celestial system of the solar system

Chapter 11 Renting a Villa

Chapter 11 Renting a Villa

The whole morning, Luo Yi wandered around BMK.

In the end, Luo Yi found a residence that met his requirements in a wealthy area.

Although the distance between the villas did not make Luo Yi feel absolutely safe, but to be honest, Luo Yi's original standard was indeed too much.

In Luo Yi's mind, the standard for an ideal house is that even the nearest neighbors cannot see his house with the naked eye - that is simply living in isolation.

But the problem is that there may not be a house in BMK that meets that condition.Because residents who live in isolation are definitely the favorite targets of criminals.

Luo Yi is renting a house in the name of an offshore company.The rental agent doesn't care about this. It doesn't matter to him whether the house is rented to an individual or to a company. Anyway, it is enough to pay the commission and pay the rent on time.

After signing the rental contract, the agent asked Luo Yi if he needed a cook and bodyguards.

In a place where the monthly income equivalent to 660 RMB is extremely high income—in fact, Luo Yi’s motherland was in the early 80s, and the monthly income of 660 RMB was also an enviable high income—Luo Yi felt that the premise of ability Next, it would be too unsympathetic not to help local people solve their employment problems.

So Luo Yi discussed with the agency about hiring cooks and bodyguards with great interest.

From the introduction of the agency agency, Luo Yi felt that the service of this agency company was very good.Because the hiring prices of cooks and bodyguards are different, the market has actually been subdivided.

The hiring price of a cook ranges from [-] to [-] yuan in RMB. The main consideration is whether the cook can speak foreign languages ​​proficiently.On the contrary, cooking skills are not included in the scope of reference, because the psychological expectation of employers for cooks is that the food they cook is clean, hygienic, and edible.

The hiring price range for bodyguards is 1000 to [-] yuan.In addition to foreign language proficiency, other factors are also considered, such as whether you have a gun license, professional skill level, whether you can drive, and the satisfaction level of your previous employer.

For a moment, Luo Yi even wanted to hire seven or eight bodyguards.That way, when you go out, you can hug each other, how much face do you have?After all, hiring ten bodyguards at a time costs at most 1 yuan per month—and cheap ones, which are purely used as a facade, only cost 3000 yuan to hire ten or even [-] yuan.

However, Luo Yi thought about it, if he is too high-profile in a place like ML, isn't he afraid that others will not pay attention to him?

How does this work? !

Therefore, Luo Yi reluctantly dismissed the idea of ​​helping more locals solve their unemployment problems.In the end, Luo Yi decided to hire only one cook and one bodyguard.

And since only two people are going to be hired, of course the one with the highest price must be hired - it is hard to judge who is the best, but it is clear at a glance who is the most expensive.

The smile on the agent's face grew brighter.It's just that the efficiency of ML is really slow. The agency agency said that because it takes time to contact the other party, the other party will not be able to start work until the next day at the earliest... If there is a delay during the period, it is possible to start work the day after tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow.

Luo Yi didn't care about it.

He was originally out of kindness to help the local area increase the employment rate, and he didn't really have any needs for cooks and bodyguards.

After the agent left, Luo Yi locked the door and found a restaurant outside the villa area.

Luo Yi actually resisted eating local food in local restaurants, but Luo Yi was really hungry and couldn't bear it until noon, so he had to surrender to his biological instincts.

Just like at breakfast, everyone around paid attention to Luo Yi's appetite.

After eating, Luo Yi hurriedly paid the bill, and fled to the industrial area in the east of the city.

Just one thing can give everyone a basic understanding of the industry of ML. The capital of ML is BMK, and the mountains on the northwest side of BMK are vermilion. There is a high probability that they contain iron ore, but they have not been exploited. No matter which industrial country, may there be undeveloped mines near the capital?
In Luo Yi's homeland, mines in this location would have been mined thousands of years ago.

In the industrial area of ​​BMK, locomotive repair may be the industry with the largest proportion of GDP.

Luo Yi came here to buy a motorcycle.He had asked the hotel owner before, and the owner told him that there was a locomotive repair shop run by a compatriot in the industrial area in the east of the city.

The owner of this locomotive repair shop wants to sell motorcycles. Considering that the import tariffs on complete vehicles are too high, the price will not be much different from that of vehicles from Europe, America, Japan and other countries, and there is no obvious competitiveness in terms of cost performance.So the boss imports spare parts from China, and then assembles them in the locomotive repair shop.

So the hotel owner recommended Luo Yi to come here. There are many styles, the price is cheap, and the after-sales service is more reliable.

Buying a second-hand motorcycle at a BMK street store, not knowing when it will fall apart, is irresponsible for one's own life - the average life expectancy of ML people is 40 years old, they are not afraid, but Luo Yi is.

And buying imported high-end motorcycles is too high-profile.

After comprehensive consideration, Luo Yi decided to support domestic products.

Buying a car went well.

Luo Yi communicated with the local agent in E language before. I don't know if it's because of that person's E language proficiency or the local E language accent. In short, Luo Yi feels that it is very laborious.

There are two compatriots sitting in the store facing the street of the motorcycle repair shop. Luo Yi speaks Mandarin to them, and the shopping experience has been improved by two levels at once - and one of them is a compatriot on the left and the other is a fellow countryman, and there are gifts and gifts. Discounts, whether they are real or fake, the shopping experience at Luo Yi is just a pleasant one.

After buying the car, Luo Yi rode his motorcycle to Huang Chang's gold shop.

Huang Chang was eagerly awaiting Luo Yi's arrival. When Luo Yi entered the gold shop, Huang Chang graciously invited him into the VIP room and made tea for him himself.

After making tea, Huang Chang wanted to make further friendships—this may be the traditional way of businessmen of the older generation to conduct transactions, but Luo Yi knew that too many words would lead to failure, so he avoided the small talk and went straight to the point.

"How much RMB cash do you have now?"

Huang Chang is used to doing business. He is good at traditional methods and can adapt to modern methods. Hearing this, he quickly replied: "More than 30."

Luo Yi was very satisfied with this.

"Okay, I happened to bring three large yellow croakers today." Luo Yi took out three large yellow croakers from his shoulder bag. "You test it first."

Huang Chang smiled and thanked Luo Yi for taking care of his business.

Soon the gold bars were authenticated, and then the money and the goods were settled.

After Luo Yi stuffed the last bundle of RMB into his shoulder bag, he casually said to Huang Chang: "Continue trading tomorrow."

Considering Huang Chang's city mansion, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

He thought that the four large yellow croakers were the stocks of Luo Yi and his group for a while, but he did not expect that Luo Yi had more gold on hand.

So Huang Chang raised the importance of Luo Yi's group by another level.

Huang Chang thought about it and said: "There are thousands of compatriots in ML, but those who have more RMB cash are nothing more than hotels, restaurants and small supermarkets run by those compatriots."

"Yesterday I exchanged RMB cash with a friend I know well. If I continue to exchange today, there will not be so many."

Hearing the bad news, Luo Yi subconsciously frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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