Chapter 157
Captain Awei and others who ran out of the door were instantly stunned when they saw this scene!

Just now he thought that Fang Xiaole was just an ordinary person, and he kept provoking her again and again.

Now it seems that the clown turned out to be himself?

Captain Awei's face was hot!
Even, a huge sense of shame filled his heart.

Looking at the subordinates who ran away with him, they seemed to be looking at him, their eyes full of disdain.

"What are you looking at! Hurry up and help!"

Captain Awei glared at his subordinates, but he remained indifferent.

Inside, Uncle Jiu held Guan Gong's broadsword, and when he went up, he slashed at the clusters of long spears dancing on the strange corpse, and cut off hundreds of them in one stroke!
"Come on!"

"Come on!"


The tentacles were cut off and fell to the ground, wriggling violently like earthworms.

Everyone who watched was nauseated and scalp numb!

At this time, Fang Xiaole came pacing, the white lotus under his feet turned, stirring the wriggling tentacles on the ground, and the tentacles were immediately crushed into powder!

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu's confidence was greatly increased, and he jumped up with Guan Gong's broadsword in his hand, and slashed fiercely at the corpse with surging tentacles!


However, there was a loud noise.

It was like chopping on a stone, and there was another crisp sound.

... Guan Gong's broadsword ... broke!

Wen Cai in the distance was shocked and turned around in a hurry, but I saw a burning iron iron not far away, so I quickly grabbed it.

But on the iron, there is a word "female cadre", the iron is burnt red, and there are bursts of burning sensation.

"Master, get out of the way!"

Wen Cai yelled, and quickly rushed towards the strange corpse.

Of course, the iron in his hand was aimed at the strange corpse.

Here, Uncle Jiu saw that the Guan Gong sword in his hand was broken, and he was already planning to retreat. At the same time, Fang Xiaole stepped on the lotus flower, like a stroll in the courtyard, to meet Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu turned his head and saw Fang Xiaole who was stepping on the lotus. Shock flashed in his eyes, and he was a little dazed looking at the huge white lotus.


Wen Cai rushed forward shouting.


The hot iron in his hand was quickly attached to the strange corpse, a puff of white smoke rose rapidly, and at the same time, there was a foul smell.

The corpse seemed to feel pain, no!

It should be that the tentacles on the corpse felt the pain and swung them more violently. After that, Wen Cai was knocked into the air without any accident!
It hit the table not far away and the table fell apart instantly.

In the place burned by the iron, the tentacles were deformed and burned off, but after a moment of tightness, they returned to their original state.

"Uncle Jiu, are you okay?"

Fang Xiaole supported Uncle Jiu, and the lotus flower that was added immediately protected Uncle Jiu.

The long tentacles on the corpse extended, but were blocked and crushed by the looming lotus petals!
Seeing this scene, Uncle Jiu was shocked, and marveled at Fang Xiaole's strength!

Uncle Jiu shook his head and said, "This corpse is extremely hard, almost as hard as Mao Zang!"

Uncle Jiu reminded.

"Mao stiff?"

Fang Xiaole was a little confused about the classification of zombies.

Seeing that the strange corpse not far away could not break through the white lotus around Fang Xiaole, Uncle Jiu took the initiative to explain: "Zombies are divided into eight levels, the first level is purple zombies, purple zombies generally refer to zombies shortly after death, Gu's body is lavender, purple stiff cannot move freely, and belongs to the incomplete form of zombies."

"The second level is white zombie. The corpse is white. This kind of zombie is easy to deal with. He moves slowly, is afraid of light, is also afraid of fire, water, chickens, dogs, and even people."

"The third level is Green Zombie. The body of the corpse and the body are green. Compared with White Zombie, it jumps extremely fast. It is not afraid of people or domestic animals, but it is only afraid of sunlight."

"The fourth level is that **** grows hair on the body. It is a famous copper-skinned iron bone. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the body. The movement is agile, jumping from the house to the tree, jumping like flying, and starting not to be afraid Fanhuo is not even afraid of the sun."

"Flying zombies, as the name suggests, flying zombies are flying zombies. They usually have practiced for thousands of years. This kind of zombies are extremely powerful. Not only are they not afraid of sunlight and swords, but they can also use spells. Ordinary Taoists can't subdue them."

"Zombies have reached the level of flying zombies, and it is extremely difficult to subdue them. In addition, there are three kinds of corpses. They are wandering corpses, lying corpses, and non-melting bones."

"Wandering corpses will move with the moon and seasons, and they will have no fixed place."

"Corpse, a thousand-year-old corpse, unable to move (it doesn't sound very powerful)."

"Untransformed bones. After death, some parts of the body are infused with spirit, causing their bones to become indestructible. This piece of non-transformed bone is called an indestructible bone. It is as black as a rock. If the essence of the sun and moon is absorbed for a long time, it will It will also be a disaster for the world.”

Uncle Jiu spoke extremely fast, but Fang Xiaole memorized everything.

"So, this weird corpse has reached the level of hair stiffness, copper skin and iron bones!"

"That's right!"

Uncle Jiu nodded.

"Wait for Qiusheng to bring me the magic weapon, use the magic weapon to solve it!"

Uncle Jiu suggested.

"it is good!"

Fang Xiaole nodded, but didn't stop there.

"I'm going to try how powerful it is!"

Fang Xiaole stepped forward, using the pre-Qin Qi training technique in his body, the spirit energy gathered at his fingertips, and then pointed to the strange corpse.


A golden light shot out of his finger and quickly shot towards the corpse.



Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the ray of light actually directly penetrated the strange corpse, came out through the body, and shot towards the wall on the other side.


Captain Awei was dumbfounded, his eyes fell on Fang Xiaole's fingers, and then on his own pistol. For a moment, his expression was inexplicable.

As for Wen Cai, who was just blown away by the strange corpse, he was still struggling on the ground, and crawled into a corner to hide.

Uncle Jiu didn't have anyone in his hands, and he didn't dare to go head-to-head with the strange corpse.

Therefore, in the whole scene, only Fang Xiaole has the power to fight!
Fang Xiaole's mental power exploded, and the knives, guns and sticks on the weapon rack not far away instantly floated up.Surrounded by Fang Xiaole!


At this moment, not only Captain Awei was shocked, but almost everyone was dumbfounded!
What's happening here?
Fly away?

The fencing technique in the storybook?
Could it be a fairy!

wrong!Uncle Jiu is here, you should understand, right?
Captain Awei was shocked, staring blankly at Fang Xiaole who was surrounded by various weapons.

Looking at all this, Uncle Jiu was shocked and even more puzzled.

"Without the fluctuation of spirit energy, what kind of method is this?"

From Uncle Jiu's point of view, Fang Xiaole possessed the cultivation base of the late stage of foundation establishment, no matter what method he used, he could at least rely on his spirit energy to display it!
But now, he didn't feel the spiritual energy from Fang Xiaole!
How could he know that Fang Xiaole used mental power!
"Master! Here I come!"

At this moment, Qiu Sheng's voice came from outside, and immediately, Qiu Sheng rushed in with big bags and small bags.


However, when I saw the scene inside, it was also a bit of a trough!
ps: Seek all kinds of support~

(End of this chapter)

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