Chapter 271 I have finished speaking
Although compulsory one-day study class is not jail time, it also restricts personal freedom.So this kind of punishment will have a certain deterrent effect.

So she went back to her old problem.

"Since we can use ideas similar to the three-strikes law to make everyone abide by laws and regulations, then there is no need for different kingdoms to formulate different laws."

Seeing Luo Yi's expression seemed a little disapproving, Wang Wei asked, "Isn't it?"

Luo Yi explained: "The idea of ​​the three strikes law can only make the public more abide by the laws and regulations, but it cannot change the public's preferences."

"Let's take the conflict caused by raising a dog as an example. For example, a family has a dog. Unfortunately, the neighbor downstairs was bitten by a dog when he was a child and suffered great psychological trauma. When he saw a dog, he would have rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath. Stress reactions such as urgency and a strong desire to protect oneself."

"In this case, do you think it's better to force the dog owners upstairs not to keep dogs, or to persuade the residents downstairs not to go out?"

Wang Wei did not answer Luo Yi's question, because neither of these two choices was a good one.

Seeing that Wang Wei didn't answer this question, Luo Yi said, "That's why I tend to let different kingdoms formulate different laws, so that the people can have more choices."

"In the example just now, it is reasonable to say that the residents downstairs should overcome difficulties, such as treating mental illness. But as we all know, mental illness is not easy to cure. Before it is cured, should the residents downstairs avoid going out as much as possible? ? That's still a bit inhuman after all."

"So, if the laws and regulations of any kingdom have strict restrictions on keeping dogs, or even prohibit keeping dogs altogether, then the residents downstairs will especially like this environment."

"There are many examples like this. Some people like a certain behavior, while others dislike it. It's fine if the two don't interfere with each other, but if the two kinds of people can easily conflict with each other..."

Finally, Luo Yi concluded.

"It's always good to have more choices."

Wang Wei expressed doubts.

"How can there be so many differences between people?"

Luo Yi asked: "If citizens of a country allow legal possession of weapons, and the number of violent cases in this country is indeed higher than that of a country that prohibits private ownership of weapons, do you think that private ownership of weapons by citizens makes you feel uneasy?"

Wang Wei nodded.

"Of course, the countries with good security in the world either prohibit private possession of weapons, or have very strict management of private possession of weapons."

Luo Yi smiled.

"You have to know that in some countries, citizens can legally hold weapons and write it into the constitution. People in those countries have been instilled with the idea that citizens have the right to hold weapons to defend themselves from infringement. If you tell him If private possession of weapons should be prohibited, then he must disagree, isn't that a disagreement?"

Wang Wei asked: "You are the king of kings, what do you care about other people's ideas? You think private possession of weapons should be banned, then ban it."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "Actually, you don't have to worry. You, your uncles, aunts, and my parents all have nano protective suits, and light weapons are not a threat."

Wang Wei said angrily, "You wronged me. I'm not worried about myself."

So Luo Yi explained seriously.

"The problem is that things have pros and cons. Private individuals can hold weapons. Although it will lead to increased violence, it can also protect the people at the bottom from dying in depression when they have nowhere to appeal."

"Although I personally feel that prohibiting private possession of weapons has more advantages than disadvantages, the pros and cons should be left to the public to decide."

Seeing that Wang Wei was thinking, Luo Yi continued to give examples while the iron was hot.

"Another example is the attitude towards euthanasia. Some people think that people should live with dignity. If the quality of life is very bad, then death is a better choice. But some people think that euthanasia is illegal. Another example is the attitude towards gambling. Big Gambling is banned in most countries, but it is legal in some areas…”

Luo Yi was still waiting to give an example, but suddenly stopped, because he received a message in his mind.


After the Dyson Sphere World was made public, although it has not yet become a formal member of the United Nations, it has also become a United Nations observer state.

Dyson Ball World has not yet become a formal member of the United Nations, the most important problem is Luo Yi himself.

To join the United Nations, at least one should have an official country name, right?

But Luo Yi has difficulty in choosing a name, and doesn't know what to call Dyson Ball World.

The Dyson ball world should be regarded as a monarchy at present, so it can be called a kingdom or an empire.

It stands to reason that there are more than [-] kingdoms in the Dyson sphere world, so it should be called an empire.But the total area of ​​the Dyson sphere world is only the size of a medium-sized province. It is a bit shameful for this territory to call itself an empire.

Luo Yi is not reconciled to claiming to be a kingdom.Luo Yi is embarrassed to call himself an empire.Therefore, the issue of the name of the country has not yet been resolved.

Since there is not even an official country name, it is naturally impossible to become an official member of the United Nations.

And Luo Yi also knows that certain countries are planning to prevent Dyson Ball World from becoming a full member of the United Nations.On the bright side, it is a legal problem-the Dyson sphere world is not a country on the earth after all.

In fact, some countries are worried that after Dyson Ball World becomes a full member of the United Nations, it will become a permanent member of the United Nations by virtue of its strength-in this way, the influence of certain countries on the United Nations will be greatly reduced.

But Luo Yi didn't care about it.

Since he has the ability to crush, the attraction of false fame to Luo Yi is naturally not that great.

What does it matter if you don't have a veto?
With Luo Yi's current strength, if he really wanted to show off his power, let alone a veto, it would be easy for him to decide with one vote.

Although UN observer states do not have the right to vote, they have the right to speak as nonvoting delegates.What Luo Yi wants to do, he can stare at the representatives of other member states after speaking and say, "I've finished speaking. Who is in favor? Who is against?"

Because Dyson Sphere World is currently an observer country to the United Nations, you can participate in various meetings.

Representatives from the world of Dyson spheres had previously only attended meetings.Because the motion has nothing to do with the world of Dyson balls, the representative only brought his ears and did not speak.

But just now, an issue related to the world of Dyson spheres came up.

A small country raised an issue, to the effect that since Dyson Ball World is also an observer state of the United Nations, and it does not rule out the possibility of becoming a full member of the United Nations in the future, Dyson Ball World should participate more in the affairs of the United Nations.

For example, getting involved with accepting refugees.

Every resolution of the United Nations needs to be announced in advance.This kind of sudden attack motion does not conform to the procedures of the United Nations.

However, the UN official who presided over the meeting pretended to be confused and did not express any objection to this.

Obviously, there is a conspiracy!

Luo Yi became interested, and said to Wang Wei: "You log in to the remote operation robot No. 10002, and there are fun things to do."

(End of this chapter)

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