Future Chaos Live

Chapter 79 Liars

Chapter 79 Liars
"Attention, I am about to complete the seal of banishment. After a while, there will be a crack in the sky above the information altar. Once the crack appears, Li Tianlong, you take the fire bird and leave immediately. If you are slow, you will not be able to go. Exiled to an unknown space to wander." Maya said aloud.

I saw Maya and her many priests, the energy rays emitted from their bodies began to increase, and their expressions began to become serious.

Li Tianlong flew back to Firebird.The two wings spread out, making a posture of taking off again.

"How much did you hide from me? I feel that you haven't told me many things. Why did you ask about the earth 1 years ago?" Firebird asked Li Tianlong.

"Then what do you think I should ask? I don't have anything else to ask. Maya has already said that the information altar in her house can only ask about the things that have been recorded. Those questions about the entrance of the undiscovered ruins cannot be obtained at all." Answer." Li Tianlong replied casually.

"Huh!" Firebird replied, then reached out and grabbed Li Tianlong's left shoulder.

"Hold on to me, don't drop me." Huo Niao said standing in front of Li Tianlong.

"Don't worry, I won't throw you down." Li Tianlong said, holding onto the Firebird in front of him with his left hand, as if ready to take off.

Maya's seal exile is about to be completed, and the construction of the gods and demons fortress has begun to change from ashes and black mist to the original appearance of ancient buildings.

The black mist began to recede into the black hole of the information altar, and small tornado-like airflows began to roll up in the God Demon Fortress.

The group of priests, Huo Niao and others could barely stand their ground.The unwilling roars of many creatures came from the information altar.

The information altar is like a large vacuum cleaner. After absorbing the black mist, the surrounding space begins to ripple and become unstable.

After the black mist receded, something like a large mirror appeared above the information altar. The mirror began to cover and expand, quickly covering the entire fortress of gods and demons. The scenery and people in the fortress of gods and demons began to appear in the mirror. The existence of the original building of the Demon Fortress began to weaken. Once a clear image of the entity appeared in the mirror, the original building and people would disappear.

More than half of the priest group has disappeared.

"Mirror exile barrier is about to start, Li Tianlong, you and Huo Niao only have one chance, now move your body quickly, don't let your image be clearly reflected in the mirror world." Maya finally reminded aloud, and then her image also Beginning to appear in the mirror, her real figure began to slow down.

Hearing this, Li Tianlong quickly took off with the fire bird, and flew quickly around the information altar in the air, but a large mirror in the mirror world could cover all the area of ​​the gods and demons fortress, Li Tianlong and the fire bird found that their bodies started Some phantoms appeared in the mirror world, and the perception of the body in the real world began to weaken.

{Li Tianlong, immediately follow the route I gave you to fly and move. This mirror world image projection involves some optical concepts. Our supercomputer has already designed a route to prevent you from being projected as much as possible. } At this time, the church sent a powerful message.

Seeing the message from the Holy Church and the flight route azimuth map that appeared in front of his left eye, Li Tianlong took a quick snapshot and quickly turned to fly in circles in the air, flying up and down.

Firebird felt surprised, and his sense of body perception was strengthened a lot. After looking at the mirror image world, he found that the phantom image of himself and Li Tianlong in the mirror image world became much lighter than before.

"Don't look at yourself in the mirror world. Looking at the mirror world will make your soul projected there first." Li Tianlong quickly warned Firebird.

After hearing this, Firebird immediately turned his head away from looking at the mirror world all over the God Demon Fortress.

Originally, nine out of ten chances of the fortress of gods and demons were projected over. Li Tianlong felt that it was extremely difficult to fly and move. Even with the guidance of the Holy Church, it was not easy for him to avoid being projected over. Avoid shadows.

At this time, a small crack began to appear above the information altar, just as Maya said before, a space-time crack similar to that appeared above the information altar.

Li Tianlong was just about to fly over with the Firebird, but saw a message from the Holy Church.

{Don't go there, our supercomputer analyzes the information of your environment and various optical images, and the result is that the real entrance to another space is after the space-time rift.And the fortress of gods and demons is avoiding towards the mirror world. When you break through the space-time rift, you will complete the energy of sealing the entrance of the different space. You and the fire bird are equivalent to being sacrificed this time to block the entrance of the different space.

At that time, although the entrance to the different space will be closed, it will sacrifice the lives of you and Firebird.

Not long after that, the Fortress of Gods and Demons will retreat from the mirror world to the real world. }The church issued a warning.

{What you said is true, before Maya and others have been deceiving themselves and making themselves sacrifice? } Li Tianlong sent back the question, feeling extremely angry in his heart, and the basic trust between people seems to be difficult to establish in this future world.

{According to the results of supercomputer analysis, the accuracy rate is more than 90.00%. }The church replied.

{Then what should I do now? } Li Tianlong asked.

{Two plans, the first plan: wait for yourself and the fire bird to be sucked into the mirror world and projected into the mirror world, but the entrance of the different space will not be blocked by the seal, because the two powerful sacrifices of you and the fire bird are missing , especially your current thousand-year-old hob meat mecha, which has swallowed seven dragon eggs in your body, which contains a lot of energy. Without you as a sacrifice, the entrance of another space will appear on the earth, and the seal will completely fail.

Although you are hiding in the mirror world, when you come out of the mirror world in more than ten minutes, you will face a large number of attacks from creatures from other worlds, and it is estimated that the priests of Maya will attack you angrily. } the church said.

{Tell me about the second plan, which is not very good. } Li Tianlong replied.

{Immediately snatch the red energy stone in Maya's hand and put it directly into the entrance of the different space on the information altar.The energy contained in this red energy gem is huge, and it can be used as a sacrifice to complete the process of sealing the entrance of a different space.

But without the red power stone, according to our supercomputer analysis, the priests of Maya will be trapped in the mirror world for a long time, and it will be difficult for them to come out again.

After you snatch the red energy stone and throw it into the space-time rift, immediately take the fire bird and fly out from the gate that was broken by the main gun of the city of innocence when you came.

The city gate that was broken by the main gun of the city of innocence, after analysis by our array mage and supercomputer, is the only flaw in the sealing array and mirror projection} the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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