Live broadcast of the heavens: The beginning was peeped by Daqin Zulong

Chapter 178 The creature standing in front of the gate of hell

Chapter 178 The creature standing in front of the gate of hell

However, the moment the three of them set foot on Huangquan Road, the Yizhuang behind them disappeared in smoke!

The three of them looked back, and behind them there was only a yellow path stretching into the distance, but there was no way back to the world.

The sky was gloomy, and the area around Huangquan Road was lifeless. The weeds on both sides of the road were withered and yellow, somewhere between half dead and half alive.

The rear is dark, I don't know where to lead, the front is full of fog, and there is no end in sight!
Only now did Fang Xiaole discover that the so-called Yellow Spring Road is not just one, but many!

For example, right next to the folk trail that Uncle Jiu and the others set foot on, there was a small dirt road one day. On that dirt road, illusory figures drifted forward unconsciously.

But there is only one destination, and that is the gate of hell!

"Are some dead people?"

Fang Xiaole couldn't help asking.

"That's right!"

Uncle Jiu nodded, "However, something has gone wrong in the Underworld, so why are there still ghosts walking on Huangquan Road?"

"Or, there are also conditions to set foot on Huangquan Road?"

"Maybe there is a strange location at the end of Huangquan Road..."

Fang Xiaole guessed.

"Hey, I said we'd better hurry up and get down to business! Otherwise, my dear friend in the back may not be able to wait!"

At this moment, Taoist Priest Simu suddenly spoke, and Uncle Jiu and Fang Xiaole turned around, trembling with fright.

They saw a half-skeleton face that almost came face to face with them, and there were ghosts walking on the Huangquan Road where they were.

The three of them silently stepped aside to make way for the "disfigured" ghost.

On the road to hell that ordinary people understand, basically they become ghosts, and they naturally step on the road to Huangquan and then arrive at Huangquan.

But the reality is not like that.

First of all, when a person dies, he will naturally step on the road of Huangquan without changing, and after stepping on the road of Huangquan, he will also enter the gate of ghosts.

After entering the gate of hell, one can truly enter the realm of the underworld.

Afterwards, the ghosts who enter the ghost gate will have a special category of ghosts. Those who have committed serious crimes will be judged, and then they will receive due punishments, such as going to the oil pot, going to the mountain of swords, etc., and finally they will naturally be put into the animal way.

For minor crimes, ordinary punishment will be given, and then in the next life, he will be reborn as a son of a noble family, or as a beggar.

An ordinary person without merit or crime.

Those who have merit are naturally from wealthy and noble families.

After this step, you will pass by the Yellow Spring and the Styx River, cross the Naihe Bridge, and drink Meng Po Soup.

The road ahead was filled with mist, Taoist Priest Four with Four Eyes and Fang Xiaole held mahogany swords, and Uncle Jiu held a talisman.

The journey was very peaceful, except for the ghosts traveling with us.

However, something blocked their way forward.

"Huh? Why did the ghost walk so slowly just now?"

Because, the ghost who passed by them before appeared in front of them.

"Has the speed of this ghost slowed down..."

The four-eyed Taoist priest held an exquisite mahogany sword and was eager to try.

"There is something blocking it in front!"

As the three of them went deeper, the visibility of the thick fog on Huangquan Road became lower and lower, so that they couldn't see what was happening in front of them.

"It's a ghost!"

Uncle Jiu and the Taoist priest with four eyes couldn't see it.But it doesn't mean he can't see it. When he condensed the spirit energy in his own eyes, he immediately had a clear view of the scene of Huangquan Road in front of him.

On the Huangquan Road, there were actually all kinds of ghosts, forming a long queue. This was also the reason why the ghosts stopped just now.

Because it's queuing up!

"Is this the Double Eleven panic buying event!"

Fang Xiaole was dumbfounded.

"What happened ahead?"

Seeing Fang Xiaole's eyes shining brightly, Uncle Jiu asked quickly.

"There's something blocking the entire Huangquan Road ahead!"


Uncle Jiu was shocked.

"Block the whole Huangquan Road?"

"how is this possible!"

Obviously, the first reaction of Uncle Jiu and Daoist Simu was to not believe it.

"Maybe there is something blocking the gate of hell, allowing ghosts to enter the underworld!"

Fang Xiaole guessed.

He looked up to the sky and saw a huge figure looming in the distance, like a big mountain.

"Fly directly there!"

Fang Xiaole tried it and found that he could still use his mental power on the Huangquan Road, so he controlled Uncle Jiu and Taoist Master Simu to fly above the long queue of ghosts.


At the same time, in the live broadcast room.

Almost everyone could not help but shudder when they saw the scene on Huangquan Road.

The cold and strange environment, coupled with the ghosts with hideous faces and tragic deaths, made their hair stand on end!

Of course, there is no shortage of gags.

I'm a kitten tooth: "It's said that the business of the underworld is very busy! Maybe some ghosts can't produce documents that can prove that they are themselves, so they are driven back!"

Put on a sweater: "There must be a big problem in the underworld. There are so many ghosts stranded on Huangquan Road. If the conscious ghosts return to the human world, it will be a disaster!"

Baibai Pangpang: "It means that there is reincarnation, so many ghosts can't reincarnate, does it mean that the birth rate in the world is also plummeting?"

The black cloud is overwhelming the city: "No! The fertility rate will not change, but there will be many imbecile children..."


While the audience in the live broadcast room was discussing, Fang Xiaole, Uncle Jiu and Wen Cai passed by on Huangquan Road.

"The ghost gate is closed, so there are so many ghosts stranded on Huangquan Road..."

Uncle Nine said.

The four-eyed Taoist priest also nodded, this is the only possibility at present.

"That is……"

The thick fog was rolling in, Jiushu and the Taoist priest with four eyes couldn't see it, but Fang Xiaole could see it clearly.

At the end of the front, I saw a black shadow like a huge mountain before, which turned out to be a living body!

Its body is like a mountain, its whole body is pitch black, and it looks like a lump of mud, wriggling in front of it.

It is also the main reason for completing the blockage of Huangquan Road!
The huge body occupies all the Huangquan roads, blocking the ghost's way forward.

"No! The gate of hell is closed ahead!"

Behind the huge figure, Fang Xiaole saw a huge portal, standing between heaven and earth, more than ten thousand feet high and nearly a thousand feet wide!
That's right!

The Gate of Hell is so huge!

The huge black shadow in front actually blocked the entire portal!

"Does it want to go to the underworld?"

Fang Xiaole thought.

"No! It's... specially stuck here!"

Fang Xiaole saw the clue.

The mist around the ghost gate gradually dissipated, and Uncle Jiu and Taoist Master Simu also saw the scene ahead.

"I'm going! What is this?!"

This is the voice of the four-eyed Taoist priest, it's almost a slam!

As for Uncle Jiu, his face was serious and he didn't speak, which showed the seriousness of the matter.

"What is that... monster?"

The Taoist priest with four eyes asked Uncle Jiu who was on the side.


However, Uncle Jiu also shook his head slightly.

At this time, Fang Xiaole saw many slender tentacles suddenly growing out of the strange mountain-like creature, sweeping towards the ghosts on the Huangquan Road!

In a moment, one tentacle can catch two ghosts!
And the mountain-like body is densely packed!

The tentacles grabbed the ghost and suddenly threw it high into the sky!
" is devouring the ghosts on Huangquan Road!"

Uncle Jiu was horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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