Vault 32

Chapter 98

Chapter 98
The noisy sound was not concealed at all, and the thin wooden door could not block the transmission of that sound at all.I don't know who turned on the stereo. With the sound of laughing, harsh DJ music has also appeared in the room on the second floor, shaking the lights in the building as if shaking.

There seemed to be some interesting party here, and for a moment, the elite Anchorage defense line behind Liszt were a little stunned.The place didn't look like a heavily guarded military airport at all, but reminded them of an apartment for white-collar workers.The current appearance is also like a few friends gathered together on the weekend, turning on the stereo and drinking beer, talking about which beauty has the biggest dick, while lighting marijuana and having a high night all night.

"Leave them alone, this is a great opportunity for us."

Liszt's voice instantly appeared in everyone's headsets, causing the soldiers looking at the second floor to relax.This is an excellent opportunity. At least meeting these guys is much better than meeting those elite troops who are extremely vigilant.At least they don't have to worry about the high combat effectiveness of these guys. They dare to have a party in such a heavily guarded area, which also shows that these guys are not much better than those at the Juneau Air Force Base.

Spit fiercely towards the side, Liszt carefully bowed his waist and walked towards the front, and the Anchorage elites behind him quickly followed, but still carefully aimed their rifles at the second floor. Upstairs, watching the movement inside vigilantly.But everything was quite normal. When they went around the end of the airport and came to the opposite side of the runway, they found no other abnormalities.

"Very well, let's go."

Liszt was at the forefront, and his ability to predict danger was very keen. Compared with the ten Anchorage elites behind him, he could always spot danger at the first time.And their whole bodies have been covered by camouflage nets, covered by dense branches and bushes, not to mention that they are still in this dark forest, and they can't see anything abnormal even if they are far away.

The M16 assault rifle was pointed forward, and Liszt's breathing had slowed down, but his footsteps and figure were as nimble as a beaver, and he quickly passed the two-story building and came to the other side of the runway.Turning his head to see the soldiers behind him quickly following up, he gradually let go of his slowly raised heart, took out the communication device in his pocket, and frowned at the green dot on the map that was less than 300 meters away. The uneasiness in my heart still rose.

He still remembered what the guy waiting for rescue said, and when he turned on the map coordinates, the group of Canadian agents who were chasing him would immediately find out his location.But Liszt hasn't found any shadow of the agent until now, and no one in the partying camp behind him has been alarmed.

"It seems to be getting weirder."

The green dot on the map of the communicator remained motionless, and Lister couldn't help but frown tightly. From the time he got the information after arriving on the island, until now he was less than 300 meters away from that point, the Enclave organization waiting for rescue The member didn't change positions at all, as if they were quietly waiting for him there.But a person who is being chased by enemy agents, even to the point of being forced to ask for help, will really wait there quietly for rescue?

Even military students who have never experienced war would not believe this, let alone Liszt?He took a deep breath, the sour smell common in the forest made Liszt frowned.But he didn't find any special smell, and his sharp eyes still didn't find any suspicious movement. In the end, he looked down at the screen of the communicator and at the motionless green dot on the map, which made him feel more uneasy. started beating.

"The target is about to be touched, everyone pay attention to vigilance."

Turning his head and looking behind him, the ten heavily armed Anchorage elites were holding weapons in their hands, carefully guarding and observing the movement around them.Liszt felt a little more relaxed, turned around and bowed slightly, and walked towards the slightly raised hill in front of him.For the ten veterans behind him, Liszt also chose to trust. After all, when he selected this rescue team, he had already found the best members of the whole team to join it.

These guys have all participated in the Mexican campaign, and have experienced endless security warfare against the guerrillas on the Mexican battlefield.Everyone has killed people on the battlefield before, and the experience is no worse than those elite special forces members.Even the real aliens were shot into a sieve with the rifles in their hands. What is there to fear for the Canadian agents on this small island?

Everyone followed Liszt and moved forward cautiously. Their faces were extremely cautious, but there was only indifference in their eyes.The M16 assault rifles and M249 light machine guns in their hands were already aimed at the top of the hill ahead. As long as there was the slightest movement, it would probably be an instant burst of metal frenzy!

Gently raising his legs and stepping forward, the M16 assault rifle in Liszt's hand was still aimed at the top of the mountain ahead, but the green data stream in his eyes made him turn the gun instantly.His pace has stopped, and the overflow of data in his eyes that only he can see has also stabilized, but the muzzle of the rifle in Liszt's hand has been aimed at the mountainside a few meters ahead, slowly He said in a deep voice, "Sir, it's a pleasure to see you tonight."

The Anchorage elites behind him were stunned for a moment, but everyone's movements stopped immediately. They bent down with their weapons in hand and carefully scanned the complex woodland environment around them.And two other people approached Liszt holding M16 assault rifles, carefully watching the surrounding situation, but also aimed the guns at the top of the hill.

"Alaska is not a Hawaiian beach. If you are willing to enjoy the moonlight under the soil, then I respect your choice, although this hobby is quite surprising."

Looking at the hill in front of him without any movement at all, Liszt couldn't help but let out a cold snort.The data flow in his eyes is still shallowly overflowing. Although he can't see the people hidden under the soil layer in front of him, he can still feel it through his eyes. This is a rather wonderful ability.But Liszt didn't think too much, just took half a step back, and said slowly: "But 10:30 is about to arrive in 10 minutes, if you are sure to hide here, then we will choose leave."

The soldiers behind Liszt frowned slightly, but they also looked towards the mountainside where Liszt's gun pointed, but they didn't find anything suspicious.That seemed to be an ordinary mountainside soil layer, and there seemed to be some weeds growing on it, which were quite lush and lush. Obviously, they didn't find anything unusual.

But they still pointed their guns at that mountainside, just like Liszt did.Looking at Liszt's cautious appearance, they have already chosen to believe it.Especially after they have killed even the most unlikely aliens, their confidence in Liszt has almost reached the peak, and they are subconsciously willing to believe in Liszt!

"Major Liszt, I am also glad that you came here in time."

A voice suddenly appeared in the soil layer that was originally indistinguishable, and as the sudden sound sounded, a pair of hands slowly appeared in the soil layer, and then a figure whose body was covered in mud slowly appeared. stood up.He took off the breathing mask he was wearing on his face, looked at the surrounding soldiers who were still slightly shocked, but turned to the expressionless Liszt, and smiled slightly: "It's really possible."

Slowly patted the dirt on his body, these small gadgets also made him a little uncomfortable, but he looked at Liszt, and said in a slightly mocking tone: "Your nose seems to be bigger than some Animals are even more sensitive, and I was so surprised to find me here."

"Surprised? I don't think there is anything to be surprised about."

Liszt frowned and looked at this guy covered in mud, but couldn't help frowning slightly.These Enclave-born people are quite proud, which O'Neill and Evan can see.Now that he has developed immunity, he just turned around with a cold snort, and at the same time said to this guy: "I don't have time to tell you some jokes. If you want to leave, you'd better keep up with us. If something happens In case of an accident, we can do our best to protect you."

The guy covered in dirt immediately followed, and the submachine gun in his hand was already in his hand.But when he looked at the quiet environment around him, and the second-floor building that was still lit not far away, he clenched his teeth tightly and took a few deep breaths, as if to ease the fear in his heart. He said to Liszt in front: "You must protect me, even if all of you die in battle!"

His words were so merciless that the eyes of the ten Anchorage elite defense linemen around him subconsciously glanced at him.But this guy didn't feel anything wrong at all, he followed Liszt carefully with the submachine gun in his hand, and didn't pay attention to other people at all.

PS: Thank you very much, the monthly pass has reached 22 in an instant, haha, in the science fiction monthly pass list, I have almost reached the top [-].Although the group of people in front are simply beasts... they all have two or three hundred monthly tickets, but I believe that as long as I work hard to break out, you can still continue to vote monthly tickets!Thank you for your monthly pass!Thank you for your rewards!I want to stick to Wanchang!persist in!Well, I admit that I owe you [-] chapters now... just why do I feel a little, ballsy sad? TOT
(End of this chapter)

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