celestial system of the solar system

Chapter 60 Love House and Wu

Chapter 60 Love House and Wu
Luo Yi removed the color imitation function of the nano-protective suit, but did not meet Zhang Botao and others in the past.

He didn't want to kill the captives, so he didn't want them to see his face.

Zhang Botao didn't have any concerns about this. The blue veil he was wearing was actually a very long strip of cloth, which not only covered his face, but also covered his forehead and head when wrapped around it.So Zhang Botao only showed a pair of eyes, and the captives may not be able to see that he is not a Tuareg.

Seeing that Zhang Botao and his companions had completely controlled the situation, Luo Yi called Zhang Botao over.

Zhang Botao ran over, Luo Yi originally thought he would ask how he did it, but he didn't ask anything - originally Luo Yi planned to be modest.

Zhang Botao didn't ask, Luo Yi had no choice but to talk about business.

"I won't participate in how the captives are dealt with later. Remember to interrogate the captives and find out who instigated this attack."

Luo Yi suspected that Andre was also responsible for this incident.If it was really him, then Luo Yi couldn't bear it anymore.

Luo Yi has already expressed his sincerity that peace is the most important thing.If Andre is the envoy this time, it will be "slapping" Luo Yi's face, which is tolerable or unbearable!

But you still need to confirm before taking action.If it wasn't Andre's fault, Luo Yi ran to deal with Andre, wouldn't it make the real mastermind behind the scenes laugh out loud?

Seeing Zhang Botao nodded, because the war was over, Luo Yi couldn't help it.

"Are you really planning to marry Dana?"

On Zhang Botao's face with only one pair of eyes exposed, there was a clear and unmistakable smile.

"I've asked her to marry me, and she said yes."

As a result, Luo Yi's words were full of words and he was choked back.

I would rather demolish ten temples than one marriage.Marriage is like drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or not.It's easy for outsiders to meddle with others, even if they are young.

The Tuareg society is a matrilineal society, but not a feminist society.Although the status of women is high, men also occupy a dominant position in many aspects.And Pengdu is not only Dai Na's elder brother, but also the chief of the Pengdu tribe.After all, Zhang Botao is an outsider, so can Peng agree to his sister marrying an outsider?

So Luo Yi couldn't help asking: "Does Peng Du agree?"

Zhang Botao was beaming with joy.

"He also agreed. I also talked to him about my child going back to China to study in the future."

"When I told him Qingbei's international ranking, Peng Du's eyes turned green with envy."

"When I told him the amount of scholarships that foreign students in our country can get, Pengdu himself was eager to apply for studying abroad—but he is now the chief of the Pengdu tribe, and the tribe needs him very much. Get out."

At this moment, Zhang Botao's attitude suddenly became serious.

"Thank you."

Luo Yi was confused by what Fa Xiao made suddenly.They have always laughed and scolded each other. To thank each other, they usually smile and say thank you, and then punch each other.Why did the style of painting suddenly become so serious?

Zhang Botao said seriously: "I'm not thanking you for letting me come to ML. Although if I don't come to ML, I won't be able to get to know and love Dai Na."

"I'm not thanking you for giving me such a high salary, because we are brothers, and I have no embarrassment. Although if my income is not so high, I can't buy for the Dana and Pengdu tribes like a local tyrant. Get Dana's heart so quickly."

Luo Yi couldn't help complaining when he heard this: Zhang Botao was still sober.Even if he was crazy, at least he wasn't completely crazy.But this kind of person who has reason but does incomprehensible things is the most difficult to be persuaded to change.

Zhang Botao didn't know that Fa Xiao was complaining, and continued to sigh: "Actually, what I really want to thank you is that I borrowed your name."

"Other things can be done without saying thank you, or between brothers. But I have borrowed your name, and I have to tell you clearly and thank you."

"Did you know that after you demonstrated your invulnerability in the Pengdu tribe, some people in the tribe even thought you were a messenger sent by heaven."

"As for me, I was also loved by the Pengdu tribe—it was even said that I was actually using your prestige as a fox to pretend to be a tiger."

"In the Pengdu tribe, I may not be less respected than Pengdu. Otherwise, my beliefs and living habits are different from those of the Pengdu tribe. How can it be so easy to gain the recognition of the Pengdu tribe?"

Luo Yi was not used to Zhang Botao's attitude, and Zhang Botao himself might not be used to it either.So he changed the subject too.

"It was you who saved me last time, right?"

Luo Yi didn't answer, and talked about him from left to right.

"Okay, since you like it, then I wish you and Dana a happy life. When you get married, I will give you a big gift... By the way," Luo Yi couldn't help teasing Zhang Botao. "Do you want cattle and sheep, supplies, or cash as a gift?"

Zhang Botao didn't continue to ask the question just now, it's good to keep a tacit understanding in this kind of matter.

"Whatever...let's talk about it when the time comes."

Luo Yi saw from the [-]D schematic diagram that Peng Du and the warriors were coming, so he patted Zhang Botao.

"Then I'll go first."


Having a flying saucer is really convenient.After ten o'clock in the evening, knowing that the Pengdu tribe had been attacked, Luo Yi went to ML to resolve the matter.It was only past eleven o'clock when we got back to China.

It's strange, Luo Yi feels hungry again now, and it's still the kind of hunger with the front of the chest sticking to the back.

Fortunately, it is now in China, and in any town in China, no matter how late it is, there will be supper to eat.

So Luo Yi drove straight to the most famous night snack street in S State.

For ordinary people, just looking for a nightclub nearby can solve the problem of hunger.But Luo Yi himself knows his own business: if you want to eat enough in a night snack shop, it will definitely leave an indelible impression on the shopkeeper.Luo Yi currently pursues a low profile, so he can only choose the most popular night snack street, and each family takes turns to eat.

After sweeping the night snack street, it was already three o'clock in the morning.Luo Yi happily hiccupped and went home to sleep.

When I woke up the next day, it was already high in the sun.Then Luo Yi was pleasantly surprised to see the notification from the system: his physical fitness had reached the standard of a national first-class athlete.Of course, the bigger surprise is the rewards provided by the system.

There are four rewards in total.

As expected by Luo Yi, the daily gold reward has changed from ten to one hundred large yellow croakers.

For this reward, Luo Yi both loves and hates it.

As for love, it's because Luo Yi hasn't gotten rid of his love for money.According to some, the endless pursuit of more wealth is bad taste.Fortunately, there are not many people in the world who have gotten rid of this low-level interest, so Luo Yi can confidently express his preference.

As for the hate, it is because the daily trading volume of ten pieces of gold has already attracted the enemy's coveting and even attacking.One hundred per day... the danger will increase exponentially!

If only ten large yellow croakers were traded every day like before, ninety would have to be left unused in the warehouse.Thinking of the future where the private warehouse is full of gold but cannot be used, Luo Yi's heart aches so badly that he can't breathe.

Luo Yi's attention was diverted from this reward with difficulty, hoping to have a better reward to heal his inner pain.

(End of this chapter)

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