Live broadcast of the heavens: The beginning was peeped by Daqin Zulong

Chapter 116 The World of Flowers... Are there any green flowers?

Chapter 116 The World of Flowers... Are there any green flowers?

Like Facebook!

Some netizens on Facebook were quick to comment:
"Is this a promotional video for China's new movie?"

Some netizens from ugly countries commented on Facebook.

"Huge skeleton? Of a dragon?"

Someone guessed.

"There are very beautiful butterflies behind, and after they fly, they can form flowers!"

"Wisteria, I like this kind of flower very much!"

"My God! Butterflies can glow? It's not scientific!"

"Normal, fireflies will also glow..."

"But it's a firefly! How can it be the same as a butterfly?"


This is nothing more than a short live video that was uploaded to Facebook to trigger comments, and in the Youtube live broadcast, the number of people in the live broadcast room gradually climbed.

Mike: “I came from Facebook, and then I realized it was a live broadcast?!”

Luke: "Is this really a live broadcast? The special effects are so cool!"

Webb Sol: "Which country is the anchor from? Japanese country? Or stealing country?"

Tony: "Didn't you see the title of the live broadcast! Those are Chinese characters, Chinese characters of Huaxia!"

Axel: "This must be the mythical world of China..."


The Huaxia people in China still don't know that Fang Xiaole's live broadcast has been spread abroad. Now, they are also curious about the world of Fang Xiaole's live broadcast this time.


Liu Jianguo looked at the picture on the screen of the mobile phone in a daze. Wasn't Fang Xiaole talking about Xinchao just now?

But what happened to this huge skeleton and glowing butterfly?

Suddenly, Liu Jianguo realized that Fang Xiaole's live broadcast was not simple. Just when he was thinking about it and went to work, his satellite phone suddenly rang.

Liu Jianguo saw that it was a call from a boss in front.

Liu Jianguo's expression suddenly became serious. The big boss called him personally, and there must be something extremely important.


Liu Jianguo stood at attention, respectfully speaking.

But I saw a kind voice sounded from the opposite side:

"There is no need to restrict Fang Xiaole's live broadcast. At the same time, discuss with some Internet companies to divert traffic..."

"This..., Chief, will this be too..."

Liu Jianguo hesitated.

"Is it too hasty?"

The leader on the opposite side took the initiative to explain: "Combining the information you sent before, after discussions with the think tank, it may bring about huge changes in society, and this change is also an opportunity..."


Liu Jianguo chatted with the person on the other side of the satellite phone for a long time, and finally, Liu Jianguo hung up the phone respectfully.

Then he stood beside the car, silent for a moment, and then said leisurely: "A revolution triggered by a live broadcast..."



Fang Xiaole looked away from the butterfly that formed a cluster of wisteria flowers, and then continued to fly in the direction of the smoke.

During the period, he saw a sparrow perched on a treetop, with black dots of light flickering on its black-gray feathers, and faintly, a phantom of a purple morning glory could be seen from time to time.

It seems to be accompanied by the breath of the sparrow, and it seems to be accompanied by the twinkling of the stars in the sky, twinkling and twinkling.

"Ah this..."

"Even sparrows have ghost shadows of flowers?"

Fang Xiaole couldn't believe it, "What kind of world is this?"

"It seems that this flower is very powerful..."

Thinking back to the stinging pain caused by the wisteria of the butterfly shooting at her, Fang Xiaole was a little curious about what harm the sparrow would do.

Thinking of this, he rose into the air and quickly came to the sparrow's side.


The sudden appearance of Fang Xiaole startled the sparrows on the treetops, and they were about to fly away as soon as they spread their wings.

At the same time, purple morning glory quickly appeared around him, covering it like a trumpet, and the trumpet soared to the sky.

"Strange, why didn't you attack me?"

Fang Xiaole didn't believe it, and hurriedly followed.


However, the sparrow would not attack him.

"...Could it be that this is in the nature of a house?"

Fang Xiaole was puzzled.

Immediately, Fang Xiaole flew beside the sparrow, then quickly reached out and grabbed the sparrow.

The next moment, the phantom of the morning glory around the sparrow stared at it for an instant, blocking Fang Xiaole's palm that was protruding!

Fang Xiaole was in pain, and quickly withdrew her hand.

At the same time, Fang Xiaole also understood the role of the morning glory shadow on the sparrow.

"It turned out to be a defensive function..."

After figuring out what was going on, Fang Xiaole returned to the ground.

After a moment of silence, he turned his head and explained to the audience in the live broadcast room: "It seems that the dynasty of this live broadcast is a little different!"

The boss didn't say a word: "Is this a little different? Oh! There are [-] million points!"

Happy: "God's is a little different!"

If life is just like the first time you see it: "So, what kind of new dynasty is this?"

The black cloud overwhelmed the city and wanted to destroy it: "Every small animal is protected by a flower? So, this is the world of flowers?"

It was just below: "Flower Fairy?"

Dongfeng puts flowers on a thousand trees at night: "It's true, this is the world of flowers..."

Call Dad: "Do people in this world have flowers?"

A bed: "A little red flower on top of your head?"

Walking first aid kit: "I'm a little curious, are there any green flowers in this world..."


Fang Xiaole looked at the barrage, and said: "That's right, this new dynasty must be unusual, with huge skeletons and very strange butterflies. The sparrows just now are quite normal..."

"It's just that the phantoms of flowers floating around them are a bit different!"

"At the same time, I'm also curious whether people in this world have flowers..."

"Although I can fly as the anchor, and I have practiced Qi training in the pre-Qin period, I don't know how powerful people in this world are?"

"So, have you seen it? There is smoke on the other side of the mountain ahead. There must be someone! Let's go..."

As he spoke, Fang Xiaole quickly flew forward.

During this period, he met many birds, among which, most of the sparrows were morning glories, and the pigeons were white snow lotus, which looked extraordinarily pure.

At the same time, Fang Xiaole saw many huge skeletons in the forest.

The bones are thick and creepy.


Ugly country.

new York.

Lee Hans is an ugly internet celebrity.

Is an internet celebrity who makes videos.

As for the videos, most of them are original.

For example, travel to other countries, shoot videos, and introduce foreign scenery to netizens in ugly countries.

He often goes to Huaxia, and among them, he shoots the most videos about Huaxia.

From those videos, he introduced the discovery of Huaxia objectively, bringing the most authentic China to people outside of China.

Therefore, he also gained many Chinese fans.

Today, he was browsing YouTube, looking at the messages his fans had left for him.

Suddenly, a fan's message caught his attention.

"live streaming?"

As an Internet celebrity, he naturally knows what to live broadcast.

"Huaxia's anchor is broadcasting live on Youtube, it's very interesting..."

Looking at the fans' messages to him, he quickly opened the YouTube live channel, and then searched according to the content of the message:

"Live to the heavens..."

"The heavens?"

Li Hans said this word in Chinese, and he, who is proficient in Chinese, naturally knew the meaning of this word.

(End of this chapter)

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