Chapter 53 Numb!

: "Maoya live broadcast search the heavens!"


Of course, the popularity of the live broadcast did not last for a while.

For example, what kind of online celebrity live broadcast brings goods and overturns cars, celebrities switch careers to do live broadcasts, and the friendship between Pan and Ga...

and many more!

Most of the consequences are negative.

Of course, it also shows from the side that the webcasting industry still lacks legal constraints.

Perhaps because of the impact of the above-mentioned live broadcast, most people think that live broadcast is nothing good!
But now that the Zhutian live broadcast came out, it directly changed most people's views on the live broadcast.

"I didn't expect the quality of this live broadcast to be quite good!"


"Traveling to ancient times?"


This kind of routine has been used badly in novels, but it is particularly eye-catching when it is switched to live broadcasts.

But when Fang Xiaole used Ten Thousand Swords to go to court, more people were shocked!
After all, it was a live broadcast, so how did Wanjian Chaozong do it?

Some people even directly asked whether the anchor really traveled to the Qin Dynasty?

The anchor has the ability to travel to the Qin Dynasty, so there is no problem in casting Wanjian Chaozong.

Not to mention, this statement has attracted the attention of most people.

Some people are convinced of it.

If it weren't for the fact that it's illegal to do human flesh on other people on the Internet, I'm afraid the direction of Fang Xiaole's ancestral grave could be clearly traced!

But if you don't dare to come clearly, it doesn't mean you don't dare to come secretly.


Dark Horse, is a network hacker.

And the reason why he is called a dark horse is because he came from behind in this field.

In less than a year, he became famous in the hacker world!
And the live broadcast of Zhutian, which has become popular on the Internet recently, naturally attracted his attention
However, just tonight, a new video was posted on the Internet, which aroused discussions among netizens
Among them is whether the anchor can really travel through time and space?

Is it the most mentally handicapped topics such as whether they have superpowers.

And as a cyber hacker, if he could find out the true identity of the Zhutian live broadcast anchor, wouldn't he be able to highlight his superb hacking skills?

By the way, give the network a clean space!
Thinking of this, the dark horse easily broke through the firewall of the Maoya live broadcast server, and then obtained the network IP address of Fang Xiaole's live broadcast.

Next, it was a fluke.

"Huh? The location is actually in Xi'an, Shaanxi? Hey! Did you really travel to the Qin Dynasty?"

Dark Horse smiled disdainfully and continued tracking.

Then, however, he stopped laughing.

"What? The network address is invalid?"

"how is this possible?"

"Could it be that the other party is also proficient in hacking techniques?"

The dark horse did not believe in evil and quickly wrote down a string of codes.


"No, the network address has changed again!"

At this moment, the dark horse looked haggard. He had checked several times before, and without exception, all the network addresses were invalid!
Moreover, not only is it invalid, but it also shows that this address has never been used, so...

Fang Xiaole doesn't exist in this world?

Or is the opponent's hacking technology higher than his own?

The other party really traveled through time and space?
"This time... the address actually appeared in Shandong?"

The dark horse was stunned.

Isn't this transition a little fast?

Before he had time to think about it, the dark horse quickly traced the address, but without exception, it was an address that did not exist.

"I don't believe in this evil anymore!"

Dark Horse continues to investigate.


In the end, he traced all the network addresses of the live broadcast, and then came to a conclusion:

Long live!Could this anchor have really traveled to the Qin Dynasty?

Look at the address again, from Shaanxi to Shandong, almost formed a road map, and then think about the content of the live broadcast of the anchor, isn't it in the Qin Dynasty, starting from Xianyang, the capital of the Qin Dynasty, to the six eastern countries?

The dark horse is numb!



In the next few days, it became very flat along the way.

It seems that because the thieves assassinated once, they thought that Qin Shihuang would strengthen the guards, so the road seemed to be uneventful.

Of course, Qin Shihuang did add guards.

And Fang Xiaole followed the team and rode on horseback. It was unbearable to go on like this for several days.

"What's the matter? Brother Fang is really bored?" Ying Zheng who was on the side also rode a horse, keeping pace with Fang Xiaole.

"A little..."

Fang Xiaole nodded, he was also used to Brother Qin who would appear by his side every day.

Fang Xiaole has thought of this ever since he used his mental power to perform the move of Wan Jian Gui Zong in front of him.

Especially since he also admitted that he is a disciple of the Immortal, how can we prevent him from changing his attitude?

What's more, brother Qiu Xianda Renzheng is not far away, so it's a good thing that brother Qin didn't tell Ying Zheng directly about himself!

"Huh? By the way, don't you just want to show your face in front of Brother Zheng? There is still a way to do it this way..."

But Fang Xiaole shook his head again, he just wanted to help Da Qin within a reasonable range, but he didn't want to make himself a national teacher!
Although Fusu has been established as the prince and history has changed, who can be sure that the Han Dynasty will not continue to appear?
And will Daqin perish normally?


Ying Zheng, on the side, has been beating around for the past few days, asking Fang Xiaole if he has any idea of ​​imparting immortality, but unfortunately, his little brother Fang seems to be pretending to not understand it on purpose!
"Do I want a showdown?"

Ying Zheng also fell into silence.

After all, it is definitely better to cultivate immortality sooner rather than later.

Just when the two were thinking about their own concerns, a message suddenly came from the front of the team:
We will reach our destination soon!

"Are you there? But where is this?"

Fang Xiaole looked bewildered, he didn't know the names of counties and counties in Qin Dynasty.

"Sishui County, Pei County!"

Ying Zheng on the side suddenly explained.

"Sishui County? Pei County!"

Fang Xiaole was startled, and suddenly thought of something, "Is it really Liu Bang's hometown? Fan Kuai is still selling dog meat now, right?"

While Fang Xiaole was thinking for a moment, Ying Zheng said, "Brother Fang, the First Emperor is about to move into the palace, so I won't stay here any longer!"

Ying Zheng clasped his fists and signaled his farewell.

"Brother Qin, go quickly! Work is important!"

Fang Xiaole nodded, in fact, he was already thinking about going to see Han Gaozu Liu Bang and Fan Kuai!

And ahead, a city is gradually revealed, which is obviously Pei County!
By the way, Pei County is just a small place, why did Qin Shihuang come here?

Is it possible...

Fang Xiaole didn't know whether Qin Shihuang had ever been to Pei County in history.But knowing that Liu Bang and Xiang Yu saw Qin Shihuang's car, they both said their famous words.

Liu Bang: "A man should be like this!"

Xiang Yu: "He can be replaced!"

By the way, when did these two people meet Qin Shihuang driving?
"Isn't it just this time?"

In Fang Xiaole's brain, a wave of self-strategy was launched, and all doubts were instantly thrown away.

Just take it as a historical coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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