Chapter 212 The Queen
After the successful delisting of Wang's company, many people asked Wang Chenglin about the inside story, and Wang Chenglin naturally said that he refused to reveal the truth.So some people took the wife's route and asked the female relatives to inquire from Zhou Xiaoling.

Only then did Zhou Xiaoling know that her son-in-law owned four times as much shares as Wang Chenglin.

In Zhou Xiaoling's mind, her husband was already adored by her, but she didn't expect her daughter's fiancé to be even better than her husband.

There is a saying that the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at her, the more she likes her.So now Zhou Xiaoling really likes Luo Yi, so naturally she joined the ranks of saying good things about Luo Yi.

Luo Yi winked at Wang Wei and whispered into her ear: "Listen to what auntie said about me... You've made a lot of money."

Yep, got another kick.

The adults were very happy watching the little interaction between their children, but they all pretended not to see it.

The parents chatted about the changes in society in the past.Because they are a bit old after all, talking about these histories can be regarded as a common topic.But soon the topic of the parents on both sides was transferred to the children.

Luo Yi listened, and suddenly felt something was wrong.Because Bai Haitang began to praise Luo Yi for being a gentleman since he was a child, and he was good at taking care of girls since he was a child.

This is obviously a dangerous topic, so even if it wasn't the most suitable time, Luo Yi rushed to say: "Parents, uncles and aunts, I have something very important to tell you. Let's go to the study and talk about it?"

The two families were a little confused, but Luo Yi's words carried a lot of weight in their hearts, so the two families moved to the study on the second floor.

After entering the study, Luo Yi asked a question.

"Do you know the Dyson sphere?"

No one has heard of it, so Luo Yi had to give everyone the concept of popular science Dyson ball.

After popularizing the science, Luo Yi threw out a sentence that made everyone baffled.

"I have a Dyson sphere."

The statement itself is not difficult to understand, but it is as easy to understand as someone saying "I am God".

The audience looked at each other, and after a while, Wang Chenglin asked, "Aren't you joking?"

Luo Yi shook his head.

He's not crazy, so why would he make such a joke with his parents and parents-in-law?

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Luo Yi said: "Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. I will take you to the Dyson Ball World to see for yourself later and you will understand."

"Actually, you have all seen the scenery on the Dyson sphere. It is actually the scenery in "The Sims in Another World."

Wang Chenglin took a deep breath and asked, "The Sims in Another World is a game based on your so-called Dyson ball world?"

This is a very complicated question, so Luo Yi had no choice but to explain it in detail.

"Later servers of "The Sims from Another World" were games based on the world of Delinqiu. But the first server was not."

"The first server is actually the player operating the so-called 'game character' through a remote robot. The things displayed on the screen are all real."

Wang Chenglin stopped talking, but clasped his hands in front of him.He did this to cover up the shaking of his fingers.

Wang Chenglin's way of thinking made him realize immediately that this was an incomparable fortune.

Now when we talk about the ranking of the world's richest man, we don't discuss the royal family.If the royal family also participates in the ranking of the rich, then this ranking will not be interesting, because the wealthiest royal family owns a total asset of 1.7 trillion M yuan.

Another example is that before the reunification of Hong Kong, although the land was leased similarly to the mainland, land ownership was not owned by the whole people, but by the colonial royal family.You can simply imagine that just HK's land ownership is equivalent to a lot of wealth.

However, at the same time, Wang Chenglin clearly realized that there was a huge risk in this.

Such a huge wealth, is Luo Yi capable of protecting it?

Wang Chenglin was contemplating, but he heard Wang Wei suddenly ask: "Luo Yi, the entire Dyson sphere world is yours, but why are you just a baron in "The Sims in Another World"?"

Luo Yi showed an embarrassing smile similar to being discovered by his wife's private money.

"That's just a trumpet."

Wang Wei's eyes widened.

"Who is your tuba?...Are you the king of kings?"

Seeing Luo Yi nodding, Wang Wei exclaimed first, and then cheered happily.

"Wow... I don't care, you want to give me a kingdom, and I want to be the queen!"

Luo Yi ignored Wang Wei, but said to Luo Jun and Wang Chenglin, "Parents, uncles and aunts, I will give each of you a kingdom."

"The current level of technology in the Dyson Ball World is very low, but with a little construction, it is still good for leisure and vacation. The air there is very good and there is no pollution, which should be very beneficial to health."

When Luo Yi sent his parents and parents-in-law a kingdom each, his tone was as light as saying that the weather is fine today.

Parents and parents-in-law are confused—not because Luo Yi wants to give them a kingdom each, but because they have always been confused.

Just when he didn't know how to react, Wang Wei rushed over to punch Luo Yi's chest like a kitten with fried fur.

"Do you have me in your heart? I'm talking to you, why are you ignoring me? I also want a kingdom to be the queen! Ahhh..."

Luo Yi hugged the clamoring Wang Wei, frowning in disgust.

"You are stupid, isn't it good to be a queen, want to be a queen?"


Wang Wei was surrounded by Luo Yi domineeringly, unable to beat Luo Yi anymore, and could only stay in his arms thinking cutely which is better, the queen or the queen.

Then Wang Wei came back to his senses. "You want to be emperor?"

"I am the king of kings, what if I don't call myself emperor?"


Wang Wei foolishly responded, and then emphasized.

"I'm going to be both a queen and a queen!"

Luo Yi had no choice but to agree with Wang Wei.

So Wang Wei smiled happily.

Seeing Wang Wei's lying silkworm that was more obvious when she was smiling, if it wasn't for the presence of adults, Luo Yi couldn't help but kiss her.

The Luo Jun couple and Wang Chenglin couple watched their children remove the dog food as if no one was around, feeling very complicated.

The better the relationship between Luo Yi and Wang Wei, the happier they would be.But as elders, they are still somewhat unaccustomed to the behavior of young people.

Among the four adults, Wang Chenglin was probably the most negative about the scene in front of him.So Wang Chenglin ignored the young people who were flirting with each other, and said, "Luo Yi, have you considered handing over the Dyson ball world and keeping only a small part for yourself?"

Luo Yi had no choice but to let go of Wang Wei, and explained to Wang Chenglin: "The Dyson ball world is not the problem. The problem is the one who gave me the Dyson ball... I always call him the system in my heart, but in fact I don't know that he is an alien Or AI... but anyway, I can't hand over the system."

"And as long as you keep the system in your hands, it doesn't make sense to hand over the world of Dyson balls."

Bai Haitang asked anxiously: "Why? Why is it meaningless for you to hand over the Dyson ball?"

(End of this chapter)

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