Future Chaos Live

Chapter 158 Finding the Seventh Generation of Immortal Metal

Chapter 158 Finding the Seventh Generation of Immortal Metal

"These bug corpses all have absorbable energy.

After research, it was found that the bug's corpse contained more energy than ordinary ore.

Eliminating bugs is more cost-effective than mining. I guess this is also the sub-base controlled by Immortal Metal. The reason for not completely eradicating bugs is that it needs the corpses of these bugs to obtain more energy. "Carter said casually.

Xiaoya didn't make a sound, looking at the Immortal Metal's metal dog and metal ball army, Xiaoya thought that even if she was on the opposite side, she would be completely killed by the metal creature in a few seconds.

Then Kate took Xiaoya and Li Tianlong through the entrance of the different space again and returned to the moon.

In the next few days, Kate took Li Tianlong and Xiaoya to visit several battles and the lunar environment.

On the seventh day, Kate drove Xiaoya and Li Tianlong back to the main moon base in a spaceship.

"Our family is going back to Earth soon. We haven't been back for many years. What's popular on Earth now?" Kate's wife asked Xiaoya while holding her luggage.

"Oh, popular energy stone." Xiaoya said casually.

{Li Tianlong, go shake hands with Kate, and secretly scratch Kate's palm. I'm going to do an experiment here to confirm my guess. }The church suddenly sent a message.

"Kate, I wish you all the best." Li Tianlong extended his hand and shook Kate's hand.

Kate also extended her hand and shook Li Tianlong's hand. When she pulled out her hand, Kate frowned briefly, but it passed quickly.

Li Tianlong secretly looked at his fingertips and had just scratched Kate's palm a little.

"Sister, after you return to Earth, you can come to my house to play." Little Mary hugged the black dog and said to Xiaoya.

"Yeah." Xiaoya nodded.

After bidding farewell to Kate and his wife, Li Tianlong took Xiaoya back to the main control room of the moon again, and began to inquire about the entrance of the alien Zerg and the information about the Zerg.

More than an hour later, the door of the main control room opened again.

"Hello, Commander-in-Chief Li Tianlong. I just received a notice that you came to inspect the moon base. Let me introduce myself. I am Kate, an observer at the No. 18 observation station of the moon base. This is my wife Mary. This is It's my eight-year-old daughter, Little Mary." Kate, who had just left for more than an hour, took his wife and children and greeted Li Tianlong and Xiaoya again, but it seemed that she had forgotten Li Tianlong's existence. I also forgot that they spent seven days together.

"Hello." Li Tianlong felt a little terrified and numb. He stepped forward to shake Kate's hand, and touched Kate's palm, where he had just scratched the wound secretly.

This Kate is the family who just separated from them an hour ago, but they no longer remember Li Tianlong and others.

"I have been in the moon base for more than nine years, and in seven days, I will be able to return to the earth. I really miss life on the earth. I don't have to be on the moon base, and I have to be careful of those dangerous bugs all day long." Kate said.

Hearing Kate's words, Li Tianlong and Xiaoya looked at each other, and when they looked at Kate's family again, there was some sympathy in Xiaoya's eyes.

The Holy Church sent a message to Li Tianlong. {The Kate family, or the one hundred and five people on the moon base, should be artificial humans.

Every seven days or so, the memory will be cleaned.

These artificial people think that they are normal human beings. They have been sent to the moon to perform missions for more than nine years, and there is still a short time before they can return to the earth and enjoy life on the wonderful earth that no longer exists.

In this way, these artificial humans will be able to enjoy life when they think they are about to complete their mission and return to Earth. Their spirits will be very happy and relaxed, and they will not rebel.

It is estimated that every longer period of time, in order to allow these artificial humans to work normally, the moon base will collectively destroy all the artificial humans, and then replace a new batch of artificial humans.After all, after clearing the brain memory many times, it will cause some damage to the brain.

When you first came to this moon base seven days ago, you were catching up with a group of artificial humans who had repeatedly cleared their memories many times before the moon base was cleaned up.

The picture of the one hundred and five people being blown up is probably performed by the seventh-generation Immortal Metal of the Moon Base}
【Wow, here we go again, Kate, you lost your memory】

[Brother Kate, don’t say that you can return to Earth in seven days, so your family will not be able to return in another 100 years]

[Anchor, tell Kate the truth. 】

[Sad workers, always repeating for seven days, go to work for the moon base. 】

【Your retirement bonus will never be received. 】

Li Tianlong rejected Kate's invitation this time, instead of visiting Kate's No.18 observation station, he stayed in the main control room of the moon base with Xiaoya.

After Kate left, Li Tianlong began to check the information in the main control room.

"Show content and plans related to lunar artificial man"

"This record has been deleted" an electronic voice sounded.

"Display the restricted content after the evolution of Immortal Metal, and display the restricted content of the seventh generation of Immortal Metal." Li Tianlong said after thinking about it.

"After the evolution of Immortal Metal, the restricted content has been rewritten because of self-contradiction. The only restricted content for the seventh generation of Immortal Metal is not to leave the moon." The electronic voice sounded.

{Holy Church, can you add an initial limit to the immortal metal project that has not yet been developed on your side.

The content of the restriction is that with the consent of the commander-in-chief of the moon base, that is, me, the seventh generation of Immortal Metal can leave the moon. It would be even better if he could obey my orders. } Li Tianlong sent a message to the church.

{The first condition can be established, Immortal Metal Seventh Generation can follow you to leave the moon with your consent as the commander-in-chief.

But the second condition cannot be added.This kind of evolved immortal metal cannot add the owner's settings, otherwise it will affect his evolution. }The church sent a message.

{Okay, just let Immortal Metal leave the earth with my consent. } Li Tianlong replied.

"Friends from the audience, now is the reward search session to find the real body of the Seventh Generation of Immortal Metal. The Seventh Generation of Immortal Metal is on this moon. They may have met me or observed me secretly. Who can provide clues or directly find Immortal Metal The seventh generation’s information will be given priority by the temple to force-bred mecha embryos for transplantation.” Li Tianlong whispered.

After Li Tianlong finished these words, the information on the screen in front of his left eye began to increase dramatically.

[Oh my god, I read that right, the anchor finally started interacting]

【All the flowers I've been waiting for are thanked】

[Forced mecha embryo transfer, I also want to do mecha embryos like the anchor]

[The Holy Church already has the embryos of the forced breeding mecha!The anchor will not lie]

[The anchor is the most honest and will not lie]

[I have a clue, the seventh-generation Immortal Metal must be located on the moon]

[I also said it must be in the universe]

(End of this chapter)

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