Future Chaos Live

Chapter 184 The Chaotic World

Chapter 184 The Chaotic World

The pirate ship sailed on the sand for three days. During the period, it encountered some mutant beasts. The pirate captain was not in the mood to capture their souls and flew over quickly.

The pirate ship moves very fast, and ordinary mutant beasts can't catch up with the pirate ship at all.

On the fourth day, Li Tianlong and others stood on the deck and could smell the stench even if the Forced Mecha was armed.

Ahead is a large black sea. The water in this Black Sea is thick and sticky, with green and black smoke hanging on it. .

"We are about to enter the Black Sea. Be careful and prepare for defense. There may be monsters with particularly strong survivability inside." The pirate captain reminded.

The black mist carried by the pirate ship itself began to pour out from the ship.

The black fog surrounding the pirate ship began to condense. After covering the pirate ship, the ship began to plunge into the black sea quickly.

The bottom of the Black Sea is also dark, but fortunately the pirate captain can control the direction.

After driving under the sea for several hours, Li Tianlong and others felt that their sense of smell was about to be abolished.

Fortunately, we didn't encounter any monsters along the way. Finally, a whirlpool appeared in the black sea.

The black mist on the pirate ship also became much lighter after several hours of sailing.The pirate ship sailed into this vortex, and the black water disappeared.

"Is this the space where Atlantis and the Trident of the Sea God are located? Why is it just a huge glass space with nothing in it?" Xiaoya sighed.

The pirate ship stays in the glass house, suspended in the air, and the surrounding glass reflects the appearance of the pirate ship.

"No, this is not a glass room. The energy inside is a bit special. I feel an unusual energy body, an energy body similar to mine." Gou Rou suddenly said.

After Gorou, the black dog, spoke, the glass room suddenly shattered, and the scene turned into a volcano and a dry ground shrouded in black mist, and the ground was covered with scorched earth.

"What did you think of?" Firebird asked Li Tianlong, who was in a daze.

"Hell, hell system." Li Tianlong said.

"Let the earth be destroyed, release destructive level weapons, and cause the catastrophe to happen. The artificial intelligence of the hell system. This system should have been destroyed. According to the records, it shouldn't exist anymore." Li Tianlong sighed again.

"Pre-human civilization after the cataclysm, artificial intelligence hell system." Xiaoya also looked around.

"Once this level of artificial intelligence is activated, it will spread all over the earth's networks and equipment. Unless the hell system is voluntarily destroyed or a serious logical error occurs, it will not be completely destroyed." Gorou said aloud, as he interacted with the immortal system The highest evolved form of the seventh generation, among everyone present, Gorou can be said to be the one who understands the hell system the best.

The originally silent volcano and scorched earth began to erupt with the arrival of the pirate ship.A lot of magma began to gush out of the ground.

"Come on, this hell system has the ability to create space. The space inside is semi-real. I can feel that once we die in this space, we will really die." Firebird said aloud with.

The pirate captain quickly controlled the ship and began to move quickly. The magma behind was chasing the pirate ship.Everyone felt the heat approaching.

After entering the Black Sea before, the black fog protection on the pirate ship was almost exhausted, and now the isolation ability has weakened a lot.

The pirate captain used all his strength, and was finally not caught up by the magma behind, but rushed into a large mirror in front.

The scene changed again, this time it turned out to be on a gray-blue sea, and there were many corpses floating on the sea, both biological and human.

The sea was extremely silent, not even the sound of flow.

After staying on the sea surface for more than ten minutes, the sky suddenly became dark, and a huge tsunami suddenly appeared in front of it, sweeping the tsunami of many corpses, and there was still a storm coming in the sky.

The pirate captain resumed his old job this time, and began to override the pirate ship, sailing in this storm.

Fortunately, the captain of the pirate had overridden the control so badly that the huge storm that pinched the corpse did not damage the pirate ship.

Several hours later, when Li Tianlong and others felt that the storm on the sea would never end, a mirror image finally appeared in front of them again.

This time the pirate ship penetrated it and suddenly disappeared.Everyone appeared in a cave.

The pirate captain also looked around in surprise, his skeleton soldiers also disappeared.

But the pirate captain and Li Tianlong can feel that the pirate ship has not disappeared.It is not controlled by them, but it can still be sensed.

"My skeleton pirates have lost contact, and they should all be dead. Those mutant skeleton soldiers, but I spent so much effort to accumulate them." The pirate captain sighed.

"Let's go, let's see what will appear in this cave first." Li Tianlong said aloud.

Four people and one dog began to walk in the cave. As they walked, many arms and arms appeared on the walls of the cave. Human-like feet appeared on the top of the cave. Thousands of feet protruded from the top of the cave.

Arranged in random order.

Several people walked faster.

"Don't touch these arms and feet, or your body will be sucked into it." Gourou said aloud.

"You can't touch it, you are short." The pirate captain sighed.

[Long legs. 】

[My legs are so white, Brother Long, go and touch them]

[Look at those toenails, bright red]

[The future is waving to you again, embrace the future quickly. 】

After the four people and one dog walked through the cave road with arms and legs, a glass window appeared in front of them again.

The four looked at each other and chose to enter the glass.

The scene in front of him changed again, this time it turned out to be a city.A human city, the city before the Cataclysm.

Although the city looks a bit damaged, it is obvious that it has not undergone a major explosion.

As soon as the four of them appeared on the city streets, they were pointed at by a group of soldiers armed with rape mechs holding guns.

"Stop, who are you?" A small leader of the soldiers asked Li Tianlong.

"Do you believe we were passing by?" Xiaoya said.

After hearing this, the soldiers turned on their guns and pointed them at several people.

"Just kidding, we are from outside, and we don't understand the situation when we first entered this city." Li Tianlong said.

"Outside, our XX city is surrounded by alien creatures. How did you get in?" said the little leader of the soldiers.

[I have heard of this city, it is near my hometown. 】

[I know the buildings in this city, and the streets haven't changed much. 】

【God, isn't this my home? 】

[The anchor returned to the world before the cataclysm, and alien creatures have invaded the space after it. 】

After Li Tianlong and Huo Niao looked at each other, after revealing the large wings of the strong colony armor, the soldier's expression changed after seeing it, and he put away his gun.

"It turned out to be a flying mech warrior. No wonder, I'm being rude. You are welcome in XX City. It would be best if you can stay for a long time." The leading soldier said.

"We just came here and wanted to find a place to rest." Li Tianlong said.

After hearing this, the soldiers began to arrange people, and took Li Tianlong and the others to a residential building in the northeast corner of the city.

A large room with three bedrooms and one living room in the residential building was arranged for Li Tianlong and others.

"Food and drinking water will be delivered later, you just need to go out to help fight when alien creatures attack our city." The soldier said.

"If you can join our defense force, your salary will be improved." A soldier said.

At this time, a notification sound suddenly sounded in the city.

"The decisive battle with alien creatures is about to begin tomorrow. The forced-breeding mecha warriors are making final preparations for the home of mankind." After the radio announcement sounded.

Li Tianlong was stunned when he heard the voice.

The Cataclysm happened during the decisive battle between humans and alien creatures.

The artificial intelligence of the Hell System used human legions to attract the alien armies to come out for a decisive battle, and then directly launched numerous weapons of destruction, destroying most of the powerful human beings and alien creatures on the earth, thus causing a catastrophe.

All human civilization was consumed in the ensuing harsh environment.

"What is the date of the month?" the pirate captain asked suddenly.

The soldier looked at the pirate captain with a skull face, and he was no stranger to it. In recent years, fighting against alien creatures, all kinds of monsters have appeared, and humans have also appeared many special-looking strong men.

"XX, XX, XX." The soldier said.

"Yeah!" the pirate captain said.

After the soldiers left, the pirate captain looked at the crowd and said, "Tomorrow is the cataclysm, the date when many destructive weapons will strike. Without the cover of the pirate ships, we will not be able to survive under the cataclysm, the destructive weapons."

"What should we do? Go to the underground bunker or air-raid shelter?" Xiaoya suggested.

"After that, the chain effect caused by the launch of many destructive weapons is the most dangerous period of the catastrophe.

Once the destruction weapon explodes, it will be difficult to walk on the surface.

At that time, even if we have strong colony armor protection, we will be trapped underground in the early stage.

Even without considering food and drinking water, we won't be able to get out until the first corrosive rain comes. said the pirate captain.

"Corrosion rain, what is that?" Li Tianlong asked.

"A heavy rain that lasted for three days and three nights. Although it eliminated some radiation problems on the surface, it also polluted the deep underground land. However, after this heavy rain, there will be short days when the air is relatively better. The sky is then covered with floating particles.

The sun does not reach the earth, and the global climate begins to change dramatically.

Humanity just began to die on a large scale again. This is the period of cataclysm. After the initial explosion, the time period with the largest number of deaths is also the darkest period.It would be nice if only one out of a hundred people survived. said the pirate captain.

"What should I do?" Firebird looked at Li Tianlong.

"Find the glass and get out of here." Li Tianlong replied.

{Don't be misled by the glass passage you entered as the exit.

The world that this glass tunnel enters should be random.Li Tianlong, you are very lucky to have come to this space, the space closest to destroying the system.

Go find the destruction system, it is the key to leaving this underwater ruins.If you miss this world, it will be difficult to find him again. }The church sent a message.

After Li Tianlong looked at it, he found that these were correct. Since the ruins are all controlled by the destruction system, it is a good opportunity and space to see the destruction system in this space.

"The destruction system now controls this space. Is this space a real past world, or is it imitated by the destruction system?" Li Tianlong asked with some doubts.

"It's imitated, it can't be real. I can feel that this space is just the existence of layout, the existence of a certain area. This space has an end." Firebird said aloud.
"Firebird, do you have any good ways to break this space, or make this space pause for a short time, so that we can slip away?" Li Tianlong tried to ask.

"The energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in my body is somewhat related to the ability of space and time, so I can sense the differences in this space. But the space in this ruins is abnormally chaotic and overlapping, like a messy mess. I want to find a way out. Totally impossible.

This space is estimated to have absorbed at least dozens of special ruin entrances under the sea, and was reorganized after being controlled by the destruction system. " Firebird said.

"So, in this space, after passing through the glass, I can encounter a space with Poseidon's Trident?" Pirate Captain Skull asked.

"Yes, in theory, if the Seagod Trident is not damaged." Firebird replied.

"The Seagod Trident is a divine weapon, it cannot be damaged.

I'm going to find the next entrance to the space. What I most want to see now is not the hell system you mentioned, but the Seagod Trident. said the pirate captain.

"Yeah. Let's leave. There is one glass door exit in this space in the east and one in the far south. I don't know if I can't sense the other exits.

There should be many glass exits in one space. If you want to find the Seagod Trident, you need to enter the correct space, which is very difficult. "Firebird warned the pirate captain.

"It's okay, I will find it. At least there is hope, and the long wait is afraid that there is no hope.

And I can't die.If I'm trapped, you'd better save me after you find the hell system and escape, otherwise it will be difficult for you to go out of the Black Sea without a pirate ship.

After I own the pirate ship, as long as I encounter intelligent life again, I can kill them and absorb their souls to replenish the energy of the black mist of the pirate ship. said the pirate captain.

"In this space, or in other words, these small worlds, there are many original life forms, and there are also those created by the hell system. Theoretically, what you devour is real, and you can get soul energy." Gou Rou said.

"Then I wish you a smooth journey." Li Tianlong said aloud, without trying to retain the pirate captain.

The pirate captain turned around, opened the door, and left the room.

The three of them and the dog looked at each other.

"You can contact the hell system at this time just by surfing the Internet." Gorou said aloud.

"Find an Internet device and try it." Li Tianlong said, and began to look left and right in this room.

Finally, I did find a mobile phone, but it had no battery.

Gou Rou found a charger.

(End of this chapter)

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