Chapter 28 Saving Money
After enduring more than 40 hours of long-distance travel, Luo Yi took a deep breath when he set foot on the land of the motherland, feeling that even the air was so sweet.

Luo Yi didn't understand, why are those compatriots who are away all the year round so adaptable?He has been abroad for less than two months, but because of the climate, social interaction, and most importantly, his diet, he misses his motherland immensely.

When walking out of the airport, Luo Yi suddenly hesitated.At this moment, various ideas in his mind were being vigorously debated.

"Emotion" tempted: "Follow the calling of your heart. I haven't contacted Wang Wei for so many days. Don't you miss Wang Wei?"

"Self-esteem" retorted indifferently: "Have you forgotten? Now you are in a cold war with Wang Wei. Do you just admit defeat like this?"

"Sense" smoothed things over: "Love is not a war, there is no need to win or lose."

"Self-esteem" sneered: "Okay, then you should admit defeat. Anyway, sooner or later you will be a son-in-law, so you can experience the feeling of admitting your mistakes when you are right in advance."

"Emotion" disagrees: "Don't be so sensitive, okay? A couple quarrels, what's the big deal if you admit your mistake?"

"Self-esteem" still sneered: "It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong between ordinary couples. But is Wang Wei's family normal? Her family wants you to be her son-in-law, so she can bow her head casually? This time I bow my head, in the future Don't you form the habit of bowing your head?"

"Sense" is still in the middle to smooth things over. "It's absolutely impossible for us not to admit our mistakes. We can't expect Wang Wei to take the initiative to apologize, right? Anyway, it's true that we forgot to call her. Last time Wang Wei just complained because we didn't call her in time. Because of this reason, let her confess to us?"

Seeing that "Self-Esteem" was beginning to loosen its attitude, "Reason" quickly struck while the iron was hot.

"In the past, ignoring each other and not taking the initiative to contact each other belonged to the nature of the cold war. But now that we have returned to China, can we still ignore Wang Wei? Then the nature will change, from the cold war to the war of destroying the country."

"Self-esteem" hesitated even more, but still struggled hard. "You can't... just admit your mistake like that? If there are any disputes at home in the future, wouldn't it mean that the family status will be lost at all? Then what are we going to ML to earn money for? To obediently be the son-in-law of a rich family, don't we have a house to live in? money?"

"Emotion" was angry. "As long as self-respect is needed, feelings are not important? You are a killer who has no feelings!"

"Self-esteem" retorted: "You trash without self-esteem!"

"Sense" quickly stood in the middle. "Let's all take a step back. It is definitely necessary to contact Wang Wei proactively. After all, Wang Wei doesn't even know that we have returned to China. But, we also need to maintain our self-esteem. We can't go to Wang Wei's place as soon as we get off the plane. I would like to mention Here’s a suggestion for you to see if it works: let’s do other things first, and put the itinerary to S state at the end. This is a secret revenge for Wang Wei’s unreasonable troubles last time, and it’s also a way to protect our self-esteem.”

"Emotion" is not very satisfactory, but it is barely acceptable.

"Self-Esteem" was also not very satisfied, but couldn't think of a better way to deal with it.

So the two stopped quarreling and dispersed.

Only "Sense" was left on the field, and at this time "Sense" smiled wryly.In fact, this kind of deception is ridiculous.Luo Yi's itinerary is essentially to do other things first, and then leave the rest of the time to Wang Wei - after all, there are still many things to do when returning to China, if you go to see Wang Wei first, and then go to work everywhere, On the contrary, it is inconvenient.


When returning to China, Luo Yi just carried a backpack symbolically, and there was nothing else in it except a few changes of clothes.Most of his items are actually stored in the private warehouse provided by the system.

So the first thing Luo Yi had to do was to take out the cash in the private warehouse and deposit it in the bank.Always pay in cash, don't worry about it, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing if the amount of payment is large.It is also convenient to use a credit card.

Taking a taxi at the airport, Luo Yi told the driver the destination: to a more remote suburb.

The system once told Luo Yi that as long as the flying saucer does not show up actively, it will not be discovered by the earth technology.But just like the bungee jumping staff reassured that there is no need to be afraid, it is absolutely safe, but customers should still be afraid.

The same is true for Luo Yi.He was afraid that if the flying saucer was exposed in a densely populated place, it would cause great trouble.So Luo Yi would rather go to a sparsely populated and unmonitored place in the outer suburbs, and quietly withdraw the money from the private warehouse.

According to Luo Yi's destination, the driver first used the car navigation.Seeing that there was no way to go, Luo Yi continued to ask the taxi to drive to the wilderness. The driver saw that although Luo Yi had a gentle appearance, but a strong body, he refused to drive again.

Luo Yi didn't care, got out of the car and continued walking.After confirming that there is no one nearby, he called the system.The flying saucer delivered the box full of cash, and Luo Yi booked a car online, then walked towards the road with the box in both hands.

The online car-hailing service sent Luo Yi to a larger bank in the urban area.

Luo Yi dragged the box and walked directly towards the VIP area.A staff member facing him smiled sweetly at Luo Yi and asked, "Excuse me, what kind of VIP business do you want to handle, sir?"

This way of asking is not standardized, it should be asked "What kind of business does Mr. want to handle?"It is estimated that the staff saw Luo Yi strangely and thought that he was not a VIP, so they gave verbal hints.

Of course Luo not a VIP, but with a suitcase of cash in his hand, can't he enjoy VIP services?

Luo Yi nodded and said, "Save money."

The staff's eyes fell on the suitcase that Luo Yi was dragging, and then they saw Luo Yi nodding. Although they couldn't believe it, they still led Luo Yi into the VIP area.

Sensing the suspicion in the staff's eyes, Luo Yi smiled bitterly.

Huang Chang has tried his best, but it is really difficult to transport a large amount of RMB cash into a landlocked country like ML.So the total transaction amount so far is roughly equivalent to 500 million RMB, but the sum of the cash before and after is only more than 900 million in cash.The rest were deposited into the M yuan and O yuan accounts of the offshore company.

Before returning to China, Luo Yi divided the cash into three boxes, each with 300 million yuan.

The cash plus the weight of the box itself totaled more than 70 kilograms.Luo Yi's physical fitness can still hold him over a short distance.It's not too strenuous if you tow it on a flat road.But before, the distance from the wilderness to the highway was not very close, and Luo Yi was very tired on that stretch of road.

But after Luo Yi opened the box, the staff's eyes naturally changed.Of course, Luo Yi applied for a VIP card and became a VIP customer of this bank.As for the wealth management products recommended by the staff, Luo Yi ignored them for the time being—these money would most likely be used to buy a house, and he didn't know what kind of house to buy and how much it would cost.

After saving the money, Luo Yi was ready to complete his next goal.

(End of this chapter)

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