The rise of the tyrant of the billion world

Chapter 12 The Giant's Counterattack

Chapter 12 The Giant's Counterattack

Lin Bao strode down the corridor. In the egg-shaped consoles on both sides, all the officers noticed Lin Bao's expression and immediately started talking.

"What's going on? Lin Bao is exhausted?"

"Hahaha! Look at his stinky face, it's so cool! General Tao must have beaten him!"

"Shh, don't say a few words."

Lin Bao also noticed the sneering expressions of the officers. Although they were hiding in the console and their voices were not heard, the sarcasm expressions were real.

"A bunch of low-level bastards dare to laugh at me?" Lin Bao was even angrier in his heart, but he was not easy to get angry here. After thinking about it, he quickly stepped forward and slapped the console of the previous female officer hard.

The female officer was feeling happy when she saw Lin Bao's appearance, but when Lin Bao suddenly came to her, she couldn't help but feel chills all over. She opened the console tremblingly and asked weakly: "General Lin, what's the matter?"

But she saw Lin Bao with a sinister smile on his face, lowered his head and said to her ear: "I will wait for you in Room 9 of the Dark Blue Bar tonight. If you don't come, all your family will disappear tomorrow!"

"But, General Lin, I still have work to do in the evening..." The female officer's face turned pale. Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Lin Bao.

"You know the consequences of offending me." Lin Bao threatened, and raised his head to scan the surroundings. At this time, all the officers had silently bowed their heads, not daring to show any expressions. Occasionally, a few people stood up angrily, but also Lin Bao stared back.

After all, an officer is just an officer, and the gap between him and a major general is too great.

But in the empire, even if it is only one level away, the superior can easily kill the subordinate, not to mention that Lin Bao is a major general in the Li theater with extremely high power, and he is the cousin of Lieutenant General Lin?The officers wanted to work and live safely in the Li theater, and no one dared to offend him.

Seeing this, Lin Bao smiled frivolously, reached out to touch the female officer's face in a demonstrative manner, and then strode away with a serious expression as if he remembered something.

In the combat study room, Tao Qiongyao suddenly exclaimed: "No! That monster is not that simple!"


On the barren land and in the sky, volcanic lava giants float strangely.

At this time, the lava giant suddenly stopped screaming, and instead became hot and radiant. Crater-like holes appeared on its body, and blazing flames erupted from the dense holes, creating a powerful driving force!
The thrust caused the giant to straighten up, and then accelerate upwards. Now Xinglan changed from holding it to pulling it.

"This guy recovered so quickly?" Xing Lan's face changed slightly, only feeling that the power from the invisible giant hand suddenly increased, and he was almost unable to grasp it.

"It seems to be using some method of consuming life to increase energy." The assistant suddenly said.

Xing Lan scanned it with mental power, and found that the body of the lava giant was shrinking continuously. Although the range was very small, only a few centimeters per second, it was nothing compared to its huge body, but it was really shrinking. zoom out.And with this powerful impetus, the lava giant will soon be able to break free from Xinglan's control!If it runs away, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Xinglan looked at the giant that was constantly emitting strong flames, and suddenly he got a plan in mind, and his invisible giant hands released their power. Suddenly, the lava giant moved and rushed towards the sky!
The lava giant howled excitedly, thinking he was free, and flew out even more desperately.

Xinglan followed closely above the lava giant, using his invisible giant hand to adjust the giant's flight direction, controlling it as an airplane.

The lava giant realized that its flying direction was out of control, and howled even more angrily, twisting its body left and right. Suddenly, it raised its head to lock on the star appendix, and opened its mouth wide to spew out fiery lava rays!

"Did you just discover that although this giant has the ability to think, its IQ seems to be a bit low."

Xing Lan commented that under the effect of mental power, his body floated sideways in mid-air, easily dodging the ray.

This blow completely angered the lava giant. Not only did it spit out magma rays from its mouth, but its eyes glowed red, and it even emitted a stronger laser!And the three attacks can be independent and change directions at will!

Suddenly, two lasers and one ray continuously chased and encircled the flying star appendage in mid-air, and with the passage of time, the power of the laser continued to weaken, but the range became larger and larger, from the original nearly 50 The radius of one meter has become a radius of 200 meters, and it is still expanding rapidly!The speed of movement is also greatly accelerated!
Xinglan's situation became more and more dangerous. He frowned slightly, and while dodging the three beams of light that looked like searchlights, he used hundreds of invisible giant hands to adjust the lava giant's flight direction, and flew towards the nearest large lake—— I used Zhang Tie's personal device to look at the nearby terrain.

Under this kind of distraction operation, Xinglan was almost scratched by the beam of light several times. Even if he had mental protection, it was hard to say that he could resist such a terrifying attack.Fortunately, he has a strong mental strength. Whenever he is about to be hit, he will suddenly exert force and disappear in the original position in a teleportation. The price is that his body cannot withstand the strong force, and there are tearing pains everywhere.

The lava giant roared crazily, and its two long arms clawed towards him, forcing Xinglan to fly far away.

Xing Lan looked intently, and saw that on the back of the giant, hills suddenly rose up on the rugged rocks, and the hills continued to rise, forming sharp and ferocious stone thorns, each about ten meters long. It is tall, one or two meters thick, and at a glance, there are at least tens of thousands of them!

After the stone thorns were formed, they erupted violently, with an extremely fast speed and a large number. They shot into the air densely, making it almost impossible to avoid the star trail!

Xinglan also became serious at this time, the kinetic energy of those stone thorns is very large, each one is equivalent to a missile, it is not so easy to catch, and the stone thorns on the lava giant's back keep popping out, as if there is no end to it.

I saw that in the blue sky, a huge lava giant was flying towards the distance with flames all over his body. Countless stone thorns emerged from its back, shooting towards a small black spot that was constantly wandering like a barrage of bullets. There are also three huge beams of light blocking his movement, how can he hide?
Xinglan was like a small leaf fluttering in the wind and rain, constantly dodging the huge and heavy stone thorns, as well as the huge beam of light, but in the end, he was still hit.

Xing Lan had just dodged hundreds of stone thorns, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, another stone thorn quickly appeared in front of him, hitting his face directly!
At this time, he couldn't run anymore, Xinglan could only lay down a thick mental protection to stop him. When the stone thorn hit the invisible spiritual protection, it suddenly burst out with powerful kinetic energy, which instantly made him frown.

"Ding! You were hit by a low-level skill - a stone thorn! Your mental protection is activated! The mental strength is 0, the pain is reduced to 0, and you will feel the complete pain!"

Following the system's prompt, Xinglan only felt the nerves in his brain contract suddenly, as if his head had been hit hard by someone. He couldn't resist it, and the severe pain spread all over his body in an instant!

Gritting her teeth, Xing Lan pulled out an invisible giant hand and slapped the flying stone thorn hard, but was hit by the beam of light again!

"Ding! You were hit by a low-level skill—the lava laser! Your mental protection is activated! The mental strength is 0, the pain is reduced to 0, and you will feel the complete pain!"

The fiery beam of light shone on the spiritual protection, and a strong burning sensation instantly spread throughout Xinglan's whole body. At this moment, he felt like he was swimming in a sea of ​​fire, his entire body seemed to be melted!
(End of this chapter)

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