that zombie, don't run away

Chapter 78 The Wandering Survivor

Chapter 78 The Wandering Survivor

In the end, Wang Ziye decided to kill the chameleon.After all, this is an uncontrollable factor. It would be fine if the animals were controlled by humans, but once the chameleon's ability improved and it could control humans in the future, it would become a major hidden danger after all.

Maybe the chameleon would have had to use some hands and feet to kill it when it could move, but now that it's stuck it's just a living target.

The easiest way to kill is to grab one.However, Wang Ziye decided to use cold weapons in the end. Firstly, he was confident in his current defense, and secondly, the loud noise from firearms was always a big hidden danger.

"Boss, are you sure there's nothing wrong with this?" Zhao Fuli, holding a shield in one hand and a spear in the other, approached the chameleon tremblingly, "It won't suddenly bite me."

"Don't worry, I'll watch from behind, you just need to go up and stab his head through." Wang Ziye urged from behind.

Zhao Fuli took a few deep breaths, as if he had made up his mind, he raised his spear and rushed out with a loud roar.

To Wang Ziye's surprise, Zhao Fuli was so brave.Facing the ferocious chameleon, he closed his eyes and rushed forward.If the opponent hadn't turned a 180-degree turn in the process of rushing forward, Wang Ziye would have almost applauded him.

Wang Ziye, who gave up the last trace to put Zhao Fuli into the combat team, shrugged helplessly.Looks like you still have to do it yourself.

A chameleon without the ability to move, although it is huge, its body is more than two meters long.But it was obviously not enough to watch in front of Wang Ziye. He only had 3 rounds of confrontation with Wang Ziye before his brain was pierced.

During this process, Wang Ziye also saw another ability of the chameleon.Color-changing camouflage, but the sudden increase in size is obviously not as easy to camouflage as before, and this ability is just a display.

After killing the chameleon, Wang Ziye searched here, but unfortunately, there was nothing of value in this room.In other words, there is nothing of value to the post-apocalypse.

While Wang Ziye was dealing with the chameleon, someone sent a message to Wang Ziye.Several survivors were found outside.

Wang Ziye who got the news was not in a hurry to check the survivors, but took the whole chameleon with him and found Zhao Fuli.

At this time, Zhao Fuli was being scolded by Pei Hong's ears.Wang Ziye heard her voice from a distance, but he did smile.Go straight up.

"Oh, boss, you're here." Seeing Wang Ziye approaching, Pei Hong immediately let go of Zhao Fuli, "My family was too nervous just now, and now I've educated him. Let's kill him now." That big lizard."

"No need now." Wang Ziye was surprised how the other party ignored the big target he was holding, but he still handed over the chameleon's body to the other party. "You two see what value this guy can use."

"Ah!" Seeing the terrifying appearance of the chameleon, Pei Hong immediately screamed out in shock, "This, is this the big lizard?"

"Actually, it's a chameleon. This guy is dead. You two, see what value it has. Report to me later."

After finishing speaking, Wang Ziye ignored these two live treasures.

Although Wang Ziye's men saw a few survivors.However, he had ordered concealment before, so those few people have not discovered the existence of Wang Ziye and the others.But it's also a matter of time.After all, it is not easy to hide so many vehicles and items.

There are a total of 6 of these survivors, and it is not known where they came from.Although they looked a little embarrassed, they didn't reveal any fatigue from their expressions.

It's just that the distance from these people is still a little far away. Wang Ziye can see the other party talking through the binoculars, but can't hear what they are saying.

But after observing for a while, Wang Ziye found that these people were a little out of tune.What exactly went wrong Wang Ziye couldn't tell for a while, but seeing these people, he felt that they were different from ordinary people.

"These people should not be the special zombies I met back then." Wang Ziye said to the people next to him, "But you still have to be careful when you come into contact with them."

After these people entered a factory, they soon discovered the traces left by Wang Ziye and the others when they entered.After some identification, they finally walked towards the electronics factory where Wang Ziye and the others were located.

Wang Ziye stopped Jia Jinlong, who was eager to try, but let another person take the initiative to meet these people.

Several people were obviously happier after seeing survivors appearing in the factory.Immediately accelerated towards here.

"Are you survivors living here?" The tallest of the six spoke first.

"We're passing by here, and we're going to take a break here for now." The team member repeated what Wang Ziye said from the terminal.

"Then where is your base?" The tall man continued to ask.

"Where are you from?" Instead of answering the other party, they asked the other party.

"We came to Chengxi Mental Hospital." The tall man was afraid that the other party would misunderstand, and immediately explained, "Don't get me wrong, we are not mentally ill. We only hid in the mental hospital after the disaster happened."

"Then where are you going?"

"I don't know, the psychiatric hospital can't stay anymore, we want to find another place to settle down." The tall man looked towards the factory area while talking, "Can you take us in?"

Seeing the other party's eyes looking towards him, Wang Ziye didn't continue to hide, stood up and walked straight forward.

"We welcome survivors to join, but we need to confirm whether you are safe before doing so. You may have to be wronged during this period." Wang Ziye walked up to the previous team member and stood still, then said.

"What do you want to do?" The tall man immediately became vigilant.

"We need to isolate you for a while, but don't worry, the time will not be too long. And you are not restricted from leaving." Wang Ziye explained while observing several people closely.

After taking a closer look, Wang Ziye finally realized why he felt these people were weird before.

Each of them had some strange changes in their bodies, such as the legs of one of them actually forming an anti-knuckle backwards, and one ear was particularly large and placed higher than normal.All in all everyone has some 'deformity'.

After listening to Wang Ziye's proposal, these six people walked aside to discuss and readily agreed to Wang Ziye's proposal.And Wang Ziye also specially provided some food for several people.

(End of this chapter)

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