celestial system of the solar system

Chapter 214 Common Monarch Confederation

Chapter 214 Common Monarch Confederation
Luo Yi explained to Bai Haitang: Many kingdoms in the Dyson sphere world were occupied by orcs before. After the decisive battle, the orcs left this Dyson sphere world.

The orcs not only left by themselves, but also took away everything they could, including slaves who were regarded as property by the orcs, that is, humans within the orcs' sphere of influence.

Therefore, those kingdoms that were originally occupied by orcs are now truly uninhabited.

Those kingdoms are completely empty of people now, so emigration from the earth can be considered.

The easiest way, of course, is to implement a decree similar to the Homestead Law.

Anyone with Chinese nationality can apply for ten hectares of land as an allotment for living and farming.After 5 years of cultivation, the received land will belong to them.

Hearing this, Wang Chenglin couldn't help asking Luo Yi: "Are you going to position this Dyson sphere world as an agricultural base?"

Luo Yi shook his head.

"No. The environment of the Dyson ball world is very good, and it is very suitable for leisure and vacation. So as long as the Dyson ball does not develop heavy industry, I have no other ideas."

Wang Chenglin changed the subject again and asked, "Then what do you think about the political system and laws of the Dyson ball world?"

Luo Yi hesitated for a while.

From the perspective of modern people, the autocratic monarchy should be thrown into the trash heap of history.

But the butt decides the head.

Since this Dyson sphere world is an artificial celestial body and the ownership belongs to Luo Yi, according to the "Property Law", all derived rights on this Dyson sphere should belong to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi was somewhat reluctant to give up his power.

But to compare his heart with his heart, Luo Yi himself doesn't like living in an autocratic monarchy where others are monarchs, so it seems too lacking in empathy to let others live under an autocratic monarchy.

After hesitating for a long time, Luo Yi decided to compromise.

"In terms of social system, it is still necessary to respect the customs of the local people, so it is still a monarchy."

"But the relationship between different kingdoms and the entire Dyson ball world, I think a common monarchy can be implemented. That is to say, each kingdom can have its own laws and troops, and have considerable autonomy. What do you think? "

From a certain point of view, the Common Monarchy Confederacy is a bit like a close alliance of diplomatic unity, but the members of the alliance have great autonomy, and the central government has very limited interference with the members of the alliance.

The Luo Jun couple and Wang Chenglin couple were obviously unwilling to be dictated by their son (son-in-law), so they expressed their approval of the Common Monarchy Confederacy.

Wang Wei not only voted for it, but also announced with anticipation: "I will issue a decree to prohibit keeping dogs in my kingdom!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Wei explained to Luo Yi: "I was chased by a dog when I was a child. That person is so annoying. I don't know if such a big dog has a dog license if I have such a big dog."

Wang Wei said angrily: "That man didn't keep the dog on the leash when he was walking the dog!"

At this time, Luo Yi should have expressed sympathy with a heavy expression, and strongly condemned the dog owner.But Luo Yi imagined the beautiful little loli being chased by a dog, crying and running in fright, but couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and laughed.

"Are you scared to cry?"

Wang Wei stamped her feet.

"No! You wronged me!"

Wang Wei's accusation resonated with Bai Haitang.

"Yeah, some people don't have a license to keep a dog, don't vaccinate the dog on time, and don't care if the dog defecates anywhere in the community. The most annoying thing is walking the dog without a leash."

Bai Haitang not only supported Wang Wei spiritually, but also supported her in action.

"Girl, I support you. My kingdom will also issue a decree banning keeping dogs!"

Luo Jun raised a dog when he was a child, so he argued with reason.

"Isn't it good to knock over a whole boat of people with one stick like this?"

"It's not that all dog owners don't apply for a certificate and don't get vaccinated, and many people walk their dogs on a leash. Some people even carry plastic bags ready to pick up dog poop when they walk their dogs."

Bai Haitang disdains.

"How many well-behaved dog owners are you talking about? Is there one out of ten?"

"There are so many people in our community who have dogs, and they bring plastic bags to dispose of dog poop when they walk their dogs. I have only seen Lao Yu who lives in the third building for so many years. Who brings plastic bags when other people walk their dogs? Their dogs are not in the house. Has the neighborhood shitted?"

Luo Yi quickly smoothed things over.

"You decide the laws of your own kingdom. Dogs are forbidden in my mother's kingdom. If you want to raise them, dad, you can keep them in your own kingdom."

"In your own kingdom, you can have as many dogs as you like. You can make it mandatory for everyone in your kingdom to have dogs."

Luo Jun resentfully.

"I don't want to keep a dog... Then there must be restrictions on making laws and regulations?"

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be unreasonable for your mother to make a law that prohibits people with the surname Luo from entering her kingdom?"

Luo Yi continued to smooth things over.

"The reason why the members of the confederation are allowed to make their own laws is because there are different kingdoms in the world of Dyson Ball, and the customs and laws of each kingdom are different. So I don't think it is necessary to formulate a unified law and force the people to abide by it. "

"Since all native kingdoms can retain and make laws, it doesn't make sense that you can't make laws after you own the kingdom, right?"

"Take dogs for example. Some people don't like dogs, while others like dogs. Some people eat dog meat, and some people cannot accept eating dog meat."

"I personally think there is no right or wrong in this matter, only different preferences."

"But at present, some dog owners walk their dogs without leashes, don't wear masks for their dogs, and don't clean up dog poop. What's more, there are often things where dogs hurt people. These things have caused discomfort to others and made some people feel uncomfortable. People's happiness goes down."

"There are relevant laws and regulations, but the penalties are light and have no deterrent effect, and the cost of enforcement is correspondingly too high. Therefore, the actual effect of relevant laws and regulations is very limited."

"For a person to endure the social status quo that he doesn't like, there will always be uncomfortable feelings. So different confederations have different laws that allow residents to choose where they like to live."

"Dad, Mom," Luo Yi looked at his parents and said earnestly, "Your views are actually the same."

"You can formulate strict laws and regulations, and severely punish those who do not obtain a dog license, do not get vaccinated, walk the dog without a leash, do not wear a mask for the dog, and do not deal with the dog's poop."

Luo Jun glanced at Bai Haitang, muttered and backed down voluntarily.

"I didn't say you want to keep a dog. I just said that you can't knock down a boat with one shot. Some people keep dogs very well."

Bai Haitang also took a step back.

"If dog owners were so well-behaved, I wouldn't object. What I object to is the behavior of those who have unruly dogs."

Luo Yi smiled, and quietly moved the topic away from raising dogs.

"Actually, I let each kingdom formulate its own laws and regulations to reduce conflicts."

"Because different people's perceptions of the same thing are too different, it is difficult to unify."

(End of this chapter)

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