Chapter 91 Procurement
It can be inferred from the system's embargo on items: if the system is not prohibited, at least it does not support Luo Yi's development of the territory into the age of firearms.

Although Luo Yi regretted it, it was not unacceptable, after all, he already had such a big golden finger.

If you want to use a metaphor, it’s like ranking first in the local tyrants ranking of a certain mobile game. The amount of krypton is two orders of magnitude different from No. 2, but you still want to hire hackers to tamper with your data in the game... I’m not satisfied enough For its sake, it was a bit too much.

Luo Yi now has the reputation of the King of Kings—although it is still far from being world-famous, and the Sasang Kingdom, which believes in the prophecy of the King of Kings, may only be equivalent to a township in terms of population and area;
Luo Yi has powerful combat power and nano-defense suits—although one person cannot decide the outcome of a large-scale battle, but it is not a problem for Luo Yi to make a guest appearance as a peerless general to influence the direction of a small-scale battle;
There is a cheating divine grace—although AK47 and 107 rocket launchers cannot be dropped, but logistics supplies can be airborne anytime and anywhere, and various strategic materials can also be dropped.

Therefore, although the current situation is not very good, as long as it can survive the extraordinary period of "the beginning of the game", won't it be able to develop well in the future and become the king of kings in the world of Dyson balls comfortably?

Thinking of it this way, Luo Yi's depression of losing two light cavalrymen because of attacking the manor was swept away.

Next, Luo Yi began to scan the goods.

Steel ingots and billets allow blacksmiths to freely create various ironware and buy them.

Rebar can be used as a spear point, buy.

I don't know what the use of welded steel pipe is, buy it.

Steel plates can be cut to make plate armor, buy them.

I don't know what the wire can be used for. Buying... can't enter the world of Dyson balls?Then don't buy it.

Can iron chains not enter that world?OK...then buy it.


It is said to be sweeping, but in fact, there are not many of them, because Luo Yi's pickup truck has a limited loading capacity.

Every time Luo Yi bought something, he would drive to a deserted place in the suburbs, let the flying saucer store the goods in a private warehouse, and then return to the steel market to continue buying.

I ran back and forth several times at the risk of overloading fines, and the sum of the miscellaneous things I bought only cost me [-] yuan.

However, these things are enough for the time being.The products in the big industrial society are so plentiful and cheap, what can Luo Yi do?
For example, if you use rebar to make a spearhead, Luo Yi bought 28 rebar.This thing is less than half a ton at 100 meters, and Luo Yi bought a whole ton, which is more than 200 meters.

These rebars alone can produce more than a thousand spearheads with a length of more than 3000 much is it?Only more than [-]!And the knights, city guards and lord's private soldiers of the entire Sasang Kingdom are only in the early thousand!
The rebar was too long to fit into the pickup truck, so Luo Yi had to ask the boss to cut it obliquely into small pieces.As a result, the boss kept looking at Luo Yi with the eyes of a mental patient, which made Luo Yi very unhappy.

After buying the rebar, Luo Yi then went to the bamboo market not far away.

In fact, there are moso bamboo and trees in the Dyson ball world, but in order to manufacture the equipment as soon as possible, Luo Yi simply handles it all by himself.

Moso bamboo can be used to make spears and bows.Although moso bamboo is not a good material for both, Luo Yi is not picky either.For the time being, there is no need to consider whether the quality is good or bad, but to solve the problem of availability first.

After buying the moso bamboo, Luo Yi, still unsatisfied, went to clean up the rawhide.Rawhide was a very important strategic material in ancient times. It can be used to make leather armor and bowstrings.

During the whole day, Luo Yi was so busy that there was smoke under his feet, he finally finished his work, hurried home to take a shower, and then went to pick up Wang Wei from get off work.

As a result, Wang Wei immediately pouted when he saw him, with a look of reluctance.

After getting along for such a long time, Luo Yi could tell at a glance that Wang Wei's unhappiness was not aimed at him.

So Luo Yi asked: "What's wrong?"

Wang Wei took the conversation listlessly.

"My mother said that I should go home as soon as I get off work today, have dinner early and go to the spa with her. I am so old, I still need someone to accompany me."

What an embarrassing complaint.

Luo Yi comforted her: "Your mother doesn't know how to go to SPA every day. As a daughter, it's okay to accompany mother once in a while."

Wang Wei's eyes widened in anger.

"Are you tired of being with me every day? So Ba has to stay with me?"

Luo Yi didn't dare to wear such a big hat.

"How can I bother you, I not only want to be with you every day, but also want to be with you all the time! Let's do it, I'm going to go all out, and I'm going to apply to your father to live in your big villa today."

Wang Wei turned anger into anger.

"The thief is special!"

"But my dad will definitely not agree to it, and he will even scold you!"

In Wang Wei's mind, everyone is afraid of being scolded by her father.

Time is tight, and there is no time to drink coffee together.So Luo Yi acted as a driver to take Wang Wei home so that he could spend more time together.

In the car, Wang Wei complained: "Sneaky dating is so annoying, and now my mother is still taking up my time."

So Luo Yi came up with a bad idea.

"You take the time to fix our wedding room."

"After the house is settled, you take out the household registration book secretly, and we quietly get the marriage certificate. At that time, the raw rice is cooked and cooked, and we can fall in love openly."

Wang Wei was quite moved.

"But I don't know where our household registration book is..." Wang Wei came back to his senses and refused righteously. "No, my dad won't agree!"

It's really hard to deal with a good baby, I have to ask her father to agree.

Luo Yi complained a little to Wang Chenglin: when he had no money, he forcefully asked him to carry his bags to move in; if he tried to make money by himself, he thought it was too risky and worried that his daughter would become a widow.Nothing can satisfy him, it's really hard to serve him!
However, on the whole, Luo Yi still admires Wang Chenglin, after all, he has raised such a good daughter.

Fair skin, good looks and long legs are born, not to mention, in the eyes of Luo Yi, beauty is naturally in the eye of the beholder, and Wang Wei has almost no shortcomings.

It is very rare for a daughter raised in such a rich family not to show off her wealth, and if Wang Wei hadn't been instilled with such a view of love by Wang Chenglin, how could it be possible for Luo Yi to win Wang Wei's favor?

Luo Yi's resentment disappeared when she thought that Wang Chenglin would benefit from raising such a good daughter in the end.

Thinking of the joy, Luo Yi couldn't help holding Wang Wei's hand.

Wang Wei was sweetly happy for a while, and then complained worriedly.

"You're still driving!"

Luo Yi didn't listen.

But fortunately, we soon arrived at the parking place.

Wang Wei was afraid that Luo Yi would be seen by people driving to the gate of the villa area and getting out of the car, so he asked him to stop when he was one street away.

The two got out of the car, and when Wang Wei was about to sit in the driver's seat, Luo Yi held her hand again.

"I love you."

Women can never get tired of listening to love words.

Wang Wei ignored the regulations on temporary parking on the street and took the initiative to kiss Luo Yi.

Luo Yi couldn't bear to let go, but luckily he still had sense.

"Okay, go back, or your mother will ask again."


Wang Wei thinks it's not bad to fall in love secretly like this now.She wondered if she would be too late to fall asleep tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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