that zombie, don't run away

Chapter 60 Everyone Has a System

Chapter 60 Everyone Has a System

"Main task: 1. Clean up the community and prepare for the construction of the gathering place. The current progress is 87%
2. Gather survivors 342/100, completed.

3. Occupy habitable scenes such as buildings/caves, completed.

Reward upgrade progress 5%"

"System task, collect 10 followers, the current progress is 2/10. The reward system is 2% of the upgrade progress. Tips, completing this hidden task can greatly speed up the system upgrade."

"System task, submit a variety of mysterious power item information, each information increases the progress by 1%. Tip, this hidden task can provide additional upgrade progress for a long time."

This main task actually appeared when Wang Ziye returned to the community, but at that time the progress of the upgrade was still a little over 60%, adding this 5% was useless, so Wang Ziye never took it seriously superior.But after seeing the upgrade progress reached 95%, Wang Ziye had a kind of enlightenment.The system itself was created for the establishment of gathering places.

The 5% upgrade progress provided by the main quest can be achieved naturally according to the normal process, but now Wang Ziye has another choice.That is, he can complete the upgrade progress by completing hidden system tasks, and it just so happens that he just realized it now.

I got two kinds of items with mysterious power from the big mouse, and one kind from the iron guard zombie, which is exactly 3 kinds.If he is completing the follower quest, then Wang Ziye will be able to fully upgrade his progress immediately.

In fact, many gathering places have been established during this time period, but most of them are some big forces such as the army and associations.Their progress is completely different from that of Wang Ziye. The organized existence of the main task will be completed within a day or two after the doomsday erupts and humans no longer suddenly mutate into zombies. What they really have to wait for is the system itself. The process of upgrading.And if the host hardware is good enough, the natural upgrade speed will also be accelerated.The natural upgrade is a process of collecting data and calculating and analyzing.

Now Wang Ziye doesn't want to do the main task for the time being, at least not for a short time.Because if you want to complete the task now, you can only enter the underground garage to kill zombies.But people like myself can still play impressively by using various advantages, but once they enter the opponent's home court, unless everyone has the same ability to deal with zombies as Wang Ziye, otherwise it is impossible to clean up those zombies at a small price. zombies.

Looking at the few people around him, many Wang Ziye had impressions of them.Needless to say Ma Ze and Chen Zonghai, there are also 14 in total including Yi Biao, Zhao Fuli, Pei Hong, Lu Jifang, Li Xuerong, Chen Yuzhong, Qiu Hanying and Jia Jinlong.Some of these people are relatively close to Wang Ziye, and some of them performed well in battle, and their status is at least at the level of the team leader.

Among them, the one that Wang Ziye cared most about was Jia Jinlong, this guy who almost died not long ago, now not only does he not look weak at all, but he is in good spirits.I don’t know whether to say he was lucky or not. He was lucky. One time he was trapped in the elevator shaft for a long time before he was rescued. Another time he was tied up and trapped for several days. Did not die of thirst.But to say that he was unlucky, it was almost a fatal situation for others, but he survived, and nothing happened.

After Wang Ziye woke up, Chen Zongwei saw that he was fine.Now the management personnel are basically there, so Chen Zongwei took it with him and started the meeting.Its main content is nothing more than how to clean up the remaining zombies.

But Wang Ziye was not interested in their discussion at all, and in fact they had no good solution.

"You all have the system, right?" Wang Ziye abruptly intervened in other people's discussions, his voice was not too loud, but everyone could hear it, "Although the time to get the system is different, as long as you Anyone who still has a terminal should get the system."

After Wang Ziye finished speaking, time seemed to stand still.Of all the people present, only 2 people knew about it, Wang Ziye and Chen Zongwei.As for the others, they all looked at Wang Ziye who said such words in amazement.His words are not difficult to understand, but the information contained is not lacking at all.

Wang Ziye knew that they had a system, and that each of them had a system.So does this mean that Wang Ziye also has a system, and the other party knows much more about the system than they do.The fact is true, Wang Ziye's system is about to be upgraded, but these people have not even obtained the qualifications for the upgrade.Not all of them have personal hosts, but no one has paid attention to this thing, and no one has taken the initiative to turn it on after the end of the day.

"I need a few followers now. When I make this request, you should be able to get the mission prompt." Seeing that everyone was silent, Wang Ziye didn't wait for them to digest everything, and then said, "Whoever you want to be my follower can choose now. If anyone thinks that they need to think about it, it's a pity that I don't have that time for you to think about it. Everyone can make a decision now."

After Wang Ziye finished speaking, he stopped talking.He knew that the other party's system actually had corresponding information, and he could inquire about related matters when he received a task.

Followers are not actually free.Wang Ziye will become the lord after the system is upgraded, and his authority will be greatly improved at that time.Those who become followers will never become lords unless the lord abdicates. Their authority has always been lower than that of the lord, and a lot of information will never be unlocked for them, even if they lose their status as followers again.This is like letting a person who might have been the protagonist suddenly become a supporting role or even a group performer.In this way, it is difficult for these people who originally dreamed of being the protagonist to accept it.

"Ha, let me just say, how could I be so lucky to become a protagonist for no reason." It was Jia Jinlong who broke the silence first, "I accept, it's good to be a follower, you don't have to do anything Worry. Boss, you can take care of me in the future."

After having a leader, the others looked at each other, and one after another others expressed their agreement to become Wang Ziye's followers.Some of these people are because Wang Ziye does have such strength, and some are because they are under the roof...

Wang Ziye doesn't care how many of these people are sincere. In short, followers can be changed at any time. At present, he only needs to get 10 people to complete the task.

(End of this chapter)

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