celestial system of the solar system

Chapter 239 Cooperative Negotiations

Chapter 239 Cooperative Negotiations
Luo Yi also knows a little about economics.

With 100 million tons of crude steel per day, the total annual output is 36 billion tons.Last year, the world's crude steel production totaled only 18 billion tons.

It may not be a good thing if these steel production is given away for free or sold to the motherland at a low price.

The Western Salted Duck Country once suffered from a precious metal disease, which was not a physical disease, but a social disease.

Due to the influx of precious metals brought about by the great navigation advantage, the domestic inflation of Western Banya was very serious, which in turn led to a sharp decline in the competitiveness of domestic products.

If the Western Banya King and the upper nobles had the foresight at that time, they should have raised tariffs or provided subsidies to protect the domestic industry.

However, there are cheap and easy-to-use goods that can be purchased. What is the increase in tariffs?What the hell is taking money out to subsidize domestic industries?

Therefore, during the period when the national strength of the Western Salted Duck Country was the strongest, the domestic industry shrank instead, resulting in a year-by-year decline in overall national strength.

Similar examples are not limited to western salted duck. There have also been examples in other countries where cheap and easy access to natural resources has caused negative impacts.

If Luo Yi gives the crude steel produced by the space steel factory to the motherland for free or sells it at a low price, then a question arises: whether the motherland can absolutely trust Luo Yi.

If you absolutely trust Luo Yi, then you can use cheap crude steel, and you can also use cheap crude steel to hit foreign steel markets, which is a good thing no matter how you look at it.

However, after relying on free or cheap crude steel, a large number of domestic steel companies will inevitably go bankrupt. Easier said than done, rational people know that the domestic industry should be protected, but if a large amount of subsidies is needed, it is against If the sound is too loud, it will be difficult to handle.

And once a large number of steel companies go bankrupt, if one day Luo Yi no longer provides it, or the price increases sharply, the consequences will be disastrous.

The crux of the matter is that steel is a fundamental industry.Who dares to use the lifeline of a country to test whether a person can be trusted?

Luo Yi felt that under such circumstances, it was reasonable for the motherland to be skeptical and wary of him.It is irresponsible to trust yourself completely.

After thinking about this, Luo Yi returned to reality, and said to the negotiator in a low mood: "I can sell crude steel to the country at a price 50% lower than the market price, and the share..."

Hearing what Luo Yi said, the negotiator beamed with joy. 50% of the price to buy, resell...

Negotiation experts quickly asked: "How much is the share?"

The real situation was too shocking, so after hesitating for a moment, Luo Yi decided to temporarily conceal the real data.

Luo Yi said ambiguously: "The quantity is very large... In short, it will definitely satisfy the country."

However, the negotiators were happy when they heard Luo Yi add: "However, these crude steels can only be used for export and cannot be used domestically. I will send someone to monitor the flow of these crude steels."

Luo Yi emphasized that these crude steel can only be exported in order to protect the domestic steel industry.

The iron and steel industry is labor-intensive in China, but it is mainly capital-intensive in developed countries.

If Luo Yi's crude steel is allowed to hit the domestic market, a large number of domestic steel companies will go bankrupt in the near future, causing a lot of social problems.

Therefore, those crude steel can still be exported.

However, even if it is only used for export, it will damage the export profits of the domestic steel industry, so it will still cause serious harm to the domestic steel industry.

So Luo Yi thought for a while and added another sentence.

"As for the profits of this business, I have an immature suggestion. I hope that the profits from this export business will be used to subsidize domestic steel mills."

"In addition, once the agreement is violated, I hope that the relevant personnel can be dealt with seriously!"

Hearing Luo Yi's emphatic tone, the face of the negotiator changed slightly.

He said with a half smile: "Mr. Zhang, you are willing to sell crude steel to the country cheaply. Your patriotism is invaluable."

"But since the country has already purchased crude steel, you don't have to worry about how to use it? Do you still want to use capital to manipulate Guo Jia?"

Luo Yi frowned.

When Director Zhao was about to introduce the identity of the negotiation expert, Luo Yi was thinking about something, so he interrupted him.As a result, Luo Yi now doesn't know who this negotiator is or what his identity is.

And since he didn't know who the other party was, Luo Yi didn't know what attitude he should show.

This isn't some kind of pretense.But in case the other party's identity is very important, Luo Yi just opens his mouth, which may cause unnecessary trouble.

Luo Yi is now extremely confident in his own safety.But he still has many relatives and friends, and Luo Yi can't absolutely guarantee their safety now—unless the relatives and friends are willing to live in the Dyson ball world.

But the world of Dyson Ball is still only at the technological level of the Iron Age. Even if they are willing to take refuge, Luo Yi is reluctant to let the people he cares about suffer.

The heart has the Tigers, fine sniffing the rose.

So Luo Yi calmed down his temper and decided not to argue with the other party.

Most of the time, conflicts of anger start out because of a small matter, and then they get bigger and bigger, and finally get out of hand.Although the negotiator seems to be in his early thirties, he doesn't look like an important person.But since it can appear on this occasion, there must be some background.

Luo Yi retorted flatly: "As far as I know, it is legal to attach commercial conditions to commercial activities, right?"

"For example, a certain brand requires that regional agents can only sell products within the specified area. This is a very normal business behavior."

"I'm just looking for a regional agent for a certain commodity now, can't I?"

"And this area, I limit it to foreign countries, can't it?"

The negotiator became angry from embarrassment and sneered again and again.

"Are you just demarcating the distribution area? You also want to interfere with the profit distribution of Guo Jia's exports!"

Luo Yi corrected the other party.

"I'm just suggesting!"

The negotiator turned a deaf ear and continued, "Do you think the person sitting across from you is a small businessman who wants to obtain regional agency qualifications?!"

"I represent Guo Jia! If you insult me, you are insulting Guo Jia!"

Luo Yi finally decided not to pay any attention to this negotiator.

Director Zhao sat next to him and never interfered. Luo Yi speculated that Director Zhao might want to use this person to test his bottom line.

Since it is cooperation, blindly showing weakness is not the solution after all.

Luo Yi gave Director Zhao a cold look and asked, "He represents Guo Jia?"

Director Zhao said with a dry smile, "He is an expert in negotiating."

"This is the first time for both parties to cooperate, and the content of the cooperation has never been unprecedented, so all aspects need to be discussed."

"Negotiation means you put forward your conditions, and I put forward my requirements. We talk back and forth, and finally seek common ground while reserving differences, and reach conditions that are satisfactory to both parties."

Luo Yi snorted.

(End of this chapter)

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