celestial system of the solar system

Chapter 25 Looking for help

Chapter 25 Looking for help

Luo Yi wanted to find someone to help support this stall, ability was second, and trust was the key.

Luo Yi hopes that when he is not in ML, his helpers can independently support the stall.Of course, no matter who it is, Luo Yi will not bring out the affairs of the system.He is not stupid, how could he talk nonsense about obtaining the system?

But even if the matter of the system is not revealed to the other party, after the helper is deeply involved, he will definitely be able to see something strange.

Luo Yi has many classmates and friends, but basically they can only be regarded as ordinary friends, there is no life-and-death acquaintance.

The only special one is Zhang Botao.

Zhang Botao is Luo Yi's childhood friend, and he has been friends since childhood.When it comes to trust, the normal situation is of course more trust in friends who have grown up since childhood. Thinking about it from another perspective, if you can’t even trust your childhood, then life is too sad.

After thinking about it carefully, Luo Yi started calling Faxiao.

It took more than ten seconds for the phone to be connected, and Zhang Botao's yelling came from the loudspeaker.

"I said, who is so wicked to call before dawn! You woke me up by calling at this time, and you said it yourself, how can you apologize?!"

"Is it okay to pay you a job?"

I was taken aback on the phone.

"You're not kidding, are you?"

"I'm not joking," Luo Yi said with a smile, "Go abroad to work, [-] yuan a month, do you want to do it?"

"Damn it!..." Zhang Botao sneered. "Fuck you! Wake me up before dawn, don't tell me when you wake up, and tease me!"

"I didn't tease you, it's true."

"The capitalist is stupid?" Zhang Botao's sneer turned into a cold snort. "Would you spend [-] a month for someone like me who has no diploma and no skills?"

Luo Yi has actually paid attention to it.

He currently earns 3000 million yuan a month. According to the traditional thinking of "one person wins the Tao, the chicken dog ascends to heaven", it is also reasonable to give Zhang Botao an annual salary of one million yuan.If it wasn't for fear of frightening Zhang Botao, Luo Yi would be ashamed to offer a monthly salary of [-].

In fact, the market price of the front-line employees who went to work in Heizhou was almost [-] yuan—there were also those who were less than [-] yuan, but it would not be too much less.

Luo Yi's plan is to coax Zhang Botao to Heizhou first.When Zhang Botao arrives in Heizhou, all he needs to do is look for opportunities and reasons to increase his salary.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Botao didn't believe it at all, thinking that Luo Yi was teasing him.

This is also to blame for the generally low income in small counties.A monthly salary of three or four thousand in a state-owned enterprise is already an enviable job.And Zhang Botao worked tirelessly from dawn to dusk to deliver the courier, and it was only [-] a month.

Then, Zhang Botao has always been worried about having neither a diploma nor a technical skill, so when he heard "a monthly salary of [-] yuan", his first reaction was that Luo Yi was joking—fortunately, it was Luo Yi who said that, if it were someone else, Zhang Botao probably thought it was a scam, and the other party wanted to coax him to go abroad to do illegal work.

Zhang Botao's lack of diploma and skills is indeed flawed... But Luo Yi refuses to give up lightly, no matter what, he has to coax him to ML first.

Luo Yi thought quickly and said: "It's not net income, it's before tax, and you have to pay the five insurances and one housing fund yourself. Also, the 3 yuan also includes the cost of renting a house and food in the local area. After calculation, it's only This is equivalent to a net income of about [-] yuan.”

In Zhang Botao's eyes, [-] is still a very high income.However, what Luo Yi said was true.Although Luo Yi would joke with him, he thought about it in a reasonable way, and never joked too much.

Out of trust in Luo Yi, Zhang Botao hesitated.

"Why are you given such a high salary?"

Luo Yi explained: "After all, you are going to work in a foreign country, so no one can tell if it will be unacceptable. Moreover, compared with China, the living conditions are indeed relatively difficult. Besides, the social order here is not as stable as in China. Since the black The working environment in Europe is not good, who would go there without a higher salary?"

Zhang Botao asked dubiously: "What exactly is this job? Also, how did you get this job? Do you need to apply for an interview or something? If you need to apply for an interview or something, I'm afraid I can't."

"If you want a diploma, I can't give you a diploma. If you want technology, I can't give you a certificate. If you want work experience, you can't even tell me the work experience of courier delivery and odd jobs."

Luo Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and explained: "I will decide who to recruit now!"

Zhang Botao was silent for a while, then asked in a low voice: "Aren't you saying 'Once the power is in your hands, then follow the orders'?"

Luo Yi was choked until her chest felt tight.

admit?This sentence is obviously derogatory.

deny?But the problem is that it seems to be the case.

Zhang Botao didn't expect Luo Yi to answer.Immediately afterwards, he said in a low voice: "Luo Yi, thank you. But you are clear about my situation. If I don't do well, will it make things difficult for you?"

Luo Yi's heart became hot.This is brother!Whatever happens, always consider each other first.

"It's okay, the job content is very simple."

"Your job is to open the company's safe every afternoon; take out the gold nuggets from it; escort the gold nuggets to a gold shop to trade with the other party."

"The owner of the gold shop and the employees inside are all compatriots, so there will be no barriers to communication. There are cars and bodyguards along the way, so you don't have to worry about safety. But the bodyguards don't follow you into the gold shop. If you bring bodyguards in, there may be more gold shops. Heart."

"Say it yourself, will you make it difficult for me to do this job well?"

Zhang Botao did not go to college, but his IQ and EQ are no lower than anyone else.Hearing what Luo Yi said, Zhang Botao immediately understood: such a simple job can be done by one person.Luo Yi introduced this job to help him.

Zhang Botao Zhan was not hypocritical, and immediately said firmly: "Okay, when will I come over?"

Luo Yi said: "I'll contact an agency company first, and let the agency company run your documents and buy air tickets for you. Call me before you arrive, and I will pick you up."

After thinking about it, Luo Yi told Zhang Botao what he needed to pay attention to in advance.

"After you come, don't discuss salary issues with local employees, so as not to destroy the harmony of the company."

Zhang Botao was puzzled. "Why?"

"Because the gap is too big. The salary of local employees is quite good in the local area. But the highest salary of local employees is only one-thirtieth of yours. So the exchange of salary issues will hurt the morale of local employees."

Zhang Botao was surprised but had no objection, so the matter was settled like this.


Luo Yi felt that his fighting skills could not be improved much, so he was not so enthusiastic about entering the virtual reality environment to learn fighting.

Dai always studied in a virtual reality environment before, so Luo Yi went to bed early and woke up late in the eyes of others.Now he's just doing casual practice hold-ups in virtual reality, so he has a lot of free time.

There is no entertainment in ML, and Luo Yi doesn't even have a friend.It was really boring, so Luo Yi had no choice but to practice the gymnastics provided by the system to pass the time.As a result, after several days of high-intensity exercise, his physical fitness has improved slightly.

Luo Yi was both looking forward to and worried about this.

He is curious about what rewards the system will give when his physical fitness improves to the standard of a first-level athlete.

But as to whether the system will increase the daily reward of large yellow croakers from ten to one hundred, Luo Yi's mood is very complicated - it can probably be described by the word "rejection and welcome".

(End of this chapter)

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