celestial system of the solar system

Chapter 235 First Mover Advantage

Chapter 235 First Mover Advantage
"No," Luo Yi shook his head. "The earthlings went to the world of Dyson balls, the system... the game system will capture the movements of the earthlings, and then create a corresponding picture."

"From the perspective of game players, the appearance of the people on Earth is exactly the same as that of the natives in Dyson Ball World."

"And the remote operation robots of the players also have the same appearance as the local aborigines."

"So neither of you sees the other and neither realizes who the other is - unless you have a detailed conversation with each other and then reveal your identities in the conversation."

"Also," Luo Yi thought for a while, and added: "If you are worried about inadvertently leaking information, I can let you land in the kingdom previously occupied by orcs."

"The kingdom that was previously occupied by the orcs is empty after the orcs retreat."

Luo Yi lamented that the orcs took away everything they could when they retreated, which was simply too vicious.However, Deputy Director Qian failed to resonate. Instead, he felt that empty land was better.

But Deputy Chief Qian noticed the words "the orcs quit the Dyson sphere world" with sensitivity.

Because he was numb from the shock before, he didn't realize that the orcs really existed!
Are orcs real? !

Moreover, besides the Dyson sphere, are there other Dyson spheres? !Otherwise, where can the orcs retreat?

Deputy Director Qian took a deep breath and asked, "Is the Beastman World also your territory? Or is it another lord's territory?"

Luo Yi didn't want to talk more about this topic.

He personally thinks that the orc world must have no owner at present, or it is controlled by the system.But now Luo Yi is not sure yet.

Last time Luo Yi asked the system how many Dyson spheres there were, but the system didn't tell him, and said, "Insufficient authority, no answer."

To be honest, isn't it timid?

It's not enough to let others know that Luo Yi's authority is not enough, what if he thinks something wrong?
So Luo Yi replied indifferently: "Now we only talk about the cooperation with the Dyson ball world. After the observation team verifies, we will discuss the specific cooperation in depth."

"By the way, one and a half hours one way, three hours round trip. The whole process is from [-]:[-] tonight to [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. Let me tell you first."

After speaking, Luo Yi no longer operated the remote robot.So Zhang San slowly closed his eyes, as if preparing to fall asleep.


Director Zhao and Deputy Director Qian tentatively called Zhang San a few times, but Zhang San did not respond at all.

Although they wanted to take this so-called remote-operated robot into pieces and study it, they knew that a little impatience can lead to a big plan, so they did not do anything unusual after all.

So Director Zhao called a staff member to accompany the guest and not disturb the guest.Of course, this kind of escort is actually a kind of surveillance.

Then, the two directors left the conference room and went to a more secure and secluded place to discuss urgently how to deal with this emergency.

The level of this department is not particularly high, but because of its special nature, it has a direct channel to Tianting.

Because the two had basically the same judgment on this matter, they had a hasty discussion and decided to report this matter to their superiors first, and at the same time form an observation team as soon as possible.

If nothing else, the observation team will be the first person in the world to set foot on a Dyson ball—or at least the first official person to set foot on a Dyson ball.

As long as you join this observation group, you might be awarded the legendary personal first-class merit!

In addition to discussing who is more suitable to join the observation team, the two directors also had a fierce dispute over who should lead the team.

Director Zhao insisted on leading by example, while Deputy Director Qian insisted: when the situation is unclear, it is unreasonable for the top leader to take the risk himself, but the deputy should take the lead in boosting morale.


At [-]:[-], the two bureau chiefs walked into the living room without haste.

Judging from their expressions, both of them were calm and relaxed, as if they didn't care about what was about to happen.

Seeing Zhang San still leaning on the seat and dozing off, the two directors ordered the staff responsible for "accompanying" to leave.

Then, the two bureau chiefs sat down calmly, and they talked in a low voice, with a slight laugh from time to time.

The time passed by every minute and every second, listening to the ticking sound of the clock, the two bureau chiefs never felt that the time was so difficult.

Although their hearts were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, on the surface, the two of them still looked calm.

At five minutes to twenty, the two bureau chiefs couldn't bear it anymore.

Deputy Director Qian, who had paid a high price to get the qualification to lead the team, walked up to Zhang San and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

The system passed this information to Luo Yi. Luo Yi was "digesting" dark matter at this time, so he was naturally very upset when he was disturbed.

But Luo Yi is not good at ignoring his future partners, so he had to put on a helmet to operate the remote robot.

After Luo Yi went online, he said to Deputy Director Qian, "What's the matter with you?"

Deputy Director Qian was as pleasantly surprised as if he had found a way out of desperate circumstances.

"It's almost eight o'clock!"

Luo Yi frowned.

"so what?"

Deputy Director Qian, who was used to high positions and powerful positions, could only bear with it at this moment.

"You said to ask the observation team to wait on the roof of the administrative building at eight o'clock in the evening, and you will let the observation team confirm the Dyson sphere world with their own eyes."

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Aren't you going?"

"What am I going to do? My body is just a teleoperated robot. There are many more in the world of Dyson balls."

Deputy Director Qian almost couldn't keep his mouth shut.He couldn't help lamenting that he was still old, and his thinking was not as active as that of young people, but he didn't expect this.

Luo Yi couldn't understand Deputy Director Qian's brain circuit, so he asked: "Are you afraid that no one will receive the observation team over there? Don't worry, I have already told my subordinates, and someone will receive you."

Deputy Director Qian was about to run out of time, so he turned around and left.

Luo Yi watched Deputy Director Qian leave quickly, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"What's up with him?"

Director Zhao explained calmly: "Director Qian is the leader of the observation team. He wants to get to the roof of the administrative building before eight o'clock."

Then, Director Zhao instinctively followed Luo Yi's tone: "Do your subordinates in charge of reception speak Mandarin?"

Luo Yi replied casually: "Yes, they are all Chinese."

Director Zhao was both surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, there are already earthlings on the Dyson ball, and they don't know anything about it.

Fortunately, those people are all Chinese.If the operation is good, Huaxia may even monopolize the Dyson ball.The second result will definitely be able to take the first-mover advantage in this matter.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the key person who claims to be Zhang San can always maintain goodwill.

(End of this chapter)

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