Chapter 144
"But this genius, or lunatic, saw [ghosts] with an extremely special device, and since then, he has gone mad and been imprisoned in the highest mental hospital."

"The design of that device is extremely complicated, and it uses dozens of Li technologies. The principle is completely unexplainable. I believe that you also understand the horror of Li technology. Inside the Starfire Empire, scientists have tried to develop that special device many times, but they failed. No one has ever succeeded." Dugu Danya said seriously.

One by one, the strange and complicated design drawings were shown by her. Even Xinglan felt a little overwhelmed when he saw it. It took at least ten seconds to understand the equipment structure on a drawing, and each design The devices in the picture are also connected with each other, and each has its own function...


"Continue." Xing Lan nodded slightly.

"Subordinates suspect that the congenital inactivation disease has something to do with [ghosts]. Dugu Yang also said in his new human research [the new human's experiments failed many times. I suspect that a key factor is missing, which is the soul. ]. However, after his successful experiment, all the information about the new humans was set as top secret, and even kept only in a special form."

"You want to say that the [ghost] that guy sees is a human [soul]?" Xing Lan asked with a slight frown.

In fact, he read something wrong in it.

Although his strength has been raised to level 110, and he has mastered the terrifying power of the power of divine sense, until now, his understanding of life and consciousness is still very vague.

The simplest example is the living corpse, which is a monster that has lost consciousness, but it can still be killed by Xinglan and still has soul power.

What is the relationship between consciousness, soul and life?Could it be that [ghosts] really exist?
"It's very possible." Dugu Danya nodded and said, other than that, she couldn't explain what the genius saw.

Tao Qiongyao shook her head helplessly, thinking that even these two people with such high IQs would fall into such feudal superstitions as the theory of ghosts and gods. There is no absolute in this world.

"Send me the location, and I'll bring that person out." Xing Lan said calmly.

"You have to be careful, that place has a lot of scientific and technological weapons, and there are rumors that the emperor founded that place." Dugu Danya reminded.

"Emperor Xinghuo? I haven't heard from him for a long time. Is he dead or alive?" Xing Lan asked casually while opening the portal.

"I don't know. In fact, no one knows." Dugu Danya shook his head.

Xing Lan frowned slightly, feeling that there was something wrong inside, but she didn't say anything, and stepped into the portal.


The Starfire Empire, the theater of the tenth mile.

In the huge hemispherical underground space, there are several huge cities in the sky floating. There are three large lakes and countless forest vegetation on the ground. In the center of the ground, there is a deep circular pothole, shining with little lights.

This is the last Li theater to be built. In terms of scale, it is larger than the previous nine Li theaters, enough to accommodate [-] million people living here for a long time.

However, the protection level here is far lower than that of the No. [-] war zone. Even when Xinglan came in, he didn't sense any formations, but was simply guarded by technological weapons.

The new humans such as Thunder and Lightning only come here occasionally on patrol, and there is not even a single new human who has been guarding for a long time in the war zone on the [-]th.

However, it was such a place that the highest mental hospital was built.

When Xing Lan came in, he didn't alarm anyone. At this moment, the empire hadn't found him yet.

With a flash of his figure, he rushed straight to the deep pothole on the ground.

This pothole is similar to the abyss in the war zone in No. [-]. They are all artificial creations of the highest level, covered with various sensors. Once detected, defensive measures will be activated immediately to lock the pothole.

And the highest mental hospital is in the deepest part of the pothole.

When Xinglan's spiritual power came out, he "saw" the various sensors densely packed in the pothole. The sensors were arranged in a mysterious way, and the emitted infrared rays, X-rays, and gamma rays formed a huge The mesh structure, even if a mouse falls into it, it will be detected immediately.

"Xingwang, I have transmitted the sensor data into the super brain computer. It is estimated that the best route can be calculated in 23 hours. I suggest you hide for a while." Dugu Danya's communication popped up, she just received Xinglan The data has been hacked into the empire's super computer.

After all, there are places for these network structures to pass through, but it is unrealistic to find a way to the bottom in a short time, because it is too complicated.

The so-called super brain computer is not directly installed in the human brain, but refers to a computer that can imitate the human brain to the greatest extent to perform complex calculations. Even the Starfire Empire has only three computers, each worth more than a trillion yuan.

Even the highest masterpiece of technology, the Super Brain Computer, takes 23 hours to calculate the results. One can imagine the complexity of this sensor matrix.

Speaking of this, Dugu Danya is actually a little proud, because hacking into the super brain computer of the Starfire Empire is a feat that no one has ever been able to do. If it wasn't for her spiritual power and brain power being greatly improved after practicing magic , is absolutely impossible.

"No need." Xing Lan said flatly.

"Why? Don't you want to go in..." Dugu Danya asked doubtfully, seeing Xinglan's expression focused and entering a state of thinking, she shut up and didn't dare to disturb her.

Xinglan just stood there for more than ten seconds, then his figure flashed, and he moved back and forth in the deep pit like a bolt of lightning. In less than half a minute, he had already reached the bottom of the cave without triggering any sensors.

"This, this..." Dugu Danya was stunned. Although she also knew that the brains of the strong on the mental side had strong computing power, she never expected it to be so strong!
Xinglan's brain is comparable to thousands of super brain machines!Worth thousands of trillions!
However, this is only the first level.

At the bottom of the cave, there is a three-meter-high steel gate blocking Xinglan.

"Xingwang, this is a gate made of thirteen kinds of defensive technologies. It can defend against physical attacks equivalent to a billion tons of TNT explosion. It cannot be forced through." Dugu Danya quickly reminded, "I need a little time to deconstruct it in reverse. The electronic deconstruction of this door is estimated to take 74 hours..."

However, before Dugu Danya could finish her words, Xinglan slammed into a spiritual power drill, directly pressed against the gate, and turned it loudly!
The divine power drill exuding a beautiful silver light has the characteristic of [shattering appearance], which breaks everything and easily breaks through the door.

Xinglan drilled more than 30 meters in, and then completely opened the door and came inside.

"This, this, why..." Dugu Danya was already dumbfounded, her formerly glamorous and pretty face was full of dull expression, which was in contrast to cuteness.

(End of this chapter)

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