Future Chaos Live

Chapter 108 Hell System

Chapter 108 Hell System
"The optical brain of this hell system seems to be your savior, but in fact it is the chief culprit of your earth's demise.

In the fourth year, there is an optical brain of the hell system to assign your human colonized mech fighters to fight, and also manufactured many mechanical fighters and liquid robots.The scope of your human battle situation on the earth has reached one-third.

Maybe in a few years, you humans may have the opportunity to completely drive away the alien invaders, and even break into the alien world, because the light-brain learning ability and evolution ability of this hell system are too powerful. Mechanical soldiers and liquid robots start from In just two years, it has been upgraded several times, and every time it fights against alien creatures, it is constantly learning and improving, and it will also record the weaknesses and characteristics of alien creatures.

Unfortunately, in the fifth year, this optical brain called the hell system lived up to its name of hell. It deduced that the existing forces of human beings and the earth would not be able to resist the invasion of many alien creatures within a hundred years. The earth will be completely ruled by alien creatures.

It seems that when you humans designed and started this hell system optical brain, you set several highest instructions for it, one is to allow humans to take back the earth, the other is to eliminate the creatures invading from other worlds, and the other is not to make decisions that are harmful to humans.

I don’t really understand the specifics, but that’s probably what it means, and I also heard what you said at that time.The optical brain of this hell system analyzed the forces of the earth where human beings are located. After normal wars would be defeated by alien creatures, they began to plan secretly and made a decision to destroy the earth.

The optical brain of the hell system sent many human-colonized mech warriors and the liquid robots and mechanical warriors it manufactured to the front line of fighting alien creatures, as if they were in a decisive battle with alien creatures.

Alien creatures also began to gather combat power, but after the melee began, the hell system optical brain activated all forbidden hydrogen bombs, nuclear bombs, and special substance missiles on the earth and many other forbidden weapons.

These missiles hit all the entrances to other worlds and places where there are a large number of alien creatures. The heavyweight taboo weapons have amazing explosive power.Due to the energy chaos caused by the explosion of many high-energy weapons in the space of the earth in a short period of time, many entrances to other worlds were closed.

More than half of the existing alien creatures and human beings on the earth were killed or injured in the first time.

With the explosion of many nuclear weapons and taboo weapons, a chain effect was caused, dark clouds covered the sky, submarine volcanoes erupted, icebergs melted, and then the temperature of the earth's surface dropped rapidly within a few days, the sun could not be seen in the sky, everywhere radiation.The number of humans is also rapidly decreasing.

There are only a few entrances to other worlds, and after seeing the scene of the earth entering the doomsday, they also closed the passage with the earth.

The human beings and otherworldly creatures that survived on the earth began to die in large numbers.

Your human organization, called the Holy Church, also shut down this optical brain called the hell system at the last moment.But the closure was too late, the earth was beyond salvation, and the disordered energy storm began to wreak havoc on the earth.

Only a small part of the surviving humans turned into special shelters and deep underground to survive.

My pirate ship also disintegrated under that destruction taboo level weapon.Then I took a few surviving undead skeletons and started wandering on the doomed earth.

A hundred years have passed, and the pollution and radiation on the earth are still serious, so I chose to sleep.When I woke up again, I found that the earth had passed 1 years, but the radiation and toxic substances on the surface were still there. Although the sky was better than before, although it was still covered by dark clouds, I could see some light.

In fact, I wanted to die a long time ago, but I couldn’t die. I was discovered by the special patrol team of this fortress called Innocence City decades ago and brought it back to this fortress. "The skeleton of the island captain told Li Tianlong.

[Skynet, it turns out that human beings are finally destroyed because of similar artificial intelligence]

[Hell system, the name is really not for nothing]

[Brother Long, go back quickly, protect your mother, and be careful not to be killed by the Skynet liquid robot]

【Anyone who knows this secret will be hunted down by the hell system. Have we seen something we shouldn’t have seen】

[Resist Skynet, resist artificial intelligence. 】

[Actually, I think this is very good. Let those alien creatures who dare to invade the earth die with us. If we are afraid of them, they will never dare to invade the earth again. 】

【Upstairs, the earth has no future】

[Brother Long, will all of this happen?Is your live broadcast real?Can you prevent the destruction of the earth, and prevent the hell system from destroying our human civilization]

[Should we buy a house with a basement for renovation, or go to the mountains to build an underground air-raid shelter for shelter?]

[Starting today, food prices will skyrocket]

Li Tianlong looked at these comments, and after listening to the words of the skeleton captain, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Are you just staying in the exhibition hall of Guanghui Academy? Do you need me to find a way to rescue you?" Li Tianlong felt a little sympathetic to this skeleton captain who has survived the destruction of the world and survived for 1 years.

"Go out, where to go, my pirate ship has long since disappeared. I have searched for the outside world for a long time, but I can't even find the ocean. The outside is just a strange big cage for me. I might as well live in this glorious In the small cage of the academy. And with your current strength, you can’t kill me, and you can’t lift my curse. Well, it’s time for you to leave. There are four very powerful guys in your fortress. Although they have no way to kill I, but there is a way to imprison me in a more cruel way, I don't want them to find out that I am awake." Captain Skeleton said.

"Okay, I'm leaving now. You are also my ally. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? It is to lift the curse. You said before that as long as you absorb enough intelligent life souls, you can lift the curse. The soul absorbed How's it going?" Li Tianlong muttered quietly.

"Huh, back then, I was just barely enough to get in touch with the cursed soul, and I became more and more angry. After the hell system released many ultimate weapons, my pirate ship was directly destroyed by the disordered energy storm. His soul also dissipated to nowhere.

Now there is no pirate ship, no ocean, and I have no way to accumulate souls to touch the curse again. Hmph, hurry up, or I will lose control of my rage if I don’t leave. "Captain Skeleton said, the more he talked, the more excited he became, the red light in his eyes kept flickering.

Hearing this, Li Tianlong turned around and left, and stopped chatting with the captain. If the chat continued, the emotional captain didn't know what would happen.

Li Tianlong quickly left this building that looked like an exhibition hall.

(End of this chapter)

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