ran around in the hall again, as if searching for something.

Everyone stared at Lin Danqing nervously.

However, after more than half a minute, Lin Danqing took off his helmet, pouted and said angrily: "You are lying, there is no life that cannot be seen, there is no such thing!"

The girls turned to stare at Yang Chaoyang, but those big beautiful eyes were full of dangerous murderous intent.

"What's going on with Dr. Yang?" Dugu Danya asked strangely.

"Ahem, this is normal. This means that there are no [ghosts] in the hall. If there is no [ghost], then naturally you can't see it! Don't mess with me, give it to me quickly." Yang Zhaoyang coughed, As if nothing had happened, he took back the [Invisible Light to Visible Light Universal Electromagnetic Wave Receptor] from Lin Danqing.

"Then how many times have you seen [ghosts] in total? Where did you see them? Is there any pattern?" Tao Qiongyao took a step forward, stared at him and asked.

Yang Zhaoyang recalled for a while and said: "I saw it three times in total. In fact, I didn't expect to see [ghosts] at the time. I just wore the device and went to the street to observe the electromagnetic conditions of various electronic instruments. I saw a [ghost] on the third day I was there."

Yang Zhaoyang thought to himself: "It's so dangerous, I almost slipped my mouth and ruined my bright image of unparalleled wisdom."

"Tell me more about the situation at that time." Xinglan said calmly.

"It was at night, I was wandering in a commercial street, there were beautiful women shopping everywhere, ahem, and then suddenly a car rushed into the commercial street, killing two people, and then the [ghost] suddenly appeared."

Speaking of this, Yang Chaoyang looked dignified, and everyone listened attentively. He continued: "That [ghost] looks very much like the ghosts in folk traditions. It is about two meters tall, with a ferocious face, and two fangs. The teeth turned out, and the two dead people were pulled out of their bodies, and then disappeared at the same time."

"It was pulled out? What do you mean? Did you pull out their bones?" Chun Riju asked strangely.

"What this little girl said is scary." Yang Chaoyang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, obviously her face was sweet and cute, but when she asked in a normal tone, it gave people a feeling of horror, as if she often did that. .

Yang Chaoyang shook his head and said, "The literal meaning is to pull them out of the body, um, how to describe it..."


"Yes, it's as if their souls have been drawn out!" Yang Chaoyang clapped his hands, and after he finished speaking, he turned his head and saw that everyone had weird expressions.

The girls looked at each other, some were surprised, some wanted to kill someone, some were angry, it was very complicated.

"What's the matter with you, talking, it's so quiet, it's kind of scary..." Yang Chaoyang forced a smile.

"If there is a soul, does it mean that a certain person's body has disappeared, but in fact he is still alive in another form?" Tao Qiongyao asked lightly, clenching her fists tightly.

"Well, this also means that the people who have been killed are not completely dead." Lin Danqing gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes were red and swollen, thinking of Jian Yi and Mo San.

"If that's the case, then it would be interesting." Di Li chuckled lightly, with the corners of her mouth raised, but her eyes were filled with cold hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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