Chapter 80 History
Seeing Luo Yi's approving attitude, Mitchell explained to Luo Yi emotionally: "The grace of God is usually food, salt, cloth and other daily necessities, and precious materials such as iron are very rare."

"And when there is an extra divine favor, not only will there be more living materials than usual, not only will there be a large amount of precious materials such as iron, but the iron that appears during the divine grace will be of better quality than normal iron."

"Ordinary iron can barely be used to make kitchen knives, pears and the like, but when used to make armor, its protective power is hard to trust. Only by using the iron that appears when you have extra divine grace to make armor can you become a Templar. armor."

Luo Yi thought about it, and felt that the correct answer should be: ordinary iron is just pig iron, and the level of smelting in this world is not good enough.And the extra grace provided is steel, maybe even special steel.

Seeing Luo Yi frowning and thinking, Mitchell was afraid that he would not understand, so he explained in more detail: "Since only the iron with extra divine grace can make real Templar armor, Templar armor is extremely rare. .”

"What's more, once the Templar armor is pierced and damaged, we have no ability to repair it, so the number of Templar armor has always been extremely scarce."

"In fact, the reason why alternate Templar knights are often unable to be promoted to Templar knights is not because their martial arts are not up to the standard, but because the temple has no spare Templar knight armor to provide them with."

"And when there is an additional divine favor, at least one set of high-quality armor can be created, which means that the country can have one more Templar."

After hearing Mitchell's words, Luo Yi was greatly moved.

The Sasang Kingdom has [-] Templars and [-] alternate Templars. Does this mean that if Luo Yi can provide enough steel, or even directly provide excellent armor, then the combat effectiveness of the Sasang Kingdom will be able to emerge? An instant leap?

If you think about it, it really is.

When productivity was low in ancient times, when weapons and equipment were of a higher level, the combat effectiveness of the army would be significantly stronger.

Hot weapons cannot be brought into this world. Armors are considered cold weapons, so they should be able to be brought over, right?
Thinking of this, Luo Yi immediately asked the system: "Can I bring armor to this world?"

The system replied: "Yes."

Regarding the system, Luo Yi has always been keen to test his bottom line.

"When the armor falls from the sky, can it cover the white light? It's the white light in the so-called extra grace on the altar in this world."


Luo Yi was determined.

Now Luo Yi has the confidence to make a fortune in this world.

Luo Yi's previous plan was guerrilla warfare and harassment warfare, forcing the locals to surrender.

Playing like this is equivalent to saving the first pot of gold through the difficult primitive accumulation process.

Once you have enough land and subordinates, you can develop productivity and train the army like in farming web novels. If you have enough strength, you can lead the army to continue to expand.

And now, the first pot of gold is already there!

Of course, there are still a few minor flaws.That is, Luo Yi already has vassals, but he doesn't have his own territory and army directly under him, so it can't be said to be the real first pot of gold, it can only be regarded as half a pot of gold.

So next, Luo Yi's goal is to attack the orc's territory.When you have a direct territory, then you can really start farming.After the army's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, Luo Yi will not have to take the lead in every battle.

...Of course, this is just a general strategic idea at present, and the details still need to be polished.

Thinking of the bright future, Luo Yi was so happy that he almost laughed out loud.

At this time, the assistant priest who was in charge of counting the additional divine favors announced loudly with a trembling voice: "This time the enough for six sets of Templar armor!"

Although religious places should generally remain solemn and solemn, the people present at this moment couldn't help cheering loudly.

Obtaining extra divine grace is already an unexpected surprise. Who would have thought, who would have dared to think, that this time, he actually got six pieces of iron for making Templar armor!
You know, in the history of this world, the most extra divine favors are only enough to get five pieces of Templar armor!

What does this mean? !

People with quick minds immediately cast their sights on Luo Yi.Affected by this, the people nearby also turned their attention to Luo Yi.As a result, everyone in the square looked at him.

Then a man waved his arms and shouted, "King of kings!"

This shout was like a drop of water falling into a hot oil pan, and the scene immediately boiled.Fanatics chanted "King of Kings" in unison.The yelling was chaotic at first, but soon became a chorus.

Listening to the sonorous and forceful "King of Kings" chanting at the scene, Luo Yi finally understood why so many people like to stand on the stage.

This feeling... is really good!

Luo Yi nodded with a smile, waited for a while, and then raised his hand to signal them to stop.

Luo Yi turned his head and told Mitchell: "You send some scouts to check the situation of the surrounding enemies. When I come over tomorrow, I hope your army is ready to go out."

In fact, Luo Yi can also determine the enemy's position through systematic intelligence support.But after all, he has been poor for a long time, and he is very frugal in his bones.Besides, even if he barely has some money now, his points are pitifully low.

Save as much as possible when you can.

Mitchell hesitated to speak, but nodded in agreement.So Luo Yi summoned the flying saucer and once again performed the daytime ascension in public.

The nobles of the Sasang Kingdom already knew that Luo Yi would fall from the sky, so there was no point in hiding it.On the contrary, doing this frequently can strengthen their memory and make them more loyal to Luo Yi.

Moreover, Luo Yi's current character design is not a god, but it is not a human being - it is roughly similar to the emperor's character design that is both human and full of mystery.

Luo Yi felt that it didn't matter to let the Sasang people know that he was not from the same world as them, as that would make him more mysterious.


Luo Yi went straight back to her home in S State.

If there are important matters in the territorial world, Luo Yi can return to State S later.But if you return later, it will be daylight.At that time, he could only land on the outskirts, and then waste some time driving home - why would he choose to drive home when he could land on the roof of his own building?
Luo Yi now needs to learn horse riding, archery, and even horseback riding and fighting on horseback. Time is very tight.

Back home, Luo Yi raced against time to enter the virtual reality environment, spent points to buy three learning software for riding, archery, and horseback riding, and then eagerly learned related knowledge.

Tomorrow, I will lead an army to fight against the orcs, and I can hide my clumsiness if I don't know how to shoot arrows or fight on horseback.But how can you cover up if you don't know how to ride a horse?

Is it possible to sit in a sedan chair with a feather fan and turban or ride on a four-wheeled vehicle like Zhuge Liang on the battlefield?
If people in that world know that he can't ride a horse, it's not a matter of being ashamed to go abroad, but a matter of being ashamed and thrown to another world.

(End of this chapter)

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