Chapter 19
The previous system explained positively the benefits of retaining pain, and then he talked about the harm of shielding pain.

If the pain is weakened or even blocked, there is a high probability that Luo Yi will develop wrong habits in long-term practice, such as unnecessarily trading injuries for injuries and risking lives in actual combat.

Although there are nano-protective suits and medical nano-robots, in actual combat, if Luo Yi chooses to trade injuries for injuries and risk his life, it can actually be regarded as a correct strategy.

But the system emphasizes that the purpose of He providing learning software is to help Luo Yi lay a solid foundation, not to cultivate him to form a bad habit of opportunism.

Therefore, it is impossible to weaken or even block pain perception.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.Helpless, Luo Yi could only accept the reality, and suffered fists, knives, and bullets in the dream...

When she woke up, Luo Yi's body didn't hurt at all, but the trauma she suffered in her heart... the past is unbearable!
After breakfast, Peng Du bluntly told Luo Yi that he was going out for a large purchase - someone with rich workplace experience, even if he knew it was nonsense, would once again ask the leader with a very sincere expression to go to the site to check. .

Luo Yi didn't care.Seeing Dana's eager expression, he waved his hand.

"You and Peng Du go together."

So Dana happily pulled Pengdu and ran out, as if she couldn't wait any longer.

After the siblings went out, Luo Yi began to practice gymnastics.Luo Yi was exhausted two hours later, so he fell asleep.When Luo Yi woke up more than an hour later, the Peng Du brothers and sisters hadn't come back yet, so Luo Yi had to cook by himself.In the end, after Luo Yi finished eating, he still didn't see the two brothers and sisters.So much so that he began to wonder: Did the brother and sister really abscond with the money?

Fortunately, Peng Du and Dana came back 10 minutes later.

As soon as Dai Na came back, she apologized to Luo Yi, admitting that she was too keen on bargaining when shopping, so she wasted too much time.

Naturally, Luo Yi wouldn't care about a little girl, so he asked Dana to look after the house, while Peng Du went out with him.

Peng Du drove to find a place near Huang's gold store and stopped.After Luo Yi got off the car, Peng Du dutifully prepared to follow, but Luo Yi stopped him.

"You're just outside, and there are so many things in the car, it can't be left unattended."

Peng Du hesitated.

"But I'm a you want someone from the shop to watch over the car?"

Seeing Peng Du's brain is dead, Luo Yi had no choice but to make up a story.

"The owner of this gold shop is a compatriot of mine. One of the characteristics of our nation is good face. If I bring a bodyguard in, the shop owner will think that I don't trust him, which will damage our friendship."

Peng Du couldn't understand Luo Yi's logic at all, but that didn't prevent him from obeying orders.

While waiting not far away, Peng Du looked at the gold store from time to time.Fortunately, Luo Yi didn't wait long, and Luo Yi came out from the gold shop.

Luo Yi got into the car and announced that he would go back to the villa to pick up Dana, and then they would go to the Pengdu tribe together.

The Pengdu tribe is more than 100 kilometers away from BMK.If you take the highway, this distance will not even take an hour.However, only the first 20 kilometers of this section of road have regular roads that meet the specifications. After that, there are irregular dirt roads, and there are no roads at all behind, pure wilderness.

The second-hand car Peng Du bought may have a faulty shock absorption system, making it uncomfortable to sit on.The car bumped even more when it was driven onto a dirt road.


When Luo Yi was stunned, Huang Chang was listening to a report from his confidant Qian Jun.

"You mean, he's not alone. He went into the store by himself, and there was an accomplice watching outside the door?"

Qian Jun nodded.

"After I went out, I walked around the neighborhood, and then I found a Tuareg man sitting in the car, and I glanced into the store from time to time. After the surname Luo came out, he got into the car directly, and then left. "

The Tuareg are the only nation in the world in which men wear veils, and outsiders can leave a strong impression just by seeing them once.After staying in BMK for so long, Qian Jun naturally knows the Tuareg people.

After Qian Jun finished speaking, he couldn't help but express his opinion.

"I didn't expect the Tuareg people to start working as bodyguards. But the Tuareg people are really bad at being bodyguards. How can any employer leave their bodyguards in the car by themselves when doing business?"

Huang Chang glanced at his confidant, but said nothing, not understanding where Qian Jun's sense of superiority came from.

In the past, a large number of compradors appeared in the country during special periods, and a large number of Chinese people were directly or indirectly employed by foreigners.However, it is common for Chinese people to hire foreigners who come to gold mining.

Therefore, it is difficult to draw a conclusion before there is more evidence whether Luo Yi hired the Tuareg or the Tuareg hired Luo Yi.

Huang Chang asked calmly, "What happened next?"

Qian Jun proudly expressed his merits.

"After the Tuareg drove away, I followed him at a distance."

"The car entered the rich man's villa area in the East District. Although the villa area claims to have the strongest security in BMK, that kind of publicity can only fool the locals, and it can only guard against gentlemen rather than villains. In fact, the video surveillance in the villa area Not to mention the system is not set up, they usually don't even turn it on."

"As soon as I slipped in, I found the Tuareg, the man named Luo, and a woman leaving in a car from a villa."

"I sneaked into the villa and searched carefully. There are only some daily necessities in the villa, but no safe, hidden door or cash."

Huang Chang rubbed his chin, a little confused.

Luo Yi got quite a lot of cash from these transactions.The amount of cash in other currencies is already quite a lot, and the amount of RMB cash is even more astonishing.

If Luo Yi got the cash and turned around and deposited it in the bank, why didn't he let Huang Chang transfer the money directly?It doesn't make sense!
So, where did the cash go?Could it be that it was packed in the car and taken away?

As a confidant who has been with Huang Chang for ten years, Qian Jun knows Huang Chang's habits in detail.At this moment, Huang Chang squinted his eyes with a wandering expression, obviously thinking about some difficult problem.So Qian Jun held his breath and didn't make any movement.

However, Huang Chang still had too little information, and everything seemed confusing, so he couldn't even speculate on a logical possibility.

Huang Chang withdrew his thoughts, and said to Qian Jun: "From now on, you should check the purpose of the Tuareg people coming to BMK, and their relationship with Luo Yi."

Huang Chang sent his confidants to collect more intelligence, which is the businessman's instinct to maximize profits.

But Huang Chang was not willing to offend Luo Yi either.Just now, Luo Yi came to the gold shop and exchanged ten large yellow croakers at once!To Huang Chang's surprise and delight, after the transaction was completed, Luo Yi casually said: "Tomorrow, we will continue with ten large yellow croakers."

Huang Chang couldn't help but asked if the trading volume would be about the same every day in the future, Luo Yi was speechless with a smile.

Judging from Luo Yi's expression, this may actually be the case!

(End of this chapter)

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