celestial system of the solar system

Chapter 23 Conjecture on the Source of Gold

Chapter 23 Conjecture on the Source of Gold

Luo Yi actually doesn't like to chat with unfamiliar people, because he is worried that he will reveal something unintentionally.However, Huang Chang is very enthusiastic, and Luo Yi is too embarrassed to reject people thousands of miles away.

In fact, Huang Chang didn't want to chat at this time, but as the owner of the shop, he had to take the initiative to guide the topic and avoid silence.

However, Huang Chang's direction of thinking involuntarily shifted to other places.It is also very hard for Huang Chang to think about things while controlling the topic.

...Huang Chang corrected Luo Yi's guess.Huang Chang thought that Luo Yi was a member of a team before, but now he knows that he guessed wrong.

The time between Qian Jun's phone call and Luo Yi's entry into the gold store was very short, which can prove that Luo Yi went straight to the gold store without stopping.

So it is easy to draw a conclusion: the gold bars on Luo Yi's body were brought from the north.

Doesn't the north happen to be the sphere of influence of the Tuaregs?

The jigsaw puzzle is not complete, but after adding a new piece of puzzle today, Huang Chang got more useful information from it.

Naturally, Huang Chang does not know the specific origin of the gold at this moment.But for the general range, he is already sure.

Absolutely in the sphere of influence of the Tuareg people!

Luo Yi didn't know that Qian Jun was staying in the North District to observe quietly. In fact, he didn't need to play tricks and deliberately made a detour to enter the city from the North District from another direction.Because the vehicle is a large target, it is impossible to avoid the observation of interested people.

Looking at it from another angle, in fact Luo Yi is also confident.

The origin of gold is within the sphere of influence of the Tuareg people, so what if others know it?Could it be that he rushed over to grab the gold mine?That's not a matter of fighting, that's war!
The question now is, what is the relationship between Luo Yi and the Tuaregs?
cooperate?As a foreigner, what qualifications does the weak Luo Yi have to cooperate with the Tuareg people?
While chatting with Luo Yi casually, Huang Chang was thinking hard.

After a while, Huang Chang thought of a possibility.

Many ML people are willing to cooperate with foreigners because the ML government is very corrupt.Any official with some power is simply asking for bribes from merchants blatantly.Although foreigners and foreign companies are not completely immune, compared with the treatment suffered by locals, it is much milder after all.When domestic officials extort bribes from foreigners, they always have a basic bottom line.

Perhaps, the Tuaregs just need to find a foreigner as a signboard!
If it's just a sign... Huang Chang thought fervently: I can do it too!
If you can connect directly with the Tuareg people, then you can get rid of Luo Yi and avoid middlemen making the difference!
Moreover, Luo Yi holds the power to trade.Although the transaction has been going smoothly now, what if Luo Yi suddenly loses his nerve one day and wants to trade with a gold shop?

The lifeline is in Luo Yi's hands, Huang Chang can't rest assured no matter what.

But Huang Chang didn't intend to act rashly.At present, he still knows too little information, for example, the relationship between the Tuareg people and Luo Yi, Huang Chang is still not sure.

Although Huang Chang judged that it is impossible for Luo Yi and the Tuareg to be dominant in the cooperation, not being dominant does not mean that there is no influence.

If Huang Chang hastily contacted the Tuaregs, he frankly said that he wanted to replace Luo Yi.And if Luo Yi had a particularly good relationship with the key figures of the Tuareg people, even to the extent of the ancient faint kings and treacherous officials, wouldn't that be a taboo of not being close? !

Thinking of the inseparable closeness, Huang Chang's thinking can't help but diverge even more.

Huang Chang and his fellow countrymen came to ML 15 years ago to work hard. When they first heard about the strange social customs of the Tuareg people, everyone was surprised.At that time, the villagers even told a joke when they were chatting about this topic.

According to the traditional customs of the Tuareg people, the blood relative of the child is not the father, but a brother of the mother.Therefore, if you marry the sister of a Tuareg tribal chief, and then the son born is established by the chief as the heir by blood, then the son of this person can become the chief of the tribe in the future.

This is simply the highest state of defeating others without fighting!
Of course, the society of the Tuareg people is very closed, and there are barriers in various aspects such as religion and customs between them and foreigners.So let alone marrying the chief's sister, even if you want to marry an ordinary Tuareg woman, there are huge technical obstacles.

Because of this, when a few fellow villagers chatted at that time, they just regarded it as a joke.

But now, Huang Chang couldn't laugh at all.Because he thought of something that he had neglected before, a very important thing.

Who is that woman with Luo Yi?

Could she be...the chief's sister?
If this is the case, if you want to get rid of Luo Yi and trade directly with the Tuareg, I am afraid there is no chance of winning.On the contrary, it will anger Luo Yi and refuse to continue the deal with him.

Thinking of this, Huang Chang decided to be more cautious.Don't act rashly if you don't know the truth of the matter!
...Luo Yi didn't know that Huang Chang's inner drama was so rich.

After the inspection of the gold bars and the cash and transfer process were completed, Luo Yi made an appointment with him to continue the transaction tomorrow, so he left.


In the days that followed, Luo Yi's life became very nerdy and regular.

Wake up and wash, exercise after eating breakfast, tired Xiaomei, wake up and eat Chinese food, then go to Huang’s Gold Shop to trade gold, go back to the villa to exercise exercise, tired Xiaomei, exercise after dinner , go to bed after taking a bath, do various studies in the virtual reality environment in the dream, and then wake up after dawn the next day.

Such a cycle every day makes Luo Yi wonder if the life of rich people is so boring and boring.Of course, nothing has changed in his life.

Dai Na finally learned a little bit of Luo Yi's hometown dishes, but she really can't comment on her cooking skills, so she can only hope that she will continue to improve in the future.

And Peng Du buys grain and vegetables every day, and occasionally buys salt, and then returns to the tribe in the afternoon.

Originally, Luo Yi thought that Peng Du was a very enlightened chief, but now he thinks that Peng Du is a chief with remnants of feudalism and a strong sense of hierarchy.

Because Pengdu spends at least one-third of his money on vegetables every day—vegetables in BMK are so expensive, and many people in the Pengdu tribe are still hungry. Spending that money on vegetables is definitely a luxury. All the inner aristocratic thinking is at work.

Since Peng Du goes back to the tribe every day, and it takes at least seven hours to go back and forth, so the job of bodyguard cannot be performed properly.

For this reason, Peng Du brought out two people from the tribe, the two warriors who had competed with Luo Yi that day.

The slightly sad warrior is called Gerry, and the broken eyebrow warrior is called Su.Peng Du said that the fighting power of the two of them was among the best in the tribe, stronger than Peng Du himself.

But not two warriors acted as bodyguards for Luo Yi at the same time.Gerry and Su always take turns to accompany Peng Du back to the tribe.

According to Peng Du's explanation, it was to teach them how to drive.After they learned how to drive, Peng Du didn't have to go back and forth between the tribe and BMK every day.

Now there are two more people in the villa. Although Luo Yi didn't take the initiative to hire them, it doesn't seem good if they don't get paid.

Luo Yi was a little embarrassed about this.

(End of this chapter)

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