Chapter 256 The Fugitive

The kingdoms of the Dyson sphere are not far apart.But most kingdoms do not have formal roads between each other - it is not that there are no roads, but the so-called roads are the kind of "there is no road in the world, but when there are more people, it becomes a road."

On such a road, Luo Yi and Wang Wei drove forward slowly in an ox cart.

The speed of the bullock cart is very slow, but being slow has its advantages.The bullock cart swayed gently when driving on the road, just like sleeping in a cradle when you were a child, being gently rocked by someone, it feels really comfortable and comfortable.

Moreover, Wang Wei likes the scenery along the way and the fresh air from the flowers and trees, so although Luo Yi dislikes the slow speed of the ox cart, he can only accept it.

Because the speed of the ox cart was too slow, they did not reach their destination until it got dark, so they had to camp in the wild.

In fact, there is no camping equipment in the ox cart, not even iron pans, pots and other necessary items for wild life.But Luo Yi can let the flying saucer drop supplies at any time, so there is no difficulty in camping in the wild.

As for why Wang Wei didn't want to take a flying saucer to reach his destination in an instant, but accepted the flying saucer airborne supplies, Luo Yi said that he didn't understand the girls' brain circuits, and he had no interest in fighting for reason.

After the flying saucer landed on the grill, marinated beef, vegetables and drinking water, Luo Yi began to grill the food.

Big drops of fat fell onto the burning fire below, bursting into bursts of flame.The dead branches used as fuel will emit a specific smell after burning, which will adhere to the food, so bursts of mouth-watering fragrance will be wrapped in green smoke and float into the air.

After a delicious dinner, the night gradually deepened.

Luo Yi set up a tent near the campfire.Although the bonfire cannot illuminate everything, it can at least dispel the darkness near the tent.

Then, the two returned to the tent to rest.

In the middle of the night, Luo Yi woke up suddenly.

After Luo Yi's life level was raised, his vision, hearing, and smell were greatly improved.After waking up, Luo Yi listened attentively, the sound of shrubs being moved and their leaves touching each other and the sound of feet stepping on the grass came from afar.

Because of the divine grace in the Dyson sphere world, the pressure of survival of human beings is less than that of humans on earth in the feudal era.However, due to the greed of human nature, the slaves or the people at the bottom of the society will still flee, so a small number of human beings survive in the wilderness or forest.

Luo Yi guessed that those who approached the tent secretly were those who lived in the forest.

Looking at Wang Wei who was sleeping soundly, Luo Yi hesitated, but shook her awake.

It is easy for Luo Yi to wipe out those people with malicious intentions, but he is not sure that he will not make the slightest movement.What if Wang Wei was frightened by sudden screams at night?
Wang Wei woke up in a daze, and looked at Luo Yi for no reason.

Luo Yi whispered: "There are bad people, let me deal with them, don't be afraid?"

Wang Wei suddenly sat up.

"What bad guy?"

In order to avoid Wang Wei's worry, Luo Yi said lightly: "It should be a fugitive."

He explained what a fugitive was, then added: "Only six people."

Wang Wei felt relieved.

In her mind, if the use of cold weapons is restricted, then even thousands of troops can't hurt Luo Yi at all.

But Wang Wei still warned.

"Don't kill... try not to kill."

Wang Wei knows that Luo Yi has the power of life and death over the Dyson sphere world, but she doesn't want Luo Yi to treat human life as nothing in this world.In Wang Wei's mind, those fugitives are poor people.

Luo Yi does not dislike Wang Wei's kindness, because only those who are strong are qualified to be kind.So Luo Yi leaned down and kissed Wang Wei's forehead, and said softly: "No problem."

Luo Yi walked out of the tent.

After a while, there were fights and screams outside the tent.

Soon, the fighting sound disappeared, and then the screams also became smaller, as if they were forced to hold back.

After a while, Luo Yi poked his head into the tent but didn't go in.

"I guess you can't fall asleep now, so why not get up, anyway, it will be dawn soon."

Wang Wei said angrily, "Then you go out."

Luo Yi did not argue and exited the tent.Perhaps to reassure Wang Wei, Luo Yi distracted her by talking to her outside the tent.

"I don't know if the timing chosen by the fugitives was a coincidence or on purpose. This is the time when people sleep most deeply."

"In ten minutes or so, the sky will be bright."

Wang Wei asked: "There is no sun in the Dyson sphere world, why is it bright and dark?"

Luo Yi replied casually: "Maybe it simulates the environment of the earth? Who knows."

Wang Wei felt that chatting would help cover up the small voices in the tent, so he asked again: "What happened to those fugitives now?"

"I knocked them down and escorted them to the Iyan Kingdom ahead later and handed them over to the Iyan Kingdom's Sheriff."

Wang Wei paused slightly, and asked, "Will the judges of Yiyang Kingdom punish them severely?"

After all, Wang Wei is a kind-hearted modern woman, and she knows that the punishments in the feudal era tend to be harsh, so she can't bear it.

Luo Yi didn't think so carefully and answered casually: "The laws of each kingdom are different. However, in feudal society, fugitives are usually whipped and then continue to be slaves."

"And if fugitives block the road and rob, the punishment is generally very severe, right?"

Wang Wei got dressed and walked out of the tent.

"The fugitives are poor people, why don't you let them go?"

If Wang Wei insists on releasing the sneak attack escapees, Luo Yi will still rely on her. After all, this matter is only a small matter for Luo Yi.

It's no big deal to make Wang Wei happy if you want to.

Although the idiom "prevent the erroneous and prevent the gradual progress" indicates that as long as the system is violated, even a small matter may eventually develop into a very bad result.

The problem is that Luo Yi is happy!
However, Luo Yi still had to explain the truth to Wang Wei.

"If you let the fugitives go, it will still be difficult for them to survive in the wild. The next time they encounter pedestrians or people camping in the wild, they may still attack."

Wang Wei said "ah", and then asked: "You are the king of kings, the monarch of the entire Dyson ball world. Why don't you take them to Yiyang Kingdom and pardon them?"

Luo Yi smiled and said: "The monarch's pardon is similar to measures such as restricting power and strengthening local governance. It is a manifestation of imperial power. It is also a manifestation of the complete transformation of scholar-officials from the idea that the people are valuable to the supremacy of the monarch."

"My power does not need to be expressed through pardon."

"More importantly, the pardon is actually an interference and destruction of justice."

Wang Wei pouted and criticized Luo Yi.

"You have no empathy."

Seeing Wang Wei's cute appearance, Luo Yi laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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