Chapter 226
The most important thing is that the town government army has lost all morale.Even if they were immediately provided with replacement vehicles and heavy weapons and equipment, this force would definitely not continue to attack.

The difference in combat effectiveness between the two is too great. Who is willing to die in this kind of battle with no hope of victory?

As a result of the airstrike, the ML politicians behind this battle were collectively silenced.

Before the town government army attacked, those promoters of the battle had already received the news of Andre's death.

However, there is a saying called "man dies for money, bird dies for food".

Luo Yi doesn't think the daily income of 1000 million is great, it's because his motherland is strong and rich, and Luo Yi's current assets are not shocking in the country.But 1000 million in ML every day is enough to drive anyone crazy.

Therefore, although the people behind the war were terrified of Andre's death, it was still not enough to dispel their greed.After all, the social order of ML itself is not good. Even if people with higher social status die unnaturally, it is not a particularly shocking thing.

Besides, there is no evidence at all that Andre's death had anything to do with the Pengdu tribe.

Therefore, after learning of Andre's death, the ML town government army still marched towards the Pengdu tribe.

However, this raid has plunged those politicians who promote the war into great fear.

The entire airstrike lasted less than half a minute.

Strictly speaking, the air attack party first attacked the armored vehicles, and then attacked the rest of the vehicles after more than 20 seconds, so the issue of the duration of the air attack can only be discussed.If the air raider did not launch the attack in two waves, then this air raid was purely a one-wave take away.

In this air strike, each missile hit its corresponding target, so logically it can be speculated that it is absolutely impossible for the raiding party to be unable to attack simultaneously due to technical reasons.

Most people believe that the reason why the air raiders attacked armored vehicles first and then attacked ordinary vehicles was to leave enough time for ordinary soldiers to escape from the convoy so as to reduce the number of casualties.

If the air attackers attack the armored vehicles and the vehicles carrying soldiers at the same time, it can wipe out the entire army.

If there is a relationship between the air strike and the Pengdu tribe, no one has real and strong evidence.But if it is said that the air strike has nothing to do with the Pengdu tribe, no one will believe it.

Thinking about it further, the air raiders are so powerful, what if they want to decapitate an enemy who doesn't like it?You know, losing the town government army to launch an attack on the Pengdu tribe will offend the Pengdu tribe no matter how you look at it.And ML, including the capital BMK, has no air defense at all!

As a result, the ML politicians who promoted the war had little enthusiasm for organizing a second offensive.After all, compared with the attack of one or two gunmen and the powerful air strike capability, the fear caused by the former can be overcome, but the latter is absolutely irresistible to them.

However, although ML's politicians showed signs of calming down, Gaul, which has a close relationship with ML, issued a statement that it would dispatch special forces to fight against the anti-government armed forces.

On the one hand, powerful people who lost their illegitimate children lobbied hard.On the other hand, Gaul itself is extremely concerned about this air strike.

The air raid left no footage.And due to the insufficient national defense level of ML country, the radar did not detect the slightest trace.But even so, a thoughtful person can deduce many things from clues.

For example, each target in this raid was hit separately. Such a precise strike was obviously not something that could be accomplished by artillery shells or rockets.Based on eyewitness descriptions, the adjusters determined that the missile that hit that unit was a missile.

Then, interested people conducted an investigation near the attack site, and found no trace of the existence of the missile launch vehicle, nor was there any trace of the missile launch.What's more, judging from the fact that it hit every target accurately, those missiles should be air-to-surface missiles.

Then the problem is coming.

What force can launch so many air-to-surface missiles at once?
Did they deploy a lot of fighters in ML without anyone knowing?

However, what fighter does not need an airport?

Now the resolution of the satellite is extremely high, but the license plate number cannot be seen clearly.

At present, the highest spatial resolution of the imaging reconnaissance satellite is 0.1 meters, so it can see the license plate on the ground, but a license plate is only a few dots on the satellite image, and the number on the license plate cannot be seen clearly.

However, even with a reconnaissance satellite whose resolution is one or two orders of magnitude worse, it is easy to find a target as large as an airport.

Therefore, if it is judged that the missiles are air-to-surface missiles, there are also things that are difficult to understand.That is, is it a weapon platform used by a certain force, an armed helicopter that does not have a high demand for airports?
With such doubts, Gaul, the former suzerain state of ML, quickly dispatched four Tiger gunships to ML, and then headed towards the Pengdu tribe.

Although there are only four armed helicopters, the Gaul Kingdom is actually not worried about being attacked by unknown enemies.

Because the armed helicopter sent to ML this time is a HAP support air combat type. One of its design directions is to destroy enemy helicopters to seize low-altitude air supremacy. It is the first armed helicopter in the West that incorporates air combat considerations into its original design.

Tiger’s design attaches great importance to reducing the probability of being detected. The fuselage uses infrared signal suppression paint to minimize the radar cross-sectional area and infrared signal as much as possible. The frontal cross-sectional area of ​​the entire helicopter is very small.The frontal RCS of the Tiger helicopter is so low that civilian commercial air traffic control radars cannot detect it!
In terms of armament, the Tiger HAP is equipped with a 30mm cannon under the nose.The Gauls applied the concept of precision gun body servo/stabilization of modern armored vehicles to helicopters, and developed the world's first helicopter gun fire control system specially designed for air combat for the Tiger HAP.Therefore, when shooting an airborne target the size of Mi-1000 at a distance of 24m, the overall error of the system does not exceed 1 meter. In air combat, when firing 3 shells, there is a 70% hit rate, and when firing 6 shells, there is a 90% hit rate. , It can reach the highest limit of 15% when firing 99 rounds in a row.The aiming error of the guns of other armed helicopters in active service is at best 3 to 5 meters.

With such a large air combat advantage, four Tiger HAP support air combat helicopters can easily win even if they are attacked by ten other types of armed helicopters.

In short, Gaul quickly dispatched four Tiger HAP gunships, perhaps hoping to lure the snake out of the hole.

Before the battle, the leader of the team gave the drivers the task.

The task on the surface is very simple, that is, to conduct aerial reconnaissance in the pastoral areas of the Pengdu tribe.

If armed Tuagre personnel are found during reconnaissance, they can launch an attack.

(End of this chapter)

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