Chapter 78 Vassals
When rushing towards Priest Delun just now, everything happened in the blink of an eye.Although the Templars were in a hurry to attack Luo Yi, Luo Yi also had no time to check the information provided by the system in his mind.

Now that I was free, Luo Yi took a look.He was cut three swords in a hurry by the Templars, and as a result, the energy of the nano protective suit was reduced by 10%.

Seeing this information, Luo Yi was quite startled.

If they were stabbed three times with all their strength, how much would the energy of the protective suit decrease?

According to the analysis of "three arrows are not as good as one knife, and three knives are not as good as one gun".

The reason why three arrows are not as good as one knife is that under normal circumstances the strength of the arrow is small, so there is a saying that "at the end of the crossbow, the strength cannot enter Lu Jin".

And three knives are not as good as one gun, because the swinging of the knives mainly generates horizontal force, and the horizontal force also lacks the supplement of follow-up force after the attack.The gun is mainly used for stabbing on the battlefield, and the holder can still continue to output penetrating power after attacking the target.

Even without considering the difference between haste and concentration, based on the calculation of "three knives are not as good as one gun", if you are stabbed three times by the templar knights with all your strength, wouldn't the energy of the nano protective suit be reduced by 30%? !
Of course, this is not to say that nano protective clothing is not useful.The real reason why the "durability" of the nano-suit's protection was lower than Luo Yi's expectation was that those Templar knights were really talented.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

In terms of fighting, Luo Yi is not only an expert, but an expert and even a master.The combat power of the Templars was stronger than that of the most elite soldiers of the orcs, and only slightly inferior to that leader.

Considering the huge size of the orcs, how could the fighting power of the Templars be so high?

Luo Yi was not afraid of the Templars' fighting power.

He took those three blows on purpose just now to play tricks, otherwise he would not have been hit at all.

Even if it was a life-and-death battle with thirty templar knights, Luo Yi was confident that after the final victory, the energy consumption of the nano protective suit would not exceed 30%.

He just wondered why the combat effectiveness of the Templar Knights was so different from that of the City Guards.Do the Templars have any special training methods?

Luo Yi glanced at the Templars suspiciously, but didn't think about it any further—they specialize in this kind of food, such as European knights and foot basin warriors, are much better than ordinary people.

Luo Yi announced lightly: "Now, in the name of the King of Kings, I declare that I will deprive Mifu of the throne of King of the Sasan Kingdom that he illegally obtained."

"Mitchell, come here."

Upon hearing this, Mitchell walked over in a chaotic manner.

"Kneel down."

Mitchell fell to his knees with a plop.

Mitchell first knelt on both knees, then seemed to feel that something was wrong, and changed to kneeling on one knee, and then he looked up to observe Luo Yi's expression.

Luo Yi also couldn't figure out what Mitchell was going to do with both knees and one knee.

According to the European tradition, two knees are for the gods, and one knee is for the lord or the object of marriage proposal.

Luo Yi felt that he was not a god, but the king of kings, so it made sense for Mitchell to kneel on one knee.

But the system is in Luo Yi's mind, and the system is probably the god of this world.It would also make sense if Mitchell got down on his knees toward him—not to Luo Yi, but to the system in his head.

So Luo Yi didn't say anything, just watched Mitchell quietly, waiting for his final choice.

Seeing Luo Yi's dark and deep eyes staring at him without speaking, Mitchell panicked, so he knelt on his knees again, with his head on the ground.

Seeing that Mitchell had made the final choice, Luo Yi said, "Look up and look at me."

Mitchell looked up at Luo Yi, his eyes full of unconcealable fear.

Strange, why is he fearful instead of fanatical?

Hmm... From this point of view, Mitchell may have brought Luo Yi here because he believed the prophecy was true, but he also had the intention of using Luo Yi - Mitchell definitely wanted to use the power of the King of Kings to regain the land that should belong to him. the throne.And when Mitchell now finds out that the person he wants to use may actually be the spokesperson of God, he will naturally be afraid of being punished by God.

But Luo Yi didn't care about it.

It doesn't matter if people have selfishness, the important thing is to make the right choice.

"Take off your helmet and untie your weapon."

Mitchell panicked even more, but followed through.

Luo Yi asked: "Are you willing to be my vassal?"

Mitchell was overjoyed, almost choked up and replied: "Your Majesty, I am willing to be your vassal!"

Luo Yi got some soil from the ground and pulled out a small grass.

"Hand out."

Mitchell reached out his palms knowingly, and Luo Yi put the soil and grass in his palms to symbolize sealing the soil.

Then Luo Yi announced: "Now I declare: Mitchell becomes my vassal, and the territory is Sasang Kingdom."

Mitchell burst into tears.Most of the city guards began to cheer, and it seemed that he was quite popular among the city guards.

The Templars were not dissatisfied either.

Mitchell is the son of the former king, and before Miff became king, he promised to return the throne to Mitchell when he became an adult.

So, now it's just a return to the original owner.

As for Mitchell now having an extra monarch, what does it matter to anyone else?
Besides, hasn't it been said in the prophecy?

Luo Yi is the king of kings.It wouldn't make sense if Mitchell wasn't a vassal of the King of Kings.


After the canonization ceremony was over, Luo Yi asked Mitchell to lead the way into the city.

When entering the city, Luo Yi's thinking was a little divergent.

If you follow the ancient European etiquette, then there is also a kiss ceremony, and the vassal should put his hands into the closed palm of the lord and say: "Your Excellency, I am yours."

Naturally, a rough guy like Mitchell would never consider it, but Luo Yi once gave Sun Suxian a crown before.

Could it be that something is prophesied in the dark?
... If she is granted a canonization, other ceremonies can be considered to be exempted, but those two ceremonies must be completed.

Thinking of performing the vassal ceremony on Sun Suxian, Luo Yi wondered if the kiss ceremony could be improved.Thinking about it, and not knowing what happened, Luo Yi's face turned hot.

After entering the castle, Mitchell first took Luo Yi to the altar.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for any religion to allow pagans to visit the temple.But everyone in this world is a believer, the only difference is shallow belief and deep belief.

Therefore, there is no concept in this world that pagans are not allowed to enter the temple-in fact, there is no concept of pagans in this world at all.

In this world, the temple is the most important building in every castle, located in the very center of the castle.The altar is the most important in the temple, also located in the center of the temple.

After entering the temple, pass through the lobby full of religious stories and step onto a flat square.Here, Luo Yi saw a flat and smooth cylindrical stone object.The height of the stone pillar is about half a meter, the horizontal plane is circular, and the radius of the circle is about five meters.

Is it the altar?
Luo Yi looked left and right, but he couldn't see anything unusual.Out of curiosity, he even wanted to climb up to the altar to study it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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