that zombie, don't run away

Chapter 64 Search Plan

Chapter 64 Search Plan
Combining a lot of data, Wang Ziye finally came to the conclusion that this change of zombies is related to long-term close contact with humans while being isolated.But knowing that doesn't help him solve his problems today.

When Wang Ziye recovered from the information, he was taken aback by the parents in front of him.The faces of the two of them were as sallow as ordinary zombies, and at this moment, a morbid flush appeared.But this did not make Wang Ziye happy, but made him even more worried.Because at this time, the two zombies actually showed some signs of dehydration, their skin was a little dry and cracked, and their bodies had lost a lot of weight.

This situation is obviously exactly the same as being hungry for a long time.

Wang Ziye didn't care about research anymore, and immediately found some water and food and fed them to the zombies that his parents had turned into.What he didn't expect was that after the food was put into his mouth, the two zombies instinctively ate it.

I don't know why, but watching his parents eat the food, Wang Ziye suddenly felt relieved, as if his parents hadn't left yet...

The construction of the territory is still going on, and this time the planning is more perfect.Because of the primary agricultural technology, some mushrooms were planted in some rooms in the back building, and the food problem seemed to be solved.

At the same time, the canal is also being built, and the water brought in can not only be used for irrigation, but also can be used to generate electricity by using the water flow.In the basic technology, there is the technology of making waterwheels, and Wang Ziye can use it directly.

In fact, some technologies in the basic technology system are not as backward as imagined. For example, there are waterwheels, plows and land cultivation methods in agriculture, and they are not completely stone tools and bone tools. However, the things produced are really not satisfactory, and the consumption is huge, far from being practical to collect existing tools.

Among basic agricultural technology, agriculture and sideline are the most useful, followed by forestry. As for animal husbandry and fishery, Wang Ziye now rarely sees any living animals, let alone fish in the water. It’s not that there are no survivors who try I used to cast nets in the water, but I don't know if the fish have become smarter, or there are no fish in the river. In short, there is nothing but some aquatic plants and garbage.

There is no good way to solve the crisis in the underground garage for a while. Under the leadership of Wang Shi Zombie, these zombies obviously have some wisdom. If they don't come up, people like Wang Ziye dare not go down, so they can only The delay went on.But regarding this point, Wang Ziye was not in a hurry.Zombies are trapped underground, but they can grow rapidly through the materials outside.And under the threat of this group of zombies, it is also a spur to the territory, and no one will relax.

On the second day, everything in the territory was on track, and Wang Ziye also had the idea of ​​searching for supplies.At present, the territory is short of everything.There are only 4 small supermarkets and two restaurants in the community itself, which are one of the main sources of supplies for the entire territory. There is also a hardware store, and many tools in the territory come from here.After that, there is nothing useful. After all, now with a complete logistics and distribution system, many businesses no longer stock up on goods. That is to say, hardware stores also undertake tool rental business, so common tools are relatively complete.

"It would be great if we can win a logistics center." Wang Ziye said at the morning meeting.

"I know a logistics center, and it's not far from here." Gao Baotong said, he is a purchaser of a company. Although he usually orders everything online, he has visited the logistics park several times.

"Tell me about the specific location." Wang Ziye used to be Gao Baotong as his eyeliner before, and he also has this talent. Many things were passed to Wang Ziye's ears through him, so that this person is still being held by Wang Ziye. Zi Ye called her into the meeting room, as if she wanted to promote her.As for ordinary people, they can only participate in the morning meeting through the local area network.

"Go from here." Gao Baotong recalled for a moment, then walked to the wall where the city map was projected, and said while drawing a line, "Only here will pass through a residential area, and then we can reach the logistics park."

"Write down this location first. If we go here, we will share some of the harvest for you. Does anyone have any information? Not just the logistics park, but also other places that have the supplies we need." Wang Ziye said Gao Baotong I wrote down the location, but this location was so good that he didn't have much hope, and the residential area he passed was too dangerous.

Searching for supplies is not as good as cleaning up a community. The latter involves fighting in an environment you are familiar with. There is no need to worry at all. You can only act after everything is planned. But it also means that you have the right time, place, and people.But searching for supplies outside is different. You will be pressed for time, the weather does not exist, and there is no such thing as a good location in an unfamiliar environment. The most you can do is plan an escape route.As for people and people, the search team cannot bring too many people, as that would make the target too big and inflexible.

"I know a grain and oil store, the scale is not small. Because it is mainly used as a transfer station, it is located in a remote place, and apart from the staff of the grain store, few people know about it." Chen Zongwei obviously thought more about things than Gao Baotong, he proposed suggestion is very feasible.

"At present, our food reserves are not bad. What we need most now are weapons. It would be great if we have weapons." Chen Yuzhong suggested, "After all, we only have long guns made of steel pipes in our hands, which is very inconvenient when we go out. "

After these people finished speaking, everyone seemed to have found their way of thinking.Some people know of some clothing factories, which have a batch of orders that should not be sent out, so they can go to collect some clothes.Some know some building material warehouses, and they can get some steel to make weapons.In short, all kinds of materials are marked on Wang Ziye's map. Some of these materials are already on the map, but some information can be added after being kicked out.Some are not on the map at all.After all, the map in Wang Ziye's hands is only a civilian version, and what he has is only some markings of places that people usually go to.

After collecting all the information and opinions, Wang Ziye also found out the two targets he needed most.

One is a private club located on the outskirts of the city, where the location is more remote and few people know about it.Most importantly, there are likely to be weapons they desperately need.Because the owner of the clubhouse loves hunting, the main purpose of opening this clubhouse is to gather people with the same hobbies.

The second target is a little-known small factory. Although it is not known to the public, anyone who knows it knows the power of this factory.It does not mass-produce any products, only private customization for high-end users.Claiming that only imagination can limit demand...

ps: It’s true that sometimes it’s too tiring to save manuscripts, so I won’t post Chapter 2 for a few days.Stable and stable

(End of this chapter)

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