Chapter 42
Wang Chenglin hesitated.

In his cognition, a person who dares to take risks and has tasted the sweetness cannot become a person who follows the rules again.

But Luo Yi was able to end the "business" decisively for Wang Wei, so his love for Wang Wei is self-evident.

One is a deduction item and the other is a bonus item. Which one has a higher score?

The deduction of points will make Wang Wei's future full of uncertainty.

And the extra points are actually really hard to come by.It is easy to get priceless treasures in the world, but it is rare to have a lover.Luo Yi is so affectionate and righteous to Wang Wei, could it really break them up?
But uncertainty is also annoying!The more affectionate Wang Wei and Luo Yi are, the more harm they will cause her when an accident occurs!
Wang Chenglin, who has always been decisive, inevitably became indecisive at this moment.

Luo Yi's phone rang suddenly at this moment.

Luo Yiben was about to hang up the phone, but when he saw the caller ID, his expression became very strange.

After all, he answered the phone, and his expression became extremely strange: there was shock, fear, and anger.

Wang Chenglin knew three foreign languages, but he didn't understand the language Luo Yi used on the phone.At this time, Wang Chenglin became more fond of Luo Yi—Luo Yi must speak the local language of ML.And Luo Yicai has been in ML for less than two months, and he can master the local language so proficiently, he is indeed a very smart young man.


After Luo Yi made the phone call, he was stunned for a while.When he came back to his senses, Luo Yi tried his best to be calm, but unfortunately, Wang Chenglin still saw the entanglement in his eyes.

"Uncle Wang... I can only renege on my promise and lose weight, because there is an urgent matter at the company and I need to deal with it."

"...But I still have the cheek to emphasize: I will not give up on Wang Wei."

Wang Chenglin laughed angrily.

What was promised a second ago is immediately overturned, and a second later he can confidently state that he will continue to pursue his daughter.Why are people nowadays so thick-skinned?
Wang Chenglin pointed at Luo Yixu and tapped a few times, not knowing what to say.In the end, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Luo Yi, and waved his hand as a signal.

"Go out, I have nothing to say to you."

When Luo Yi went down to the first floor, Wang Wei was sitting in the living room watching TV absently.Seeing Luo Yi coming out, Wang Wei hastily greeted him.

"How is it? What did Dad tell you?"

Luo Yi smiled wryly.

It is easy to say that Wang Chenglin does not allow himself to continue to associate with his daughter, but Luo Yi cannot explain the reason.

Comparing my heart to my heart, if Luo Yi has a daughter in the future, he will not let a guy who may die at any time get close to his daughter.

To make matters worse, Luo Yi just promised to end the business immediately, but something happened there.It's fine for other people, if you are determined to give a generous pension or severance pay, it can solve the problem and won't hurt your conscience too much.But it was Zhang Botao who was taken away, can we just ignore it?

Since he couldn't tell him, Luo Yi could only talk about him.

"Wait for me. I will definitely come to marry you wearing golden holy armor and walking on colorful auspicious clouds."

After speaking, Luo Yi stood up and walked out the door.Wang Wei still wanted to ask Luo Yi what happened, but he heard Wang Chenglin standing at the corner of the stairs and coughing heavily.

In front of his father, Wang Wei's face was tender after all, so he had to let Luo Yi go and watch him leave.

...Luo Yi walked out of the villa, feeling at a loss.

Peng Du only found out about this incident through eyewitness reports.

Zhang Botao was arrested on his way to trade gold.Although it was in broad daylight, it was not on a bustling street, but on the way from the villa area to the main road.

Surrounded by more than a dozen burly men, seven or eight long guns and short guns were pointed at them. There were only Zhang Botao and Gerry in the car. The only weapon was the traditional Tuareg dagger. If they dared to resist, most of them would be turned into corpses immediately.

It is easy to understand that the gangsters robbed the gold, but they also took Zhang Botao and Gerry away...

Luo Yi had a very bad premonition: what happened this time might not be a random robbery by local gangsters.Many local gangsters targeted foreigners during their robberies, but why did they arrest Zhang Botao after the robbery?
To be honest, the value of those ten large yellow croakers is already a huge fortune for the locals.Even if they succeed in kidnapping hostages for extortion, they seldom achieve such a big gain.

However, Luo Yi had a sense of luck after all, and wondered if the gangsters randomly robbed and found the gold on the car, thought Zhang Botao was a big fat sheep, so they tied him up?
When I entered the villa, I took the car driven by Wang Wei.Luo Yi naturally could only rely on his own feet when he left, so he found that the area of ​​this villa area is really big, and there are really many rich people.

Just as he was thinking wildly, Luo Yi's cell phone rang again.Seeing that it was Peng Du's call, Luo Yi quickly connected it.

"Boss, the other party just called to say that Su is also in their hands. In addition, they said a lot of inexplicable things. I suspect that they may have arrested the wrong person."

Inexplicable words?

Luo Yi was taken aback, and quickly said, "Don't worry about whether it's something confusing or not, just tell me the exact words."

Peng Du said: "The other party asked me to agree to let them take a stake, and said that their two attacks were to show their strength, so they did not hurt anyone."

"I plan to go back to the tribe to gather warriors and teach them a hard lesson, let them know that the dignity of the Pengdu tribe is inviolable!"

The Pengdu tribe is poor and white, what kind of business do they have that will attract outsiders to buy shares?And still in this way to forcibly ask for shares?So Peng Du felt baffled when he heard the other party's request for a shareholding.

However, Luo Yi was different, he immediately thought of what the other party's purpose was.

Obviously, Luo Yi's deceitful strategy succeeded: the attackers believed that the gold mine was hidden on the territory of the Pengdu tribe.

The attackers carried out the robbery in their own eyes to kill two birds with one stone.One is to grab a fortune, and the other is to put pressure on Peng Du and show his muscles.

Thinking of this, Luo Yi hurriedly said to Peng Du: "Wait, don't act rashly, wait until I come back."

After saying this, Luo Yi felt a little uneasy.

Because in Pengdu's understanding, this time the enemy took the initiative to provoke the Pengdu tribe and hurt the tribe's face.

Although Luo Yi is Pengdu's employer, he has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the Pengdu tribe.Moreover, Peng Du is also the chief of the tribe after all.

If Peng didn't listen to Luo Yi, Luo Yi had nothing to do.Even under the burning of anger, Peng Du might even choke Luo Yi severely.

However, to Luo Yi's delight and bewilderment, Peng Du actually agreed.Although it could be heard that he was depressed from his tone, he still agreed after all!
Luo Yi stopped Peng Du, but saving people was like putting out a fire. After a long delay, no one knew what would happen.

Even though I'm on the plane now, I still have to change planes on the way, which will take at least thirty hours.

Thinking that Zhang Botao went to ML because of him, but now his life and death were unknown, Luo Yi wanted to turn into lightning and go to ML all at once.

all of a sudden?

Luo Yi suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

It seems that something is really fast?

(End of this chapter)

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