Future Chaos Live

Chapter 51 Rapid Evolution

Chapter 51 Rapid Evolution

[What did I see, seven dragon balls, Brother Long, hurry up and hold the seven dragon balls to make a wish]

[The dragon ball is too big, one dragon ball is as tall as one person, visually the anchor can't hold the dragon ball]

[That's a dragon egg, okay? Seven dragon eggs, seven dragon babies will be born. 】

[The anchor quickly activates the hunting skills to steal a dragon egg. After the dragon egg hatches, you can use it as a pet. The anchor, you will become a dragon knight. 】

【Dragon Knight Mighty】

[Seven dragon eggs, which one is best to steal? 】

After Li Tianlong looked at the surrounding environment, he also began to look at these dragon eggs curiously.

In the tablet e-book that Firebird gave him, there was no information about the twin-headed dragon cub.

It is known that there are two types of double-headed dragons in adulthood and juvenile double-headed dragons. As for whether double-headed dragons are eggs or viviparous, it is under assumption.

But even the two-headed dragon in its infancy is very strong, and it can't be defeated by a single fighter of the strong colony mech warrior.

On the leftmost one of the seven eggs, cracks began to appear on the top. Li Tianlong lay quietly in the pile of mutated creatures, pretending that he was a corpse, not daring to make any big moves.

More than half an hour passed, and the cracks in the egg on the far side were getting bigger and bigger. A double-headed chicken, like an enlarged version, crawled out of the eggshell, and the two heads made loud cries.

A two-headed chicken as tall as a person, with two heads shaking back and forth, and two pairs of eyes looking around.Soon the two-headed chicken began to lower its head to eat its large eggshell that made a noise.

The adult two-headed dragon who was sleeping beside him, although still lying on his stomach, suddenly opened his closed eyes. After seeing its child eating eggshells, he closed his big eyelids again.

The two-headed chicken finished eating its eggshells, and started to walk on the ground. Its body grew a little bit taller, and after only five or six steps, the two-headed chicken was able to walk steadily, and the speed of walking was getting faster and faster. quick.

The two-headed chicken head looked at the pile of mutated creatures where Li Tianlong was, sniffed in that direction, and moved quickly on the ground.

Li Tianlong only saw a flashing figure, the two-headed chicken had reached the edge of the pile of mutant creatures, and the two heads began to eat the corpse of a dead cow-shaped mutant beast.

This two-headed chicken ate very fast, Li Tianlong didn't even know if its stomach was a bottomless pit, and it ate up a mutant cow several times larger than its body in a few minutes.

Afterwards, without even taking a break, it began to eat the corpse of the mutant wolf next to it. The mucus on the ground did not affect the movement speed of the two-headed chicken at all, but seemed to increase the movement speed of the two-headed chicken.

As it continued to eat, the size of the two-headed chicken became larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and some small scales grew out of the original skin on the body.

Li Tianlong was very fortunate that he was at the back of the mutated creature pile, far away from the eating point of the two-headed chicken, and would not be selected as its food by the two-headed chicken in a short time.

The two-headed chicken has been eaten for half an hour, and its size has doubled. Compared with the newborn, its appearance has begun to grow some dragon scales, and it has become a bit like a two-headed dragon.

This newborn two-headed chicken finally ate a mutant creature that was still alive, a mutant beast that looked like a rhinoceros.

The size of the two-headed chicken was much smaller than that of the mutated rhinoceros, but the newborn two-headed chicken didn't know what fear was at all, and when its two heads went up, it bit the head of the mutated rhinoceros.

Originally still curled up on the ground, the living mutated rhino stood up on all fours, and the huge and sharp rhino head pushed against the head of the two-headed chicken.

In an instant, the two-headed chicken's blue head spat out an ice ball first, and then the red head spat out a fireball, which hit the mutated rhino's horn in an instant.

The rhino wailed "Aww!", and the impact speed of the rhino horn slowed down.

The two-headed chicken slapped its front paws, and the sharp rhino horn and half of the rhino's head were smashed by the two-headed chicken.

The mutated rhino fell to the ground as soon as they met each other. The two-headed chicken stepped over, lowered its two heads, and began to quickly eat the brain and brains of the mutated rhino.

As for the hard rhinoceros legs and body, the two-headed chicken directly disliked it this time, and the two-headed chicken began to eat picky eaters afterwards, only eating the flesh and blood above the head and chest of the mutated creature.

The two-headed chicken continues to eat, and the body is still growing rapidly. The power of the ice and fire balls spit out by the two heads increases with the amount of food it eats. After more than an hour, the two-headed chicken can solve the problem ahead with only one ice ball and fire ball. Any creature that desperately resists it.

Li Tianlong, who was lying on his stomach in the distance, looked at the terrifying growth speed and lethality of the two-headed chicken, compared it and found that even if he faced the two-headed chicken alone now, he couldn't defeat it.

【Welcome to the Double-Headed Chicken Lunch Carnival. 】

[This twin-headed dragon cub evolves so fast, the anchor will be able to ride your mount in a few days. 】

[Anchor, your mount will eat you in a few days]

[Brother Long, get ready to run. With the current evolution speed of this double-headed dragon mount, when it eats you, it is estimated that you will be caught in seconds with one move.]

Li Tianlong continued lying on the ground to put the corpse on. Fortunately, the double-headed chicken stopped eating after eating for two or three hours, and returned to the position of the eggshell that had just been born. After bouncing around for more than ten minutes, it lay on the ground. Go to sleep.

The adult Wyvern opened its eyes to watch its cub eat the eggshell at the very beginning, but didn't even watch it eat afterwards.

At night, Li Tianlong, who was lying on the ground, suddenly heard the sound of the wind and found that it was an adult two-headed dragon flying out of the valley.

Li Tianlong waited for more than ten minutes to confirm that the adult double-headed dragon flew away. Li Tianlong began to get up carefully, and under the guidance of the holy hall, he walked slowly to the valley cliff, avoiding the living creatures in the pile of mutant beasts the edge of.

Looking at the towering cliffs, Li Tianlong tried to climb up with his hands armed with strong colonial mechs.

But Li Tianlong couldn't even grasp the first rock steadily. The rock was exceptionally smooth, as if it had been oiled.

{On the surrounding cliffs and rocks, it seems that the mucus was sprayed by the double-headed dragon, and the plan of climbing the cliffs to escape is not feasible. }The church sent a message.

{Then I can’t just wait here to die!In a few days, these two-headed dragon cubs will be born one by one, and sooner or later I will be eaten as food for them to grow up. } Li Tianlong replied.

{Today you go back to the original place and lie on your stomach, pay attention to the time when the adult two-headed dragon hunts and leaves.

The next time the adult dinosaurus is out hunting, you hunt its young.

Kill the two-headed dragon baby, and then use the force-breeding mecha to devour the baby's flesh and blood energy.

You devoured the flesh and blood of pterosaurs, and now this twin-headed baby has the genes to fly.Moreover, the energy level contained in the flesh and blood of this twin-headed dragon cub will be extremely high.

You just need to kill the two-headed dragon cub and then devour it with the strong colony mech, your strong colony mecha is likely to evolve wings, and with the wings, you can fly out of this canyon} Sanctuary.

(End of this chapter)

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