Future Chaos Live

Chapter 144 Blue Monster

Chapter 144 Blue Monster
"No, don't tell Firebird first. We don't know exactly what the current clown has experienced in the dust ruins, and his temperament may have changed drastically.

After Huo Niao heard the news, with her personality, she would definitely recognize each other. If she didn't handle it well, Huo Niao would be very dangerous.

Let's wait for the day when the clown takes off his mask and recognizes Firebird, if she still has the memory of the past. "Bing'er said to Li Tianlong seriously.

Li Tianlong was silent and did not answer Binger.

{After you meet the clown, make a decision based on the communication with her.It was right to keep Firebird from knowing that the Joker might be her mother. }The church also sent a message.

"Let's go, go to the virtual training room. What I told you about the clown today, don't let the third person know, or it will cause a lot of trouble." Binger opened the car door, and said before getting out of the car. Li Tianlong.

[I am the third person who knows. 】

[I am the fourth person who knows. 】

【I am the Nth person I know, this is no secret anymore. 】

[The anchor quickly tell Firebird. 】

【Firebird misses mom so much, it's crazy to think about it】

【Trouble?Come on, we already know that. 】

Li Tianlong looked at the audience's comments in front of his left speechlessly, followed Binger out of the car, and entered the virtual training room.

There are more than 30 egg-shaped glass cabins neatly placed in the virtual training room.

Next to it, several students have been lying in the training cabin for virtual training.

Binger went directly to a mentor, showed her military special office identity certificate, and proposed to let Li Tianlong, a freshman, take a spaceship simulation driving training.

The instructor directly led Li Tianlong to an open egg-shaped training cabin.

"Today you can train for up to eight hours in a row. You must go back to rest after eight hours. You will leave tomorrow. After you leave the mission, you don't have time to rest." Binger reminded Li Tianlong aloud, and also told the neighbors The instructor of the academy only gave Li Tianlong eight hours to use it.

"Got it." Li Tianlong lay down in the egg-shaped training cabin.The glass hatch began to close, and an unknown liquid was injected.

{By the way, Holy Church, will the clown pretend to be the face of Firebird's mother, let Binger see it, and mislead Binger. } Li Tianlong asked suddenly when he thought of this.

{The chances of this happening as you said are very small.With the strength and identity of the clown, there is absolutely no need to do so.

And I guess, the reason why Bing'er can see the clown's true face is also intentionally done by the clown, otherwise with Bing'er's strength, if the clown doesn't want her to see his true face, Bing'er will never be able to see it.

There is a probability of more than 90.00% that the clown still has the memory of being a firebird mother.

But now the clown's attitude towards Firebird, her former child, is estimated to be known only after you complete this mission. }The church sent a message.

When Li Tianlong heard this, he didn't ask any more questions. He prayed in his heart that Firebird would be more powerful. This time, he hoped that the space station mission given to them would be a good mission such as obtaining a big treasure.

The virtual training started, and the visual effects in front of Li Tianlong began to change.

He opened his eyes again and was already sitting in the main cab of a small spaceship. There were many large and small control buttons in front of him.

The electronic voice sounded, and he began to explain quickly. After more than 20 minutes of continuous explanation, regardless of whether Li Tianlong understood or not, he began to simulate the flight.

Li Tianlong didn't remember much, but luckily the church remembered them all.

{Hold the aperture in front, put your left hand on it, and move slowly, this can change the direction of the spaceship, don't move fast——} The temple began to explain the control skills to Li Tianlong in a simplified manner.

The spaceship begins to fly in space.

More than half an hour later, Li Tianlong finally made the spacecraft fly smoothly.

Carry out the second step of virtual training, crossing the meteorite area.

After the electronic sound sounded again, the meteorite area appeared in front of Li Tianlong.

Within minutes, the spacecraft collided with the meteorite and exploded.

Li Tianlong's eyesight went dark, and the training started again.

Shengtang began to assist and guide Li Tianlong in controlling.

Two or three hours later, Li Tianlong's spacecraft finally passed the meteorite area after exploding fifty or sixty times.

The electronic voice sounded again, and the third step of the virtual training was carried out, the planetary landing training.

This one is better. The simulated several special scenes and terrains were successfully completed after Li Tianlong also caused the spaceship to hit the ground and explode a few times.

Carry out the fourth step of virtual training, manual space station docking.

A space station appeared in front of Li Tianlong. Li Tianlong piloted a small spacecraft and docked five or six times before finally succeeding.

Carry out the fifth step of virtual training, battle in outer space, ding, the training time has expired, and the training course has been used continuously for eight hours, and this training is over.

Li Tianlong finally waited for the battle training, but found that his eyes were dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he was lying in the egg-shaped virtual training cabin, and the hatch had already been opened.

Li Tianlong jumped out of the training cabin, and after moving his limbs, it was already night. Although the lighting facilities in the training room were still on, there was no instructor there, and he seemed to be the only student.

Li Tianlong walked to the egg-shaped training cabin, looked at it, and found that he couldn't adjust it and couldn't continue training.

{This starts virtual training, you need to confirm with your instructor's ID card, you can only train so far today, let's go, go back and have a good rest. }The church sent a message.

Li Tianlong had no choice but to walk out of the training room and walk towards the dormitory.

【Recharge, it's time for the anchor to recharge】

[The most exciting combat training, I didn't see it, it's a pity]

[It’s all my fault that the anchor died too many times before, it was a waste of time]

[Brother Long, wait until you go to outer space, and then start a real battle, I pray that you will encounter a lot of aliens]

After Li Tianlong returned to the dormitory, he found Huo Niao and Xiao Ya talking and laughing in the living room.

"What are you talking about, so happy?" Li Tianlong asked aloud.

"It turns out that in the sky, there are living beings in the cloud of radiating chaotic energy.

We just checked the records about chaotic energy clouds. As you can see in the e-books, it is written that there are blue humanoid creatures with a lot of faces on their bodies, which are called "blue-faced predators". "Xiaoya held up the e-book and said.

Li Tianlong looked at the e-book and Shengtang translated it beside him.

"'Blue-faced Predator', a humanoid creature, blue in color, covered with distorted faces, few in number, living in chaotic energy clouds, moving extremely fast and extremely dangerous.

It is recommended to speed up the evacuation immediately after encountering it, and do not approach it.

As long as it is touched by it, whether it is flesh or metal, it will be ablated by blue energy.

If living, your face will be absorbed into the body of this 'blue-faced predator', adding a distorted face to it.

There is no known attack method that can cause effective damage to the 'Blue Faced Predator'. "Li Tianlong looked at the records on the e-book.

(End of this chapter)

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