Chapter 249 Travel
The bullock cart was driving slowly on the road.

Wang Wei asked, "How long is it?"

Luo Yi smiled wryly and replied: "Hurry up, we'll be there in 10 minutes."

Wang Wei complained coquettishly: "This ox cart is too slow, why don't you take a horse cart next time?"

Luo Yi naturally agreed, but he complained in his heart: Obviously he can reach the destination directly by flying saucer, but he said that if the speed is too fast during the journey, he will miss the beautiful scenery on the way, so he proposed to take this slow ox cart.

But now, Wang Wei complained that the ox cart was too slow.woman.

Wang Wei suddenly lowered his voice mysteriously and asked, "Luo Yi, could your system be faked by aliens?"

Luo Yi shook his head.

"I don't know either. The system says I don't have enough authority and won't tell me."

Wang Wei continued enthusiastically: "The people in this Dyson sphere world are alright. There is only a slight difference in appearance from the earthlings. Most people can't see the difference between the two. But the orcs are obviously different from the earthlings in appearance."

"But whether the people in this Dyson sphere world or the orcs believe in the same god. Do you think the people in this Dyson sphere world are aliens? Or, have alien blood?"

Luo Yi thought for a while and replied: "Chinese volunteers used to help neighboring countries resist aggression. They were very shocked when they saw black people for the first time. So I can only say that I have never seen people with different skin colors. I cannot say It must not exist.”

"As for why the skin color of the orcs is green... Maybe the environment in which the orcs live is special, which led to the evolution of a special skin color."

"There is also a difference in height. You can see that the average height of black people in developed countries is much higher than the average height of yellow people, so the height difference may also be the result of evolution."

Wang Wei is very interested in aliens, so I was a little disappointed to hear Luo Yi say that Dyson sphere humans should only be a branch of humans.

After a while, Wang Wei asked again: "With such powerful technology, the system must have reached the level of extremely developed productivity. But why is the living standard of human beings in the Dyson sphere world still so low?"

"Tell me, does the system have any malice towards humans?"

Luo Yi shook his head.

"The system has its purpose, but we don't know it yet. But it probably doesn't have any malice towards human beings. This can start from the earliest history of the Dyson ball world."

The earliest legend of the Dyson ball world is more than 4 years ago.Legend has it that at that time this world was a paradise on earth.The first inhabitants of heaven were brought by God from the earth.

At that time, the system provided sufficient material supplies for humans in the Dyson Sphere world.With no worries about food and clothing and no natural enemies, humans in the Dyson Sphere slowly began to degenerate.Not only did his physical fitness deteriorate, but his intelligence also began to decline.

In this case, the system cuts the supplies to humans, forcing humans to make changes in order to survive.As a result, after a while, the human beings in the Dyson sphere world have returned to the normal evolutionary path, and there is no obvious difference from the human beings on the earth.

"So," Luo Yi concluded, "the system doesn't provide humans with unlimited supplies in the Dyson sphere world, so there shouldn't be any malice."

Wang Wei blinked, with question marks all over her face.

"Then if human beings develop technology by themselves, after the productive forces are extremely developed, materials will be extremely abundant at that time. Could it be that human beings will degenerate after entering the era of communism?"

Luo Yi shrugged.

"When creatures without natural enemies live in the comfort zone for a long time, cases of overall species degradation have indeed occurred. For example, koalas, that kind of animals live in areas with little competitive pressure, so they move extremely clumsily and slowly, but they can still survive. So far. If koalas lived in other areas, they would have been extinct long ago."

"In fact, the overall development trend of human physical fitness is declining."

"The height of human beings is indeed increasing, but the strength is constantly declining. Judging from the bone fossils, the strength of the ancient ape-man is about the same as that of the current gorillas!"

"As far as modern humans are concerned, the physical fitness of homeboys and homegirls is mostly unqualified. And the physical fitness of office workers is also mostly in a sub-healthy state. Now fertility has degraded, as evidenced by the increase in caesarean sections and in vitro fertilization. etc. After the invention of purely nutritious food, even the intestines and stomach will degenerate.”

"It used to be believed that although human beings' physical fitness deteriorated, their intelligence was developing. This view may be correct before the [-]th century, but modern research results show that human intelligence is actually deteriorating after the [-]th century."

Men are always keen to show themselves in front of women.So Luo Yi talked eloquently to the curious Wang Wei.

Many European countries have conducted research on the IQ of their own people, and the results are hardly optimistic: the research conclusions of these countries are basically similar, and the average IQ of humans is declining year by year.

Some scientists believe that this phenomenon is due to the improvement of survival pressure, better citizens' welfare, and people no longer racking their brains to struggle for survival.Use it or lose it, if you don’t use your brain, your intelligence will degenerate.

Other scientists believe that it is due to the information explosion after social development and people's daily attention is becoming more and more fragmented and flattened, and as a result, thinking is becoming more and more superficial.

People's processing of information often only stays in "knowing", while "thinking" is becoming less and less.

On the other hand, in an era when information was not so abundant, less information was obtained per unit time, which created more time and space for this small amount of information to linger in the mind.

This will invisibly promote human beings to think repeatedly about the same content, and then go deeper and deeper.It is in the process of reflection that the brain is trained.

But today, when human beings have not had time to think about the newly received information, newer information comes flooding in again.People do know many things, but they still remain on the surface. "Quantitative change leads to qualitative change" fails here, and the "rumination" function of thinking degenerates.

Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is useless."

Although its original meaning is that knowledge and practice should be combined, if understood literally, Luo Yi feels that it can also be misinterpreted as "you will become stupid if you know it but don't think about it."

Seeing Wang Wei's worried expression, Luo Yi swallowed the following words.

At present, AI technology and robots on the earth have developed to a relatively high level, and can already replace part of human work.And as technology continues to develop, it is clear that more and more jobs will be replaced by intelligent AI and robots.

It is conceivable that only a very small number of people may be able to get a job in the future world.

Most people will be reduced to the bottom of society and can only rely on social relief and welfare for a living.

However, this situation is not necessarily a very terrible thing for individuals.

(End of this chapter)

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