Chapter 64 History Really Begins to Change

"I'm sorry to tell everyone that just now the anchor got the news that Liu Bang, the future Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, died!"

I am a kitten tooth: "What? Liu Bang is dead?"

Da Da: "Could it be that he was killed by the host? By the way, the host's move of Wan Jian Guizong is very powerful! .jpg (funny laugh)"

Calling Dad: "What do you mean? The anchor killed it?"

Dark clouds are threatening to destroy the city: "Is Liu Bang really dead? If Liu Bang dies, what will happen to the Han Dynasty later?"

The stars light up: "What Han Dynasty? There is only one dynasty in China, and that is the Qin Dynasty! .jpg (serious)"


Watching the barrage of gags in the live broadcast room, Fang Xiaole said seriously:

"I'm not joking. Just now I heard someone say that Liu Bang is really dead and his head was taken off!"

"If you don't believe it, just listen!"

Fang Xiaole switched the perspective in the live broadcast room to a third person, and then pointed at the entire tea shop. For a moment, everyone in the tea shop was displayed in the live broadcast room.

"Liu Bang is dead! That's great!"

I saw an old man looking very happy.

"He has been idle all day long, and now he dies..."

The tone of this sentence is not only happy, but also sad, maybe both, maybe not.

After incorporating the scene of the tea shop into the live broadcast room and letting the audience watch it for a while, Fang Xiaole whispered: "How about it, I didn't lie to you!"

The boss didn't say a word: "Well, the scene of the tea shop is well arranged!"

Da Da: "And the extras are very dedicated! The acting skills are also very good!"

I am a kitten tooth: "I don't want some little fresh meat!"

Little Flower: "Candy is super sweet?.jpg (vomit)"



Fang Xiaole was speechless!

Are the audience in the live broadcast room and I not on the same channel?
By the way, aren't you talking about whether Liu Bang is dead or not?

And why are the audience’s attention focused on the surrounding environment?



Putting aside Fang Xiaole's speechlessness, in the palace of the First Emperor Yingzheng, Yingzheng was observing everything around Fang Xiaole through the panel in front of him.

It took a long time before Ying Zheng was really sure.

"This Liu Bang is really dead!"

At this moment, Tong Wuhou Wang Ben suddenly walked in and said solemnly to Ying Zheng: "Your Majesty, I found traces of the remnants of the Six Kingdoms in Pei County, which seems to be related to the assassination a few days ago!"

Tong Wuhou Wang Ben is wearing armor, although there are traces of white hair mixed with black hair, but walking, you can still see the demeanor of the former Qin general!
"Are you sure?"

Suddenly, Ying Zheng's eyes became sharp, and he looked down at Wang Ben.

However, Wang Ben shook his head.

Obviously, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms were all destroyed by Daqin. Needless to say, they all harbor hatred towards Daqin. It is impossible to say that they have no thoughts about Daqin.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!
It is also expected that the remnants of the six countries will collude together!
No evidence is required at all.

Seeing Wang Ben shaking his head, Ying Zheng also slowly fell into deep thought, and then said solemnly:

"I do things, and I still need evidence?"

Ying Zheng said, but suddenly changed his voice, "Tong Wuhou, what do you think of Liu Bang who was killed by Wang Li?"

Hearing Ying Zheng's question, Wang Ben's heart tightened.

He suddenly thought of his Wang clan, his father Wang Jian and himself. In the many battles that destroyed the six kingdoms, his father Wang Jian and himself had made great achievements in battle!
Putting these aside for the time being, in order to agree to King Qin's request to send troops, his father Wang Jian took a lot of benefits, and it was almost like taking advantage of the fire!
Therefore, this is the reason why the Wang family became so low-key after the unification of the six countries.

And now His Majesty the First Emperor suddenly asked what he thought of killing Liu Bang!

How can I see it?
Who is Liu Bang?Strictly speaking, he can also be regarded as an official of Daqin, but killing an official...

For a moment, Wang Ben suddenly thought, could it be that Mrs. Wang is so low-key?

That's right, Wang Ben thinks Ying Zheng is beating him now.

This is a typical speaker who has no intention, but the listener has the heart!

Ying Zheng just wanted to ask!

Wang Li, who was on the side, turned his head quickly, and quickly replied: "Your Majesty means to push Liu Bang's death to the remnants of the Six Kingdoms?"

"Of course!"

Ying Zheng was very happy that Wang Li could guess his thoughts quickly, and replied with a smile.

Wang Ben, who was on the side with a gloomy face, suddenly realized that he was thinking too much, and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

"I will leave this matter to you!"

Ying Zheng said to Wang Li.

"Spread this news in the city, and at the same time, write a letter to inform Fengchang about it, and let him handle it!"


After Liu Bang's matter was settled, Ying Zheng asked Wang and his son to step down.

Now, he has also become an otaku!

That's right, Ying Zheng got Fang Xiaole's "Pre-Qin Qi Training Technique". He basically didn't sleep last night and spent all his time studying Qi Training Techniques.

"I have already kept this qi training technique in mind, it's time to start practicing..."

As he said that, Ying Zheng asked the waiters and maids in the bedroom to retreat, leaving only himself, and then sat cross-legged in front of the table, entering the state of cultivation.


At this moment, Fang Xiaole has been confused by Liu Bang's death, and seems to be a little confused.

"I didn't expect Liu Bang to die. Could it be that history has changed?"

Fang Xiaole muttered to himself in the live broadcast room.

"I wanted to go and see how Liu Bang is doing!"

"Although he is a bum, he should be a handsome man! Otherwise, how could he marry such a beautiful woman as Lu Zhi?"

What Fang Xiaole said to himself was heard clearly by the audience in the live broadcast room.

The boss said nothing: "By the way, how does the anchor know that Lu Zhizhang is beautiful? Is she a beauty?"

Da Da: "It's recorded in the history books, right? Besides, Lu's pheasant is described as very beautiful in many film and television works."

I am a kitten tooth: "Oh? How do you know that what is recorded in the history books is true? How can you be sure that the film and television works are not made up?"

I am a kitten tooth: "Is there a Han Dynasty in this world? How can you be sure that the records in the history books are also false? Everyone lied to you?"

The big guy didn't say a word: "'ve seen too many outlaw lunatics!"

But the administrator also changed his voice;
The boss didn't say a word: "So, why don't the anchors go and see Lu Zhi?"

The boss didn't say a word: "Although Liu Bang can't look at it anymore, he can also look at his daughter-in-law? After all, Lu Zhi's reputation in history is not low!"

Da Da: "The inventor of the human pig..."

Happy: "That's right! The host should go and have a look!"

It is under the following: "Orphans and widows, it must be very pitiful!"

Dark clouds are threatening to destroy the city: "The anchor can help a bunch of Lu Pheasants, for example, give her the warmth of home again...jpg (funny laugh)"

Hehehe: "This can be! .jpg (squinting smile)"

(End of this chapter)

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