Future Chaos Live

Chapter 64 Preparation

Chapter 64 Preparation
"But I saw people entering the tent before, and they looked very happy when they came out." Li Tian said after thinking about it
"That's a projection of the people who entered the tent earlier elsewhere.

The people you see entering the tent are not in our city of innocence, nor are they at the same time, it is just a similarly cut image.By the way, what question did you ask?Such a good opportunity is such a pity, I should have known that I would go out with you, did you ask questions about ancient ruins, treasures and so on? "Firebird asked curiously.

"According to what you said, the opportunity to enter the Destiny Tent is rare?" Li Tianlong asked with some regret. If he had known that the fortune-telling crystal ball in this tent was so strange, he would definitely ask questions about places like ruins that can improve his strength. , will not care about the news of the alien invasion of the church 1 years ago.

"You're stupid, of course it's rare. The chance of entering the Destiny Tent is lower than the chance of discovering the entrance to the ruins while walking in the wild.

However, the answer given by the destiny tent is proportional to the input of energy stones based on the analysis of existing records.

You just put in a D-level power stone with the lowest question threshold, and you shouldn't get any particularly useful information.By the way, what question did you ask. "Firebird looked at Li Tianlong curiously with big eyes.

"It's because you gave me less energy stones. I only had one D-level energy stone in my entire family at that time. The question I asked was how can I get back the content of my amnesia." Li Tianlong replied to Firebird after thinking for a while.

"It seems that you wasted this inquiry and didn't even ask for the coordinates of the entrance of the ruins that have not been discovered by humans.

That's right, for you, a person with amnesia, what you most want to get back is your own memory.How did the crystal ball answer you, did it give you the answer? "Firebird said feeling a little disappointed.

"The crystal ball said that going to the information altar in the gods and demons fortress will allow me to retrieve part of my memory, and then it will be gone." Li Tianlong said.

[Liar, even the kind-hearted Firebird can be fooled]

[Fate Tent, Brother Long, you have wasted a rare opportunity, quickly read the file and start again]

【I'll just say you have to believe in fortune tellers, there is only destiny in the dark. 】

【The Great Immortal is here, seek good fortune and avoid evil】

"The information altar of the God and Demon Fortress, I have heard of the building of the God and Demon Fortress.

However, the status of the information altar of God and Demon Fortress is equivalent to the status of the floating house in the center of the city within our city of innocence.

We can't touch it at this level.Forget it, if we survive this ice dragon crisis, I will take you to the Demon Fortress if we have a chance.Yesterday I heard from Bing'er that there was also a problem in the God and Demon Fortress, maybe we will have the opportunity to contact this information altar.

By the way, don't tell anyone about your entry into the tent of fate.

If you let the officials of the Fortress of Innocence know, you will be taken away for analysis and investigation. Although the investigation is not life-threatening, it is troublesome and time-consuming. "Firebird told Li Tianlong at last, still muttering in a low voice, "If only I could ask for the coordinates of the ruins, why wasn't I the one who entered. "

Li Tianlong nodded.

After lunch, Firebird stopped sleeping, probably stimulated by the appearance of the Tent of Destiny.

Although she knew that the Tent of Destiny would disappear after entering it once, Firebird still asked Li Tianlong to take her to the place where the Tent of Destiny appeared to try her luck.

Firebird and Li Tianlong walked on the street again and came outside the market.Li Tianlong pointed Firebird to a street corner in the sky.

"That's right there, the black tent appeared there before." Li Tianlong said, raising his finger.

Firebird walked over, looked around carefully, and found nothing different from before, and found nothing as expected.

One afternoon, Huo Niao took Li Tianlong for a walk in the outer city.

Firebird thought in his heart that if the fate tent was lazy, if he didn't move far this time, he would still have a chance to meet him in the fortress.

Of course, he didn't find the black tent at night, so Huobi reluctantly went back to his residence.

"Have a good rest, go to bed early today, and tomorrow morning we will go to the inner city to start the virtual battle for the second round of the Guanghui Academy Entrance Examination. I heard that the virtual game cabin is quite exhausting to operate." Firebird said.
Before dawn the next day, Huo Niao woke up and called Li Tianlong. The two of them ate something, and Huo Niao took Li Tianlong to Xiaoya's residence.

"Dong dong dong" Firebird knocked on the door of Xiaoya's residence.

The metal door opened, and a thin woman stood inside.

"He's recovering well, Fat Granny. Let's take Xiaoya to take the exam. Is Xiaoya up yet?" Firebird said, Fat Granny was Xiaoya's mother's code name before, and she was used to it.

"Xiaoya is still eating. Have you guys eaten? Let's eat some together. I heard from Xiaoya that I joined your Fire Phoenix Special Forces. You, the captain, should take care of Xiaoya more in the future." The thin woman said aloud, Invited Li Tianlong and Huo Niao into the courtyard.

A thin, year-round man in Xiaoya was sitting at a small table eating breakfast.

"Sister Fire Bird, Li Tianlong, let's have something together." Xiaoya got up and greeted warmly.

"Eat quickly, you don't need to get up, we've already finished eating, just sit next to you and wait for you, I'm afraid that too much time will affect the exam in the morning." Li Tianlong saw that the fire birds beside him wanted to sit at the table and have some breakfast Li Tianlong rushed to answer and rejected Xiaoya and her mother's invitation, and then pulled Huo Niao away from the dining table and found two chairs to sit down on.

Now Li Tianlong doesn't want to eat with Xiaoya's family controlled by the mother worm. Ever since he learned from the Holy Church that many kinds of worms are mostly ingested from food, Li Tianlong doesn't want to be parasitized by worms just because of his own carelessness. .

Xiaoya's family was eating breakfast neatly, and Huo Niao looked at the warm family from the side, showing some envious expressions on their faces, but Li Tianlong felt more and more intrusive as he watched, like watching a family of infected people Same at a dinner party.

The expressions and actions of Xiaoya's parents and Li Tianlong looked like normal people, so realistic.Li Tianlong looks forward to the future. If Xiaoya becomes stronger and controls a large number of insect servants to hide in the human group, it will be too difficult to be discovered.

[Brother Long, let's eat something together, the breakfast made by the mother worm's house is much richer than that made by the fire bird. 】

【Be a happy parasite, turn into a worm】

[Check to see if there are nematodes in the broth. 】

[Brother Long, don't frown! 】

【That's your team member, love each other】

[Brother Long, let's go have dinner together, he will have the opportunity to act in his true colors when shooting the Alien sequel in the future]

[Female worm: I didn't poison you, I just kindly invited you to have breakfast, come and eat]

After Xiaoya had dinner, her parents told her again, to Li Tianlong's ears, it was like parents telling a child about to take an important exam.

(End of this chapter)

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